Nope. Found the APK though but it seems Google Music does not have lock screen controls? That's pretty much essential for a music player...
It does on my phone. Here's what my lock screen (with pattern unlock) looks like when playing music:
RoadHazard said:
What phone and Android version are you on? For some reason I thought you had a GNex with 4.0.x, but I now see that you never actually said that.
It does on stock android. I'm guessing you've got a samsung/HTC?
Yeah, if your phone has TouchWiz or something like that on it rather than running vanilla Android I guess that could be the problem.
Since I'm not much of an "on-the-go" kind of guy, I really haven't unlocked the full potential of my first smart phone either. Are there any Apps that people can recommend in the "Once you try it, you can't live without it" category?
Dropbox is really useful to me, mostly because it uploads every photo and video I take with my phone to my account, and thus to my computer, so I never have to manually copy them over. Now, Google+ does the same thing with its instant upload feature, but those only end up in the cloud, not on your computer. Also, G+ doesn't upload screenshots, while Dropbox does (if your phone can take screenshots). Really convenient when you want to show something from your phone, as I'm doing in this very post. I just have to take the screenshot, wait a few seconds, and there it is in the Dropbox folder on my PC.
Airdroid is an awesome way to wirelessly access your phone from your PC. You can read and answer texts, play the music on your phone, view images, copy files in both directions, etc., all from the PC browser interface.
-Is there an App that can make the GPS more accurate? I've tried tracking my location and it finds that I'm about 100-150 feet West of where I actually am. I have a Garmin Handheld GPS that's dead accurate.
GPS Status & Toolbox might be able to help with that. It can refresh your A-GPS data, which can help your GPS get a good fix significantly faster.
-I've got a lot of various misc apps that came bundled with the phone, is there a resource/app that can recommend what can be removed and what can't/shouldn't?
If you
can uninstall an app, I'd say it's safe to do so. System apps can't be uninstalled (only reverted to the version they originally were by uninstalling any updates), and bundled apps/bloatware usually can't either.