Yeah, I bet these motherfuckers don't even know how to headbutt their way into retiring early.
not the same thing pal. and Shibata wore a mouthguard, a lot of good it did for him
Yeah, I bet these motherfuckers don't even know how to headbutt their way into retiring early.
I'm going back to New Beginning 2012 and watching all the major Okada and Tanahashi matches after talking about it today. It is so good.
The only way I'd do it is if someone held me hostage and made me choose between that or Cena vs OrtonI don't know if I could binge-watch Tana vs Okada
I don't know if I could binge-watch Tana vs Okada
kaze ni nare is the most face theme a heel has ever had lol
and here comes goto with a heel theme
Unfortunately it was reported, but they never officially announced it - he might be freelance now, rather than under contract.
He's defo freelance, from his twitter:
#WorldFamous YOSHITATSU. Former NJPW wrestler. WWE Alumni. #BulletClubHunter #HunterClub leader. Bookings/inquiries Email:
Ah, cool.
It is still kinda crazy that Juice is getting really over. Good for him!
Ah, cool.
It is still kinda crazy that Juice is getting really over. Good for him!
So looks like they just brought him in so no-one else had to eat a loss.
Yeah, it's been hard for me to get over how much he looks like carlito (keep expecting him to break out an apple), but they've done a really good job of building him up with the goto match, and naito really helped with the incredible way he took that impaler a few weeks ago.
Big respect to the guy for taking the massive risk. Seems to be paying off for him so far.
DKC is perf. Then came the Janettys that were DKC2 and 3.
DKC is perf. Then came the Janettys that were DKC2 and 3.
Yep, really happy for him. He has been having a lot of entertaining matches. It is just still hard to kind of get after his NXT run.
That match was fun. This should be good too.
Makes me wonder how some of the other Performance Centre look at it? Some of them must have considered doing the same thing.
They still played Omega's music even though he told them to play Fale's lol
Afternoon Wrestlegaf
Have a nice weekend, Beefy.
Bruce Springsteen has a worse singing voice than Mickie James.
How does it feel to be so wrong about so many things?
I had no idea Lou Thesz wrestled 936 matches without a loss.
You wanna go dancing?I'm a very casual Springsteen fan, but I have a soft spot for Magic...which I've just realised is now a decade old. Shit.
Hey, it's Bruce Springsteen! Fave Fave Bruce Springsteen albums, Bruce Springsteen?How does it feel to be so wrong about so many things?
Andre might have a similar record, although I think he threw himself out of battle royales quite a bit when a promoter put him on a card twice in a night.
Stan Hansen in his prime was frankly terrifying;
Stan Hansen in his prime was frankly terrifying;
When is Stan's son Chris getting into the business?
Taz is officially the only wrestler I know who is MAD about a video I did of them. On the day I drove to Vegas for MITB this past year, he DM'd me to tell me how pissed he was that I did that and how he thought I made him look like a clown. He went on and on about all the sacrifices he'd made and how I was tearing him down, etc. I explained to him I was trying to take the piss out of WWE for dropping the ball with him, but he was having none of it. He told me that as a fan I didn't have the right to criticize, then when I told him I was in the business that that made it EVEN WORSE (so folks, according to Taz, no one is allowed to make fun of wrestling whether they're in the business or not, ever).
But as far as the opposite end of the coin, obviously Cornette loved my parody of him, James Mitchell appreciated my talking about him, Kevin Sullivan commented on his podcast about my take on his satanic gimmick (though he thought I really believed he was a devil-worshipper, which, for the record, I don't). Russo didn't like my parody of him but we made up in Dallas.
Taz is hilarious
Brian Zane did a Wrestling with Wregret episode on Taz in WWE and this is what happened
Haha, damn. Takes a certain type of person to say someone not involved with the business can't be a critic. I guess Taz always had that reputation that he took himself super seriously, especially in ECW.
Yeah especially since it was just clearly an excuse to justify his anger, Zane said he was in the business and Taz was still pissed/ got even more pissed....
I just love the idea of Taz seeing Zane's video (which was about how WWE treated Taz porly as a wrestler) and getting so steamed he just had to send a freaking Twitter DM to him....
bWo makes fun of it in the opening of Zane's latest video, funny stuff
I really like Zane a lot
Taz also said Mauro should get fired for missing SD....
Taz also said Mauro should get fired for missing SD....
At least he is putting his name out there.He's defo freelance, from his twitter:
#WorldFamous YOSHITATSU. Former NJPW wrestler. WWE Alumni. #BulletClubHunter #HunterClub leader. Bookings/inquiries Email:
To the wrestlers especially lol. I assume contact lenses weren't good enough for sports use back then.