I only use Greenify to hibernate the apps that can drain battery or slow down the system.
PS: damn your avatar, one the best videos ever made
+1 for Greenify.
It's pretty much perfect and the only battery saving/hiberate app you'll ever need.
I only use Greenify to hibernate the apps that can drain battery or slow down the system.
PS: damn your avatar, one the best videos ever made
<3 Greenify
Search in youtube "Hysterical Literature stoya", very NSFWwhat video is that
Here's my experience on a Nexus 4:
Notifications dim music and play over it. However, MULTIPLE facebook messenger notifications (no idea if this applies to other apps) that come through at the same time will PERMANENTLY dim the music until the next track or a pause/play.
Whatsapp notfications will play over podcasts in full volume. Facebook Messenger notifications will PAUSE the podcast momentarily and play the notification. If multiple notifications come through at the same time, the podcast becomes completely paused and you have to press the play button to resume it again.
Android's audio notifications are pure shit.
I can't help but think faceless makes his font comic sans just to mess with us. Nobody would seriously use comic sans as the system font on their nice smartphone...
Does anyone know of a minimal widget that can be used with Google Play Music? I've been using Shuttle for awhile, but now that Google Play Music has been updated substantially I'd like to move back to that. The only problem is that I really like the widget for Shuttle, pictured below.
Does anyone know of something that looks like this or is heavily customizable that also works with Google Play Music? It's so much more convenient to just hit play on my home screen than to have to boot up the app just so that I can resume where I left off.
Xperia Z font for life. Looks great on NII.
This is probably a dumb question, but how did you get all those icons? I love the flat theme, but my S3 is just running TouchWiz. Do they come with alternate launchers?
There are many alternate launchers available on the play store (apex, Go launcher, ADW, Nova). Download one and have a mess about. You can always revert back if its not to your liking
Also take a peep in this thread. Theres also great stuff on http://mycolorscreen.com/
Sorry, I should have clarified my question a bit more. I meant to ask if these icons come with alternate launchers? Or do I have to download a new launcher and then download a new icon set separately?
I've only messed around with Nova for a few minutes, so I'm not too familiar with anything except TouchWiz.
well remember, it's a Samsung Flagship running TouchWiz. it has FlipFont support so i can change fonts anytime in the settings. no flashing, no rebooting, etc...
Sorry, I should have clarified my question a bit more. I meant to ask if these icons come with alternate launchers? Or do I have to download a new launcher and then download a new icon set separately?
I've only messed around with Nova for a few minutes, so I'm not too familiar with anything except TouchWiz.
icon pack
There are many alternate launchers available on the play store (apex, Go launcher, ADW, Nova). Download one and have a mess about. You can always revert back if its not to your liking
Also take a peep in this thread. Theres also great stuff on http://mycolorscreen.com/
Wow, that looks atrocious. Who Comic Sans'd your phone to hell and back? You should kick his ass.
I remember reading about some app which had a fully functional free trial version but it would change the font of the app to comic sans after a week and would remain that way until you bought it.
That is the best incentive to upgrade to the pro version ever devised.
Google+ updated on the playstore says update not compatible with my nexus4... google stahp
Anyone know a good alternative to Fitocracy? I really couldn't care less about all the social options. I just need something to keep track of my workouts with a good interface. I also like that fitocracy lets me load up how much I lifted the last time I worked out, but I just hate that it always takes forever and it often won't load up my last workout but instead loads up the one before that.
I remember reading about some app which had a fully functional free trial version but it would change the font of the app to comic sans after a week and would remain that way until you bought it.
That is the best incentive to upgrade to the pro version ever devised.
Its the same for everyone. They messed up the manifest file.
(the tab images didn't load because I just started the browser.)
So Opera Mobile updated to the WebKit version. The change log doesn't yet reflect that (I wouldn't have updated if I knew this was the WebKit version) but it isn't as horrible as I imagined.
It still does this, though:
All the WebKit browsers on mobile do this, and I have zero idea why.
Also, the tab switcher is better than Chrome's but worse than original Opera Mobile:
(the tab images didn't load because I just started the browser.)
I am not happy with it overall, but I'll try to adjust, I guess. It was really annoying typing this post, though...
I really hate the new tab switcher. The app is much slower overall too.
So is there a way via apps to make notifications better on Android? Stuff like LockerPro is mediocre and TeslaUnread just blows.. iOS' use of badges and lockscreen notifications seem far superior imo and its annoying to keep track of everything on my One since I get a lot of work stuff.
Just coming from iOS, I've been tinkering non-stop with notifications and lockscreen info. Apple made it very very easy on us.
Well, I have NiLS and SMS Popup taking care of everything for me. NiLS allows you to disable certain notifications which is nice. And I have SMS Popup set to not popup on screen, just show on lockscreen and in task bar.
This is the best combo I have found that gives me notifications most similair to iOS
So is there a way via apps to make notifications better on Android? Stuff like LockerPro is mediocre and TeslaUnread just blows.. iOS' use of badges and lockscreen notifications seem far superior imo and its annoying to keep track of everything on my One since I get a lot of work stuff.
I only use Greenify to hibernate the apps that can drain battery or slow down the system.
PS: damn your avatar, one the best videos ever made
Just wanted to mention that if you don't have any screen lock you can pull down notification shade without unlocking the device. Don't know if that would solve anything for you, but just throwing that out there.
Yup know that
Just like having clean, at a glance information when I need it. Just readjusting I guess.
I need a browser that doesn't crash (my firefox does) and plays gifs in e.g. funny pictures thread properly (my chrome doesn't) - any suggestions or do I have to try out every option?![]()
Chrome is awesome. I opened up a bunch of tabs on gaf, then had the call of nature. Went to the porcelain throne, got the phone out and carried on looking at the tabs I had opened on chrome mobile. We are living in the future!