Nothing, nothing beats Google Reader for consuming RSS feeds. No glitter! No sparkle! Just headlines. Every other app is pretty, with pictures and all that jazz, but that takes way from going through hundreds of article headlines and picking which one to read (or read it later with Pocket).
That said, I do love Flipboard's new integration with Google+, and the integration with Reader is not too shabby either.
Flipboard Vs Pulse
- Flipboard is prettier than Pulse.
- But Pulse gives you a larger choice of articles to gaze upon with nice pictures.
- I use both for curated articles
Personally I've been doing this for reading articles:
Google Reader (Chrome or Android App) - If I don't have the time to read the entire article I Pocket it (also through the Chrome extension or via Android share to Pocket).
Second choice is either Flipboard or Pulse, fallowed by Google+.