You can, but it basically just copies the text from what I understand.Google Keep? I don't know if it has an option to share though.
Anybody have any recommendations of good task list/to do list apps? Ever since Astrid shut down I've tried Wunderlist and but haven't really found either to be all that great. Ideally I'd like it to have the ability to share lists or tasks.
Any suggestions?
Anybody have any recommendations of good task list/to do list apps? Ever since Astrid shut down I've tried Wunderlist and but haven't really found either to be all that great. Ideally I'd like it to have the ability to share lists or tasks.
Any suggestions?
Anybody have any recommendations of good task list/to do list apps? Ever since Astrid shut down I've tried Wunderlist and but haven't really found either to be all that great. Ideally I'd like it to have the ability to share lists or tasks.
Any suggestions?
Is it really worth buying?
One million gallery albums no more!
Redirect File Organizer finally offers a way to automatically organise your files.
The concept is simple, you create a 'Redirect/s' in my app that contains some info about how you want your device organised (eg. Move Movie and Video files to the /movies folder), once you've created it once the app will automatically organise however you have told it to.
- Move your Video files to one folder.
- Move your gifs to one place.
- Consolidate your music.
- Automatically manage files from your Internal Storage to SD Card with no intervention!
- Easily backup files.
- Keep your work documents organised.
- Make a mistake or don't like how it is organised? - Just click undo and try again.
- Support for Android 2.3+
- Insanely fast - Redirected 29 files per second on a HTC One*
- Extremely low footprint.
- Ability to edit Redirects.
- Create custom Redirects!
- Tasker Support
Google Keep? I don't know if it has an option to share though.
Not an app but Workflowy is pretty great and has an ok mobile version of the site.
Tasks and/or No Nonsense Notes
hmm Wunderlist has the option to share the to-do list with someone
I've been using that
pushbullet's new thing with Android notifications is almost perfect and surprisingly useful
the trouble comes when you get say, two whatsapp messages together. In that case the PC notification just says "2 new messages", meaning you still have to pick up your phone to see what the message is.
to be fair that's how it is in the notification bar too, so I guess it's to be expected
Sorry to revisit the Tasker topic.
How is Tasked with shutting off the lock screen when asked to? The problem I'm having with Llama is the even when I tell it to disable the lock screen when on my home WiFi, it doesn't do it half the time.
Thinking about going to Tasker because of this, but thought I would ask you guys that actually use it.![]()
Check out AutoRemote and AutoNotification:ãoDias/posts/dN6KMcGHqSh
If you have Android 4.3+ it can get all of your notifications text (including multiple messages if the expanded notifications shows them), image, icon and buttons and send them to your browser.You can even dismiss the notifications from the browser if you so choose.
Action Launcher 2.0 demo.
Really liking the Quick Page, wish Nova had that.
wow, Im officially old and dont understand Google Plus, what did you just link??? Is there an app to download or something? just a bunch of people talking about the plugin. Im very interested in setting this up.
Well the OT didn't help much. What browser is currently the best to use? I use XScope, and feel like the guys behind it aren't going to update it.
Besides chrome, what browsers do you guys use? I'm willing to pay for a browser.
Sorry, should've given a bit more context.That's just my Google+ community where I posted the video some time ago. A G+ community is just a forum like GAF.
AutoNotification and AutoRemote are 2 Tasker plugins that expand on Tasker's core functionality.
In this example, AutoNotification intercepts the notification, and AutoRemote sends that notification to your browser.
The great part is that, like all things Tasker, it's not a predetermined setup. You set it up the way you want to. You can just as well create a popup with the notification, or say the text out loud.
Here you can get an idea on how to make AutoRemote work: and if you're into it, check it the recent 3.0 release here: Sorry for the shameless self promotion btw![]()
It's on sale too?
Submarino Conversível;92675386 said:I bought it and I'm liking it so far
Well the OT didn't help much. What browser is currently the best to use? I use XScope, and feel like the guys behind it aren't going to update it.
Besides chrome, what browsers do you guys use? I'm willing to pay for a browser.
wow, Im officially old and dont understand Google Plus, what did you just link??? Is there an app to download or something? just a bunch of people talking about the plugin. Im very interested in setting this up.
You can use PushBullet for free and get the same things!
