Braun is damn good. Crazy how fast and agile he is for his height.
Yeah he's great. I started watching his House of the Dead 3 runOh my god, I'm fucking dying here.
This guy stays in kayfabe better than 99% of wrasslers. He's honestly ahead of his time considering how VR is coming along.
Quit lying. My insiders are actually people in the business. Yours are geeks on the streets, trying to earn their keeps.I have it on high authority the commentary team uses the ole' filibuster trick and wear catheters.
Zach: A 290 pound guy doing a shooting star press looks weak.
Please continue.
Lol this guy acting hardQuit lying. My insiders are actually people in the business. Yours are geeks on the streets, trying to earn their keeps.
What more is there to say? Do you want me to beat him up? Because I can.
What more is there to say? Do you want me to beat him up? Because I can.
"Hmm, 234 episodes later, no piss, but 15 boners, two of them during Jack Swagger matches."
We already have this anyway.
Gonna kick him right in the diverticulitis, are ya?What more is there to say? Do you want me to beat him up? Because I can.
was adorable
Would you end it with a SSP of your own to add insult to injury?
Let's see your Shooting Star Press.
I'm always hardcore brother. You're just soft.Lol this guy acting hard
His knees will die in a few yearsBraun is damn good. Crazy how fast and agile he is for his height.
.I'm always hardcore brother. You're just S A W F T. SAAAAAWWWWWFFFFTTTT!
Playing video games with kidz is one of life's greatest pleasures.
"Hmm, 234 episodes later, no piss, but 15 boners, two of them during Jack Swagger matches."
We already have this anyway.
Really?I'm always hardcore brother. You're just soft.
Just like watching wrestling with them?
If Braun does a swanton bomb, how much will you mark out?
If Braun does a swanton bomb, how much will you mark out?
If Braun does a swanton bomb, how much will you mark out?
Call me when he carries Shane to a 4* match.If Braun does a swanton bomb, how much will you mark out?
If Braun does a swanton bomb, how much will you mark out?
I'd mark out a lot. I'd mark out more if he busted out a 450
Come at me and see what happens, RaccoonRoulette.
You've really lost it these past few months. Do we need to talk?
I was expecting a Brock gif. I'm disappointed.Really?
Let's do this!!
Looks like we got a cuppa haters here.
I hate men too but I looooooove Man God. But it doesn't meeeeean that I like him!I hate Man God.
Hold on let me get my gear.
I remember it taking all of 5 seconds to figure out those things really hurt.Hold on let me get my gear.
I remember it taking all of 5 seconds to figure out those things really hurt.
gotta wonder how many kids got concussions from those things
Enzo and Cass worked a lot better in NXT where like most of the roster who weren't champs they didn't appear every single week so their entrance didn't feel repetitive.
I'll never fade away, the Blutimate Warrior will live within all of you!When will Bluekaveli fade away and classify himself as obsolete.
I'll never fade away, the Blutimate Warrior will live within all of you!
The NES Classic shortage was deliberate in order to get Nintendo's name back in the news as a "hot must buy product" on the eve of the Nintendo Switch being released. And now they're going to make even more bank on the SNES Classic because now fucking everyone is going to want one of those on day one because they dont want to be stuck in another NES Classic scenario. And it's not like this isn't even the first time Nintendo has been really sketchy with under producing product either.
I also think it's deliberate because the only other alternative answer is that Nintendo is that incompetent.
Yep. NXT's format really shined a big light on the fact that main roster WWE has way too much airtime and exposure
Real bluethers don't die, we multiply.Oh god, you're dying? I'm so sorry
This is how I see it. Nike and Adidas do the same exact shit. Artificial demand is big these days, and honestly, I think they succeeded using the NES classic as this hot #1 Christmas gift to create excitement for Nintendo in general. Switch sales show that.
SNES classic will be the same song and dance. As will N64 classic in 2018.