guys is there anyway I can get rid of Hangouts and use gtalk instead?
guys is there anyway I can get rid of Hangouts and use gtalk instead?
yupdid Hangouts come preinstalled on your device?
Is tehre any good recipe apps? I'm familiar w/ Epicurious and Allrecipes and things like that, but I find plenty of links to cooking blogs, or I've got pictures of recipes I've taken w/ my phone and just refer to the pictures when cooking. Is there some sort of app that will collect these links and photos into one general app-umbrella for easy reference?
Or is my best bet downloading an app and manually inputting the recipes, ingredients, etc from the links/photos, etc? I'd rather not do that as it's awfully time intensive.
i'm guessing you'll need to root and remove it, then install an APK of the older app.
I've used Paprika, which I love on the desktop—but the Android version is pretty sketchy. So then I tried Evernote Food, which is awesome because I use Evernote so much, and can just use the ordinary Evernote Web Clipper to pull recipes in. But then I realized that it was easier to actually FIND my recipes with the ordinary Evernote app (Evernote Food doesn't organize them much), so now I just use that.
So my recommendation is just plain Evernote, with a notebook specifically for recipes. Or if you just gotta have something that feels like a recipe app, Evernote Food. For what it's worth, Evernote Food does have a pretty cool recipe discovery thing built right in.
Any alternate SMS app to Go SMS that has similar features?
I need somebody to do me a favor. If you could extract the .apk for the Crunchyroll Manga app for me, I would be very grateful, the app is blocked here in Germany. An easy way to do it would be to install it and extract the .apk via Apk Extractor for example.
The power button on my S3 died last night. Dealing with getting this fixed/replaced will be a bitch but in the meantime, is there an alternative way to turn the phone off without having to wait 15 seconds? A widget or something that acts as a power button?
It's not rooted, and it's on 4.1.2
I use simple cover lock. It's free and I'm also not rooted.The power button on my S3 died last night. Dealing with getting this fixed/replaced will be a bitch but in the meantime, is there an alternative way to turn the phone off without having to wait 15 seconds? A widget or something that acts as a power button?
It's not rooted, and it's on 4.1.2
The power button on my S3 died last night. Dealing with getting this fixed/replaced will be a bitch but in the meantime, is there an alternative way to turn the phone off without having to wait 15 seconds? A widget or something that acts as a power button?
It's not rooted, and it's on 4.1.2
What's the name of that app that let's you sell stuff really fast and easily?
EDIT: Nvm, it's SOLD
Asking again, anyone knows any widgets for Gmail that have a nice skin, hoping for something that looks minimalistic with white font and dark transparent background. Thanks
I dont touch power button and have been using Screen Off and Lock since forever. Don't need root
reinstalled Tasker and created a few profiles now that I actually have places to be and I can forget to toggle stuff
what kind of profiles do you guys have?
I'm going to make another one where it will give me a choice to open a music app when i plug earphones in.
Have you guys seen hellotext? It's a SMS app like Textra but has a really cool tabbed interface. Lightweight and fast, too.
Have you guys seen hellotext? It's a SMS app like Textra but has a really cool tabbed interface. Lightweight and fast, too.
One that reads my texts for me when the screen is off and my headphones are plugged. Very helpful, imo.
I'm going to make another one where it will give me a choice to open a music app when i plug earphones in.
How do I get my s4 to stop interrupting my music when I get a notification
Does it have pop up SMS settings? That's really the only feature I care about.
How do I get my s4 to stop interrupting my music when I get a notification
will it only be silent for earphones plugged in or silent all the time?
How do I get my s4 to stop interrupting my music when I get a notification
Download Tasker.
Set it up to mute notifications when headphones are plugged in. Will reverse when unplugged.
Can do same thing if blue tooth is connected.
Have you guys seen hellotext? It's a SMS app like Textra but has a really cool tabbed interface. Lightweight and fast, too.
Have you guys seen hellotext? It's a SMS app like Textra but has a really cool tabbed interface. Lightweight and fast, too.
couple of my pics from Hellotext since I dont think the store page does a good job of showing it
really dig the fact that you can mark messages as "read" directly from the notification bar too
Mm that looks sexy. How well does it handle MMS?
I randomly sent a pic to a friend but he didnt respond, but it seemed to work fine
camera button lets you take a pic and browse all images with an in-app gallery: