Might not be applicable since I am from Russia and it might be different here.
But don't give up. After University it took me 3 months to find a job. Was shitty company, pay was shit, conditions were shit, was payed under the table. But I needed anything, experience and something to put on my CV even more than money. Hell, my pay was lower than unemployment check in most 1st world countries. And that was a white collar job.
Can't stress enough, that you need to work your ass off even at a shitty job, not only you get experience, but at very least recommendation from your boss.
Worked in a horrible place for 7 months, applied to few jobs, got one in not so shitty big oil company, still Russian. Worked my ass there with better conditions, but still not so great pay, got more recommendations and network connections. After 11 months got an offer for very good position, excellent benefits and insane salary by Russian standards in one of the Big4 - at PwC.
Now 2 years later. I am keeping my LinkedIn up to date and I get weekly offers from headhunters, every time I bring up my market value my current employer has matched it and even offered more than the offers elsewhere.
Again, might be different for someone else because of education and country, but I was almost hopeless with my math degree, now I am working for one of the best employers in the world, finished my ACCA and getting my Master's in Finance.