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April Wrasslin' |OT 2| I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!


I lasted 3 weeks, I really tried to get into Smackdown, but it's just not as good as people say it is, I'm sorry guys.

Meandering storylines, mishandled talent, upjumping jobbers, week-after-week of promos for debuts for no good reason (I'm supposed to get excited for a stale act that's not even been off of TV for a month, why is this getting so much hype?), shitty crowds and to top it all off, bad commentary.

Also, Randy Orton is the champion, if there's one way to kill my interest in anything it's Randy Orton. Even Randy Orton doesn't give a shit about Randy Orton.

I'll stick to YouTube highlights if I can be bothered.

It was good. Since Mania, it's been the shits.

Curse of Aiii


So not worth it
It was good. Since Mania, it's been the shits.

Curse of Aiii

You guys keep saying this and everytime I give it a shot it's terrible. I'm suspecting a...
HHH is now pretending it was him who saved both Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre 's career:


what is Mr H's saying that's wrong here pal? Didn't some guy here tell me when Drew left he got better? Clearly this was his master plan of 7th dimensional chess, mark.
There's a lot of WWE signing who's absence is immediately felt on the indies - Hero, for instance. Then there's signees who's absence doesn't make a lick of difference. Like, has anyone actually missed seeing Tony Nese? Dude's the definition of bang average.

I haven't missed him or Gulak in Evolve.

The effect on the women's scene will be relatively larger given how shallow the pool of pushed indie women wrestlers is.


Smackdown was great with the Miz run, Randy being second fiddle among the Wyatts, AJ being a dick and the Leader of the Cenation being on TV.

Miz is gone, Randy is the mainevent and the Wyatt family seperated, AJ is turning face and Mr. Hustle Loyalty and Respect is off the TV.

The issues are now a bit more obvious. Like "Ascension and Breezango battling to challenge Usos in 2017" obvious.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Im gonna shoot on Nak... his maneurisms dont work in WWE.

Its fine in japan where everyone wlse is a weirdo, but this feels like you took an anime character and stuck him on a western Saturday morning cartoon.
Watching this JBL interview with Sting

Sting vs Kurt Angle was booked for WM18.

Sting's people were negotiating with Vince but things fell apart.

Fortunately we got a better replacement for Sting at the event.

You guys keep saying this and everytime I give it a shot it's terrible. I'm suspecting a...
There's no conspiracy, you just turned up when they gave Orton the title and Bryan's not round to shoot on talking smack, it was going pretty well up until then.

Still a more digestible show than Raw at any rate, feels like they're in a holding pattern until payback is out the way.


Sorry Jinder but that foreign heel gimmick doesn't work for me. It doesn't make me hate him or Orton. It makes me want to turn off Smackdown.

It's racist and, especially these days, insulting.

Yeah, I've said this before but I just feel the need to say it again. It's a shame this is want they decided to do, especially because I really enjoy Smackdown.


Sorry Jinder but that foreign heel gimmick doesn't work for me. It doesn't make me hate him or Orton. It makes me want to turn off Smackdown.

It's racist and, especially these days, insulting.

Yeah, I've said this before but I just feel the need to say it again. It's a shame this is want they decided to do, especially because I really enjoy Smackdown.

Dude, the Ziggler shit was way worse then Jinder
Best part of the night was Jinder not engaging with the shit ass crowd's USA chant during his promo. When it started up I thought "oh great, here we go again" but he didn't engage and the chant never gained full steam.

You see this post? You may or may not find it helpful.

My man. Thanks homie. I was looking at 98, 99, 00, 01 last night and it's a roller coaster in ratings. 98 was a decent split, but 99 was a total trash fire and 00 was so-so as well but 01 is pretty well stacked.

I'm already sick of Smackdown. It's not on Nak, the whole show stinks.

Nah man. He's goofy as fuck and the way they're teasing him out is just making his parts annoying.


Going from not acknowledging someone's prior wrestling history and experience at all straight to acting like someone from somewhere else is a big deal without showing or saying why is certainly a bold strategy, Cotton.
Rusev demands a future title shot or else he's going back to Bulgaria
AJ Styles is feuding with Kevin Owens
Tyler Breeze and Fandango are number one contenders
A new stable is being pushed to the main event and stole the WWE Title (albeit with an old ass gimmick, but still)
Naomi and Charlotte have a really decent main event match

But Smackdown is unwatchable because Nak got what'ed after speaking a language nobody in the building speaks in hicktown Iowa? and because Orton is champ so that he can help establish different heels as main eventers (Jinder, Rusev, eventually Corbin?)

I don't know guys. Maybe it's because I watch the show with my little one who is entertained by just about everything, but I don't think it's as bad as you guys make it out to be. Clearly the Shake Up was rushed and mishandled, and we're feeling the effects of that on both shows. There were a lot of guys on the roster floundering in between things, but this past week of programming has helped shape up who will be working with who going forward.

Also, shoot: Ziggles is over as a heel. Internet hates him. Crowds hate him. He'll always be a good worker in the ring. As Miz moves to an in-betweener because of the IWC, Ziggler is going to be left as one of the only actually true heels that can go. Name another guy in WWE who both the IWC and casual fans hate, and who can perform in the ring.


Dude, the Ziggler shit was way worse then Jinder

Ziggler is an heel. An heel being racist makes sense. Nakamura will kick his racist face in.

A heel saying people aren't tolerant (they aren't) screams tone deaf. He spoke in a different language to get booed. Meaning the good guys are the racists booing him.

Racists should be the bad guys not the good guys.


Nakamura is not fine so far. He had little to work with, sure, but that doesn't change the fact it is not working. The times he talked sucked, Ziggler promos sucked and he's done nothing except for a bunch of "cool guy" gestures and cartoonish faces. I don't think it'll work, at least not as a main eventer, maybe not even as an upper midcarder, unless he pulls matches that are so good that he's able to compensate for all of that, and achieving that with casual audiences is pretty fucking hard.
Ziggler gets no response lol!

Well I mean almost nobody got a reaction last night lol.

He got booed enough until he went with the Michael Jackson comparison - that was obviously a stretch. But I had to sift through two pages on here about how much everyone hates him.

edit: by a stretch, I just mean it was stupid.


Ziggler is an heel. An heel being racist makes sense. Nakamura will kick his racist face in.

A heel saying people aren't tolerant (they aren't) screams tone deaf. He spoke in a different language to get booed. Meaning the good guys are the racists booing him.

Racists should be the bad guys not the good guys.

Nah, racist shit never works.
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