Do you really want me to get out the dictionary again because they're literal synonyms, both with the word intimidation directly in the description. Harassment can be just as easily applicable to children if we're doing this
They might technically be synonyms but they are used differently.
Bullying is largely used when talking about children and schools.
Harassment is used when talking about adults, workplaces, and crimes...
We should be using harassment because it gives what's happening the weight it deserves, is my point.
I mean how we talk about these two concepts are completely different. We (as a society) say stand up to your bullies, fight back and they'll go away, we put a lot of responsibility /emphasis on the victim to fight, we also tend to seek to find reasons for emathy with the bully, to understand why they do it, to explain it even sort of justify it as part of their broken life. Bullying, rightfully or wrongly, is rooted in childhood and as such we don't take it nearly as seriously. We don't say that about harassment and we do take harassment more seriously.
For the record Booker T is an idiot like the rest of them for just hand waving this away... my point is though everyone has been calling this bullying when stronger words should be used. This is harassment, this is the creation of a hostile workplace, they aren't in school anymore and boys aren't boys, they're adults.