So I graduated high school with my A+ Certification in 07, graduated from a Tech School with an AAS Degree in Comp. Networking & Internet Technologies in 09, middle of the market crash. Tons of buddies already in IT lost their jobs back then, thrust into the job market alongside me and made it impossible for me to find decent entry level work for my knowledge level. I was on the way to certifying for Net+ and CCNA.
Fastforward to today, I've kept myself afloat with computer and tech-related side-jobs through word-of-mouth, part-time subcontractor work, and my TESOL certification as an English Tutor. but now I'm looking for full-time entry level IT work in my local school district because I'm still 25 living with my elderly parents and they need me to earn a more regular salary money to make ends meet, plus I've always wanted to do IT for a living. So I passed a District-administered IT test with 80% on my first try without reviewing any of my old certifications books and I qualify for work as IT in a K-5 school.
Here's what I'm looking at: [Job Description and Pay info in this Link] They offer entry-level IT jobs for External Applicants for Elementary schools, K-5. Middle/High are for Internal Applicats who have previous years experience in the field. I'd be a 10-month employee, with the same days off that the kids have, 6 weeks summer, 2 weeks christmas, 1 week thanksgiving, 1 week spring break, holidays, etc. That position is to work alone, 1-per school making sure all the tech on the software and connectivity side is working. the only moderately advanced thing I was asked about was familiarity with Active Directory (easymode lol). Hardware fixes and upgrades and new installations are done by other District IT-Support workers. It's a position where I'd not be micromanaged, pretty much left to address the various support tickets sent by staff to me through an NEW eSupport ticket system that was implemented in July of 2014. Healthcare and Pension/Retirement plans, etc, all the perks. Their last IT guy was there for 4 years and is moving up to a Middle School, sounds like great job security (which is what i need right now) as long as I know my stuff.
I've gotten past the Round1 Panel interview (Principal, ESE Coordinator, current IT guy). and I'm called earlier today to be going in tomorrow morning for Round 2 with the Principal again, this time the Asst. Principal too.
Anything I should ask tomorrow in Round2's Interview?Anything I should have in mind to bring up at this point if I haven't already, in general and from an entry-level IT perspective?
Round1 Interview Notes I made:
-during Round1 the principal mentioned (in passing) that they were still trying to get the teachers to use the new ticket system (which was implemented July of 2014, the old system was retired June 2014). this system is centralized along with the District-wide IT-Support Desk that I would personally escalate issues to if I can't, so it'd be very useful if it was being used. Before these systems issues were made known over e-mail or phone, but I think this is important to allow me to keep pace with the last IT guy of 4 years in this new environment for me. I'd like to offer for me to train the teachers and other non-instructional staff how to use it, maybe on a teacher-work-day if they have no classes to take and are free? I have the patience to teach from my experience as a Tutor and I've made that known, but I don't want to sound like I'm demanding they embrace this new support ticket system that will make my job way easier before I even have the job. What do?
- ESE coordinator asked if it was okay for me to be assigned other duties outside my job description on a seldom basis, one example she gave was watching the kids for 20 minutes at lunch in the cafeteria, which I had no issue with. But Idk if this is just one tiny thing in a pool of many more things outside my job description that i would be asked to do. I don't want to be taken advantage of, but I want to be there to do my best to help the teachers who are teaching the leaders of the future, so... idk if I should ask what "other" duties i might have.
Any other tips appreciated, IT-GAF.