I'm not in HR. Not even close really, I'm an engineer.
Imho you will have to pass several hurdles before anyone will actually read your cover letter.
The CV is much easier to parse quickly and will in most cases be significantly more important to the first impression than the cover letter.
Never heard of europass before, the examples I find via image search honestly don't look all that great to me. They try too cram too much onto one page.
I have my CV in Word and Pages it's also a tabular CV and has evolved over time. My CV actually has a semi cover page, with my personal data and a short profile naming the main points about me, my career path and wishes in a few bullet points.
These bullet points I will always taylor to the position I am applying to e.g.
'Looking for new challenges in
exactly the field that the opening is for'
Keep in mind there probably isn't one correct way of doing it, and every HR-rep will have other expectations depending on his or her own background and education.