What's that app on the iPad where it loads up a ton of different news things like a newspaper, and is there something like that for android phones?
Flipboard, and it is available on Android.
What's that app on the iPad where it loads up a ton of different news things like a newspaper, and is there something like that for android phones?
What's the best brightness widget?
Also I feel Aix weather widget doesn't get enough love. It's amazing. We should have a separate section for widgets in the OP
Dazzle is your friend. You can set it so that you have a 1x1 widget with 3 options: O % brightness (just the lowest setting the phone has), custom brightness (i use 40 %) and 100%.
You can set way more functions with dazzle but i only use the brightness widget and the mute ringtone widget.
Dazzle is your friend. You can set it so that you have a 1x1 widget with 3 options: O % brightness (just the lowest setting the phone has), custom brightness (i use 40 %) and 100%.
You can set way more functions with dazzle but i only use the brightness widget and the mute ringtone widget.
Not in Dazzle.
Try this one
Flipboard, and it is available on Android.
Is Flipboard considered the best news app?
Has any gaffer tried MMS Backup Restore?
If not, can someone recommend a reliable sms&phone log backup & restore app that saves to an sd card or dropbox (i.e doesn't save to gmailthat quickly got annoying)
Has any gaffer tried MMS Backup Restore?
If not, can someone recommend a reliable sms&phone log backup & restore app that saves to an sd card or dropbox (i.e doesn't save to gmail—that quickly got annoying)
Is there an app similar to Camera+ on Android? Tried FXcamera but it doesn't have the post processing that Camera+ has.
What psx emulator should I use for my nexus 7
It's really random which comics are available in volumes and which aren't. I've never gotten a reasonable explanation out of comixology about it either :-(Is it possible to buy comixology stuff in volumes? I can only see sandman in separate issues.
I certainly haven't see anything better.
Is Flipboard considered the best news app?
What are some of my emulation options on my Nexus 7?
How much better are those than the *oid emulators?Search for 'Robert Broglia' in Google Play. Buy all the main console emulators. Grab a Wii controller. Enjoy.
How much better are those than the *oid emulators?
Same. After reading the hoopla about Flipbook, I gave it a spin and flipping through everything became tiresome. Pure novelty for me. I prefer Pulse.I prefer using Pulse. I can see all the news stories at a glance and quickly pick out the ones I want to read. Plus I prefer how Pulse looks.
Flipboard is pretty, but I don't like having to flip through pages to see headlines.
RunKeeper is probably your best bet
Is it actually possible to create a daily schedule/timetable on the stock android calendar? You would think that it would, but I can't find a way to do it.
Ok, serious question:
Why the fuck does the Flipboard app, which is nothing more than a news aggregator, permissions in to spam my wall in Facebook along with other stuff I don't think it should be accessing as it's a blatant privacy invasion, and read my Direct Messages (as well as spam in my name) in Twitter? Uninstalling! Go fuck over somebody else, thank you.
AFAIK it doesn't spam your Facebook at all. The permission is needed so you can (if you want to) share articles on your wall via the app.
I have a "Repetition" drop down where I can pick daily, weekly, weekly on Tuesdays etc. Stock calendar on JB.
Where's the drop down? I can't seem to find it.
Is there anything like Pastebot? It would save a copy of whatever was in your clipboard and you could also send text back and forth between your computer and phone.
I have a "Repetition" drop down where I can pick daily, weekly, weekly on Tuesdays etc. Stock calendar on JB.
Besides PowerAmp whats the best music player? preferably free.
Let's talk calendar apps...
I'm actually rather happy with the stock Holo-style calendar on Android, but I could use a better widget for it. Any suggestions?
Any strong aversion to the Google Play Music app? I've been impressed how much they cleaned that app up and added functionality to it.