Convert Everything unit converter includes:
Acceleration - Angular
Acceleration - Linear
Electric Potential
Ring size
Brix and Baume
Oven Temperature
Fuel Consumption
Large Numbers
Alphanumeric phone number to all numeric
Wire gauge
Sheet metal gauge
Colors - Hex to RGB, RGB to hex
Metric Unit
Men's Pants
Men's Hats
Men's Underwear
Men's Socks
Men's Dress Shirts
Men's Shoes
Women's Shoes
Women's Clothing Size
Men's Suits and Coats
Men's T-shirts
Text conversions - ASCII, hexadecimal, binary, Morse code, Base64, UPPERCASE,lowercase,sWitch cASE, Title Case, First letter of sentence, URL encode, remove spaces, remove extras, rot13 cipher, reverse text, reverse words
Moment of Force
Specific Heat Capacity
Heat Capacity
Illumination - Luminous Intensity
Digital Image Resolution
Planetary Weight
Planetary Age
Roman Numerals
Volume Charge Density
Temperature Interval
Latent Heat
HVAC Efficiency
Chemical - Henry''s Law
Calorific Value
Specific Volume
Thermal Expansion
Magnetomotive Force
Surface Charge Density
Surface Current Density
Magnetic Field Strength
Thermal Resistivity
Thermal Conductivity
Surface Tension
Viscosity - Dynamic
Viscosity - Kinematic
Concentration - Liquid Solution
Concentration - Molar
Data Storage
Data Transfer
Electric Field
Volume - Dry
Volume - Lumber
Velocity - Angular
Radiation - Exposure
Radiation - Radioactivity
Radiation - Dose Equivalent
Radiation - Absorbed Dose Rate
Radiation - Absorbed Dose
Flow - Mass
Flow - Molar
Heat Flux Density
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Linear Charge Density
Linear Current Density
Magnetic Flux
Magnetic Flux Density
Mass Flux Density
Moment of Inertia
Area of Room
Blood Sugar
Cooking - butter
Time - Unix timestamp
Frequency wavelength
Time - Lead time - add days/weeks/months/years to a given date
Time - Remove time - remove days/weeks/months/years to a given date
Time - Days until - number of days until a given date
Wind chill
Volume - Objects: Barrel,Cone,Cube,Cylinder - hollow,Ellipsoid,Polygon,Pyramid,Rectangular Box,Sphere,Sphere-partially filled,Torus,Trapezoid,Wedge,Cylinder, Cuboid, Cylinder - Hemispherical ends
Women's bra band size
Women's bra cup size
Children's shoes (4-7yrs)
Children's shoes (7-12yrs)
Toddler shoes
Infant shoes
Area - Shapes: Annulus,Circle,Ellipse,Parallelogram,Rectangle,Sector of a Circle,Square,Trapezoid,Equilateral Triangle,Right Triangle,Scalene Triangle
Perimeter - Shapes: Circle,Rectangle,Polygon,Square,Parallelogram,Triangle,Rhombus,Trapezium,Ellipse
Surface Area - Sphere,Ellipsoid,Cuboid,Cube,Cylinder,Cone,Right square pyramid
You can use PushBullet for free and get the same things!
pushbullet is the truth
(not notification sync though, that seems so unnecessary to me, plus its a huge battery killer)
I thought push bullet only sent the status bar text?
Is there anyway to do this with Firefox?? dont really like Chrome.
Kit kat launcher is uhm....yeah. Atleast i get a transparent bar but only on the desktop? So disappointing Why wouldn't google make this bar transparent on all screen and all phones?Shet.
Tasker is very powerful, but it's clunky as hell to use. But to give you some examples of what you can do here's what I use:
On my phone I have it turn on screen lock when off my home WiFi and off when back on it.
For both phone and tablet I have it put them on silent at a specific time and turn on sound at another.
Using Llama to disable screen lock when on hone WiFi is one of the best things I've ever done on a phone, so thank you!Yes, Llama is nearly as powerful and free.
I just switched to this, I love the look. I went from Falcon back to Twitter, and now I'm using this but keeping Twitter's favourite notifications on.You guys need to check out Tweedle. The Dev just completely rebuilt the app and it might be one of the only Android Twitter apps that rivals the clean polish of Tweetbot. It's a tiny bit laggy when you first load it but I'm sure that'll get better in time.
And it's free!
Saw this before, ignored it. Watched the video, tried it, bought it. Even after buying Nova a couple days ago. I'm not sure which I like better. What sold me was the quick page, although it has already gotten in the way once.
Action Launcher 2.0 demo.
Really liking the Quick Page, wish Nova had that.
I reinstalled (well, installed the beta), but I remember now why I uninstalled it in the first place: it's awful with text boxes like this one. It places the text cursor 2 lines above where you click, which has made posting this post far more awkward than it should have been. Does anyone know of a way to fix that?I exclusively use Firefox.
Hey gaf I made a conversion app. If you find an app with more conversions let me know
I've been waiting months for an update to your 'Stay Awake' app...
Hey gaf I made a conversion app. If you find an app with more conversions let me know
Hey I got a update for Stay Awake but it didn't add the boot option or fix the menu button :/
Well the menu thing is because it's for 2.2+ devices, the boot thing I still have to add in![]()
Is there another app for 4.0+ devices that I missed?!
Have you considered ActionBar Sherlock or other such measures?
Haven't considered will take a look at it though.
p.s. Google has added their own official substitue for actionbar sherlock iirc
I reinstalled (well, installed the beta), but I remember now why I uninstalled it in the first place: it's awful with text boxes like this one. It places the text cursor 2 lines above where you click, which has made posting this post far more awkward than it should have been. Does anyone know of a way to fix that?
p.s. Google has added their own official substitue for actionbar sherlock iirc
I was under the same impression until I actually read the doc. Back to ABS as fast as I can. I'm considering dropping pre-ICS altogether now, so tempting.
I'm not getting that at all but maybe its because I'm using Nightly.
Hey gaf I made a conversion app. If you find an app with more conversions let me know
Can anyone recommend a good reminder app? Preferably free.
something more in-depth than just setting one in Google Now?