New cloud backup contender - Jottacloud. Sync sms in addition to contacts, photos videos etc.
5 GB free. Seems to be proper Holo UI. there a way I can control them all?
New cloud backup contender - Jottacloud. Sync sms in addition to contacts, photos videos etc.
5 GB free. Seems to be proper Holo UI. there a way I can control them all?
I think you underestimate people's aesthetic sensibilities, and I also think it's pretty dumb to imply that only iOS users care about this stuff. I'm pretty sure most people care whether an app looks good or like shit, and whether it looks like it belongs on the phone or completely out of place (as all lazy iOS ports and non-updated Android 2.x apps do).
I know I do. For example, I've payed for this timer app, mostly thanks to its great Holo design. Something like this or this, on the other hand, I would never use even though they're free. I'm sure they work just fine, but they look like utter shit, so they're not getting on my phone.
*starts working on HoloBackup*Don't worry guys, there'll be plenty of high-profile, hideous iOS/Gingerbread mash-ups available on the Play Store for years to come.
Google Drive
This one
I have so much cloud there a way I can control them all?
Someone should do an app that spreads your data across all cloud platforms. FolderSync?
One good thing about jotta - they give you 5 GB per referral, both for you and for your friend. (up to 100 GB)
Someone should do an app that spreads your data across all cloud platforms. FolderSync?
One good thing about jotta - they give you 5 GB per referral, both for you and for your friend. (up to 100 GB)
There should be something!
you mean 5GB or 50?? I don't have 20 friends who care about cloud data!
It's 5 GB per friend. And i don't have 20 friends who care about cloud either :/
EDIT: They also have unlimited space available for 49 NOK monthly (~8 USD or something like that).
did anyone else get 15GB when they signed up?
A timer app that can countdown on the notification bar would have been must more useful. I am not searching Play Market to find out if such an app exist, because I know I can write one with Tasker.
Are there any apps that will let me backup my messages? Specifically for transferring between ROMs?
Can't restore messaging system data as that will cause errors, and GoSMS requires me to pay to backup my messages, I would but I have no intention of using GoSMS on this other ROM.
Are there any apps that will let me backup my messages? Specifically for transferring between ROMs?
Can't restore messaging system data as that will cause errors, and GoSMS requires me to pay to backup my messages, I would but I have no intention of using GoSMS on this other ROM.
Minimal Reader Pro is a full featured Google Reader client, bringing an elegant, fast and intuitive way to read your news.
With an app, 6 customizable widgets and a smart caching system, Minimal Reader Pro is the perfect companion to read all your favourite news on the go, without worrying about your internet connection.
Get Minimal Reader Pro for free.
I clicked on the download button but it says it's not free?
thanks for the heads up on Minimal Reader Pro!
That page was quite misleading though, if you click the Play store link you will be directed to it and the price is .99
below that link, you can download the .apk file for free
Yep. Google Music is set to always stream first. I hate that about it.Google Music takes songs off of my device and only gives me an option to stream them, but the songs play and show up fine in other music players. What gives?
Google Music takes songs off of my device and only gives me an option to stream them, but the songs play and show up fine in other music players. What gives?
Yep. Google Music is set to always stream first. I hate that about it.
What if you select to only show music that is on the phone, does it let you play your local files then? It should, since it won't display anything that has to be streamed when in that mode.
But why do you have your music both in the cloud and saved as local files on the phone? Seems redundant. You know you can "pin" cloud music to the device, right? Doing that makes the app download the music and permanently store it on the phone (until you "unpin" it).
Again, shouldn't selecting to only show offline music make sure that you see your local files if you have the same songs both in the cloud and as a separate local files? Seems to me like it should.
Anyway to upload music from my phone to Google Music other than moving it to my computer and uploading it from there?
Crosspost from Android OT. Anyone?
Google Drive
This one
I have so much cloud there a way I can control them all?
What's the current thinking on browsers? I used Dolphin for a while but I have massive problems posting on GAF for some reason. The keyboard keeps closing on me half way through writing my posts. It's very frustrating.
How do you guys use the Stock browser when it has no PC - Phone sync?
I liked using Opera mini for the longest time because it's pretty damn fast going in and out through GAF topics but every now and then their compression server stalls and simply won't load. I've been using ics+ and it's slowly starting to become my favorite. Really miss the Speed dial page though, its not quite the same in ics+.
How do you guys use the Stock browser when it has no PC - Phone sync?
chrome works fine most of the time on my sgs3.