Okay, that was strange.
I posted my automotive photography project on a Facebook group, got a few likes, and unexpectedly, a comment comes in saying "SHIFT will be hiring another photographer soon. Let me know if you are interested.
I sent them a message stating that I was only interested in part time and flexible hours due to school.
I got kind of weary about it just being spam, but I got curious, so I did some digging around about the person, but I couldn't find out anything about them working for Shift.
So, about 8 hours later, I thought about it some more and went to the Shift website and came up on a live chat thing. I would post the conversation, but it's long enough for me to not feel like posting it.
Basically, I asked about employment and the guy that responded said that he doesn't "take care of recruitment." He then asks for the name of the person who contacted me, and after that, he confirmed that they were actually legitimate and that they work right next to each other in the office.
So, he took down the fact that we spoke and is going to tell her when he gets a chance, and he told me to make sure to apply for the position, but it's not even up on the site..
So, I have only one job they I have work experience in, 10 hours of volunteer work done, and a photography project that I've designed the logo for, and taken all the photos for...
I know that this post is lengthy, but I'm just wondering. What are the odds of me getting this from a general standpoint of experience?