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April Wrasslin' |OT 2| I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!

I like The Artist Known as Nak America. It kinda explains why he's entering the ring like he's on coke and it keeps the announcers from saying words like "swag". Has Nak's "strong style" even existed since he's been in the WWE?

Also, I see Hardbody Mahal has the Universe talking already.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like The Artist Known as Nak America. It kinda explains why he's entering the ring like he's on coke and it keeps the announcers from saying words like "swag". Has Nak's "strong style" even existed since he's been in the WWE?

Also, I see Hardbody Mahal has the Universe talking already.

It's the one time this thread has ever been so far ahead of the curve.


I hate Reigns, but that really is not true. Jinder is much worse in the ring than Reigns, and he's no better a promo, which is an extremely low bar.

Jinder should never be anything more than a jobber. In fact, he was nothing more than a jobber until last night, which is doubly ridiculous. Imagine if Curt Hawkins or someone got a world title match out of nowhere.

And they're pushing him as a foreign heel, of course.
Do we really need more jobbers on the roster?
Specially in a small roster like the one of SD

Jinder will lose to Orton, probably will never get a rematch, but will look strong enough so they can use him as a mid card heel
Y'all. How soon will we get a snake charmer comment from Juicy J? You know Vince is going to write that shit up. Just like that Santino thing with Khali and Jinder 😂😂
Roman easily has more charisma away from scripted promos. Hell, he's probably more charasmatic than most of the roster in that aspect. Jinder isn't good on the mic anyway.

EDIT: Wait, would I prefer Roman going for Ortons belt? Is this WWE's master plan to make people like Roman? Danm....

#12th dementional chess
SMH I was worked.
I thought death valley wasn't a real place until I was about 12. I was disappointed to learn that Taker was billed from a real place 😔
Jinder could be easily what they wanted Reigns to be.
He talks better, is better in the ring and has more charisma.
With Kane gone and Show on his way out you need more big strong guys.
Jinder would've been Hogan's Mania opponent about 30 years ago. That's what a lot of people don't understand!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I thought death valley wasn't a real place until I was about 12. I was disappointed to learn that Taker was billed from a real place 😔

Jinder would've been Hogan's Mania opponent about 30 years ago. That's what a lot of people don't understand!

Make it 25 years ago and people would have (maybe) cheered for Jinder! It worked for Sid Justice!
#12th dementional chess


So Owens' thing is anti-American without a build up or reasoning? In the Bret Hart angle, it was the long burn and development of his character that made sense for all of that to happen. He turned heel, but only to those who didn't turn against him. Those people were, in turn, began backing and cheered for the loud mouth guy who swore 24/7 and beat up on a lot of non-wrestlers. Bret and the Hart Foundation preached family values and solidarity. I don't see any of that in this angle here. It's, hey here's heel who was always a heel who's suddenly different.


So Owens' thing is anti-American without a build up or reasoning? In the Bret Hart angle, it was the long burn and development of his character that made sense for all of that to happen. He turned heel, but only to those who didn't turn against him. Those people were, in turn, began backing and cheered for the loud mouth guy who swore 24/7 and beat up on a lot of non-wrestlers. Bret and the Hart Foundation preached family values and solidarity. I don't see any of that in this angle here. It's, hey here's heel who was always a heel who's suddenly different.

Heels with the US title must automatically be all "you stupid Americans".


So Owens' thing is anti-American without a build up or reasoning? In the Bret Hart angle, it was the long burn and development of his character that made sense for all of that to happen. He turned heel, but only to those who didn't turn against him. Those people were, in turn, began backing and cheered for the loud mouth guy who swore 24/7 and beat up on a lot of non-wrestlers. Bret and the Hart Foundation preached family values and solidarity. I don't see any of that in this angle here. It's, hey here's heel who was always a heel who's suddenly different.

WWE isn't creative enough to plan something that elaborate. It just throws shit at a wall and hopes it sticks. I think Owens can pull it off, I'm just happy he isn't a cowardly heel.
Ain't even mad at HARDBODY MAHAL as number 1 contender.
Firstly I always like when someone unexpected gets a main title shot (see R Truth for example), second I wasn't overly keen on seeing Zayn or Harper lose to Orton anyway.

In other news, Rowan bringing back that subtle sweet theme of his, yeeeees.


WWE isn't creative enough to plan something that elaborate. It just throws shit at a wall and hopes it sticks. I think Owens can pull it off, I'm just happy he isn't a cowardly heel.

Jinder is a heel because he's "foreign and brown skinned". WWE left any semblance of complexity in characters behind long ago.


lol look at you guys all salty that a true Quebecer is YOUR United States Champion

"wah the booking sucks"
"wah it's a dumb angle"
"wah they're ruining him"

I can read between the lines and all I read is "i'm a huge racist and I hate French Canadians, and i'm really mad that this guy is better than ALL the american wrestlers combined"

we stand tall, on est plus fort que vous

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I figured since Orton is nominally a face that the only ones who could win the match were Ziggler and Jinder. WWE hates face/face with a passion unless someone is turning.


Ain't even mad at HARDBODY MAHAL as number 1 contender.
Firstly I always like when someone unexpected gets a main title shot (see R Truth for example), second I wasn't overly keen on seeing Zayn or Harper lose to Orton anyway.

In other news, Rowan bringing back that subtle sweet theme of his, yeeeees.

I don't mind unexpected but they still should've given him at least a little bit of a push before making him #1 contender to the WWE title. Looking at his ProFightDB page, he hadn't won a televised singles match this entire year until yesterday. He went from Curt Hawkins status to #1 contender literally overnight.

Edit: wait, and that match wasn't a singles match either. So he actually still has not won a televised singles match this year.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't mind unexpected but they still should've given him at least a little bit of a push before making him #1 contender to the WWE title. Looking at his ProFightDB page, he hasn't won a televised singles match this entire year. He went from Curt Hawkins status to #1 contender literally overnight.

Land of Opportunity for people of all backgrounds.
I don't mind unexpected but they still should've given him at least a little bit of a push before making him #1 contender to the WWE title. Looking at his ProFightDB page, he hasn't won a televised singles match this entire year. He went from Curt Hawkins status to #1 contender literally overnight.

How many wins did Sami Zayn have? I'm guessing less than 5. Not knocking him, it just feels like Sami always loses.


How many wins did Sami Zayn have? I'm guessing less than 5. Not knocking him, it just feels like Sami always loses.

Zayn has pinned Rollins, Owens, Jericho and the Miz on TV all in the last 3 months (and also Mahal himself). He also beat Strowman, although that was just by "surviving". Compare that to Mahal, who's biggest singles match victory this year is over Curtis Axel at some house shows.
I'm not sure anymore who likes Jinder ironically/ unironically

I have zero feelings one way or the other. I barely even know who the dude is.

With that said, he is a gimmick character for the time being and there's only so much mileage one gets out of a turban wearing indian schtick before it gets old.
Last night reminded me how much I dislike Rowan, dude is boring as shit, his look is shit, and it looks like he struggles getting around the ring quick. I'd rather have Swagger back over him.
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