You know this shit is fake also, right? Why is everyone up in arms and all of a sudden desiring workrate in WWE when a month ago people didn't give a shit? Why not just give Jinder a chance?
You didn't answer my question, but I will answer yours.
I do, I know it's fake. It's show about fake fights with storylines and story building in between, making so that it becomes enjoyable to follow, for the most part.
I am willing to give Jinder a chance, but what we are currently seeing in this fake fighting soap opera is simply terrible nonsensical storytelling that happened out of nowhere for no other reason than "oh shit, we need to appeal to that market NOW!".
It's being terribly handled. The green performer receiving the push went from a total jobber to a
world championship contender even though nothing at all was shown to support the idea that he might pull it of. If you go back in my posting history, before he decided to stiff people in matches that didn't matter, I was actually saying positive things about Jinder and honestly expected and hoped he would receive a fair chance. But this is simply bad.