Just a heads up regarding when companies reply to your application or when you had a face to face interview and meeting,
If you think companies actually take the time and write replies and emails like the one im copy pasting below you are wrong. They do not care about you at all. The reality is that messages like the ones below are just a smart marketing trick, where the company ultimatley wants you to think good about them. Even though you did not get the job/offer.
Until the company actually has made a concrete offer for YOU, that company deserves as little attention and brain thinking as possible. I did the exact opposite when i was applying for jobs a few years back, and it only did more harm than good from my experience.
Thoughts that usually where present whole days for me:
- What if they call?
- What if i get that mail?
- I must check my mail at least 10 times/day so i dont miss their mail IF they mail me?
- I want to be ready for them, not for several companies, hey im loyal!
Its extremely easy when you are desperate to think and rationalize that the company liked you and that you where close in moving forward with them.
"Hi Daante,
I wanted to get back to you regarding your resume. I reviewed your resume with the team and it doesn't look like it is going to be a perfect fit for what they are looking for today. However, your background is very strong and we would like to stay in touch with you for future opportunities.
We will reach out should the role requirements change or a new position (more suitable) becomes available.
There are many places for you to consider leveraging your talent and experience. We thank you for your interest in xxxxxx.
Best", xxxx