The Faceless Master
chrome works fine on my sgs3.
Anyone have an invite to that new cloud app?
Jottacloud? or another one?
chrome works fine on my sgs3.
Anyone have an invite to that new cloud app?
Just my nexus 10 delivered. What would you suggest is the best podcast and twitter apps? Also Amy other essential apps you'd suggest? Thanks guys
Long press on the tweet to go to the link. Also you can turn on Tweetmarker so it syncs across devices if you use a program on your phone that supports it.I downloaded plume but it didn't seem to let me click on links withen tweets. I'll try it again. I just don't think twitter can look good on a 10 inch tab. 140 characters is too short haha
Yah. I use it on my phone and tablet. Its link handling behaviour is dumb though.+1 for Plume. Use it on my phone and on the Nexus 7. Pretty great and supports expandable notifications.
for twitter i like plume. echofon for android was just released today as well so you might want to check that out.
Any app that gives you lock screen notifications like iOS?
Chameleon Launcher - Now $3.99 - On Sale? Pricedrop? BOMBA? dunno...
What's the difference between opera mobile and opera mini?
I've been using Podkicker for podcasts. Simple and straightforward.
Chameleon Launcher - Now $3.99 - On Sale? Pricedrop? BOMBA? dunno...
So why is twitter blocking all these apps and putting limitations on them? Its not like they charge money for their own app. It just seems idiotic to me.
also, Tweetro (Windows 8 Metro Twitter app) DENIED more tokens, even though there's no official Twitter app.
Def bomba. Haven't touched it since I supported it. Runs like ass on my tf101, and widgets are severely limited. Plus, I didn't even realize cm has profiles, which are essentially the same thing.
That's really my main complaint with Chrome, it's too slow to browse through the bookmarks.Why does Chrome have to load the bookmark page?? it's so annoying.
Uber Music is crashing alot for the last two weeks for me. Maybe it's finally time to change to Power Amp. Any new Music App contender worth looking at?
is this no good then?
Il also don't like the fact that I can't manage them more efficiently, with folders for instance. Well maybe it's possible, and I just don't know how.That's really my main complaint with Chrome, it's too slow to browse through the bookmarks.
Do as I did: ubermusic -> Poweramp. Ubermusic was abandoned by its developer, poweramp has so many features you'll be wondering why you gave Um a chance.
UberMusic is redundant now that there is Zplayer....
Can't use any other music app now that I have Zplayer, nicest looking one available.
UberMusic is redundant now that there is Zplayer....
Can't use any other music app now that I have Zplayer, nicest looking one available.
They need to control a competent android tablet app so I don't have to use alternatives.
Was mentioned in another thread, but a slew of Appls apps have been released on the Play Store:
Garage Band
Tried to get Garage Band to work but no luck. I wonder how they tested these Apps.
Are these actually Apple apps by Apple, though? I'm thinking perhaps I shouldn't have jumped the gun...
I would say for me it isn't. It has like, 11 widgets total. You initially were blocked from using an apps built-in widget, but because people were complaining about the lack of native Chameleon widgets, they eventually allowed you to access those too.
Problem with that is that Chameleon was sold with the idea that it was a "beautiful launcher" alternative with configurable time/location profiles. You can't really make a dynamic multi-profile experience with just 11 widgets (Calendar, Facebook, GMail, Google+, Instagram, RSS reader, non-configurable power widget, twitter, weather, youtube, "Make a widget" (LOL)). Well, at least if you want the visual experience to be cohesive.
All the original Chameleon widgets had a certain design aesthetic, but because you have to go outside of Chameleon's built-in widgets to make any realistically dynamic profile system, you break that aesthetic because they're just fitted within Chameleon's panels:
You can see the Apollo Music widget on the top left floating in the panel space; it's the same thing you'll see for other widgets and the negative space around it.
Lastly, every time I've updated, I've had to reassociate my account with every widget I've placed on the screen, making it laborious. If you use multiple Gmail accounts, you have to log off your default account, log in, and then grant access. But make sure you do a sweep of setting up all your widgets with your primary account, then you can do a second sweep and set up widgets for your second account.
I personally find my time better spent creating a HUB system:
Get your refund asap; This isn't the iOS app store.
thanks for the write up dude.
Don't think so. It sucks!Is there a way to keep a song playing on YouTube while I browse on twitter and chrome?
Don't think so. It sucks!
Could buy a galaxy note 2 and do it!