Does anyone here use voice to add tasks to their calendar? Sometimes I'm in a rush and I think of something to add to my to-do list but I just don't have time to go bother going into the calendar itself. Maybe my calendar app is just too slow and I should try something else, but does anyone have a quick app that works just for adding things in a hurry? I can finesse and edit the entry later, assuming it's there for me to remember it at all.
I'm using Agenda Widget +. With it you can set up custom buttons that will take you straight to the calendar/gtasks/astrid/or other tasks apps to quickly add a task.
Here's my set up: There's a "hidden" button on the bottom right area of the agenda widget tile (opacity set to zero).
From here, if you press Google it takes straight to a new item to add in the calendar. Likewise for Astrid/gtasks.