What are the advantages of the double twist alarm clock vs the stock clock app?
Honestly, after having it for a while, functionality wise, it's similar to other apps, just with a nice polish. It does have a nice sunset/sunrise function, but pails in comparison to the kind of alarm customizations you get from Alarm Clock Plus.
If you're using it with Google Now, it's not really integrated as well as other alarm apps. If you're setting an alarm, the default clock app and AC+ will accept your alarm requirements automatically. With Double Twist, there's an additional confirmation window
after Google Now's countdown confirmation.
Since I'm using Google Now for pretty much all my alarm needs, I haven't used DTA at all. Sure, it's pretty, but I really don't use the full-screen clock feature at all. Plus, it's easier for me to just speak my alarm and set my phone down, rather than having to tap "set alarm" via Google Now just so that I can quickly get to and confirm on Double Twists' own confirmation screen.
[edit] woops, didn't mean to submit two posts.