Oh man... Just came in this thread and saw people talking about call center jobs.
Wew!!! Man, the memories.
I will say this: There are certainly very "colorful" people you get to meet. Especially since we had no dress code at the time. People working there certainly had quite the imaginations. Wew lawd.
Our client at our call center was SPRINT. Like another poster above me stated, you will come away from the job with A FULL UNDERSTANDING OF JUST HOW STUPID PEOPLE CAN GET ON A PHONE CALL. I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL KNOW.
Anyways, the money is good for what it is. The breaks you get feel like nothing. When you are on the job, you are working. Hard. When you are not on the job, you are on break... Thinking about work. It is so mentally draining at times that you just want to sit there in silence. You will need a full night's sleep (8hrs) or ELSE. I promise you won't make it here long unless you sleep well.
Taking days off, calling out, and holidays? Forget it. They don't exist. You work Xmas, you work Thanksgiving, you work, you work, you work. Think you will take off for a planned date? Guess what? You now work that day. And if you manage to get a day off? You better make it up!!!! That's right. You MUST hit 40 hours a week. Sometimes if your call center wasn't meeting goals, they would "enforce" mandatory overtime. ....yea
Meeting monthly goals. You'll get them. This is actually pretty easy. You take a couple of calls a day (our minimum at the time was around 65 calls/day). Your handle times (time on a single call), had to be 2.5 minutes or less. Not too bad.
The big one was that we were also tier 1 tech support (as well as billing). Oh my god the idiots. How in the world do you call tech support ON THE PHONE YOU NEED HELP WITH? You wouldn't believe how many times that would happen.
Me:"I need you to do a reset on your phone pls".
Cust:..." Hmmmmmm I can't do that."
Cust: "...imm on it now".
Me: ...
All in all. Money is money. It is a great "in between" job that teaches you customer service skills and communication skills (and fucking patience) lol.
You learn things there that will stay with you forever.