Zombie James
Big Stevie Cool turned heel today.

Big Stevie Cool turned heel today.
Man, he should avoid youtube at all costs
I got death threats for giving zelda an 8/10
gaf would ban you for being half as nasty as youtube commenters
Working marks into a shoot? *shakes Anth0ny's hand*Man, he should avoid youtube at all costs
I got death threats for giving zelda an 8/10
gaf would ban you for being half as nasty as youtube commenters
What's he playing?Big Stevie Cool turned heel today.
You can count the only good guy wrestlers on one hand. At least this next wave of wrestlers in the WWE are mainly video game losers.
How many of you marks are tuning into RAM tonight?
Kane the Republican?Top 5 good wwe guys:
1 - Mick Foley
2 - Mark Henry
3 - Kane
He is boring, sometimes, but when he's motivated, he puts a lot of psychology and little touches into his matches that nobody else does, especially as a heel.
Top 5 good wwe guys:
1 - Mick Foley
2 - Mark Henry
3 - Kane
Asuka is ten fights away from beating Goldberg's fake streak and she's already beaten the legit one.
Technically he's libertarianKane the Republican?
Top 5 good wwe guys:
1 - Mick Foley
2 - Mark Henry
3 - Kane
Can't wait for Stephanie to do what's best for business and beat her at WWE StarrcadeAsuka is ten fights away from beating Goldberg's fake streak and she's already beaten the legit one.
Kane is so probably not a good guy.
Have you seen him in Fox News and shit?
Kane the Republican?
I think Kane is only running Republican because he wants to win.
Batista, Rock about it for past wrestlers right?
Tommy Dreamer is a good one... I think.Batista, Rock about it for past wrestlers right?
He is technically libertarian no? But yeah, that would be instant no win.
If you're still running with that (R) in the Trump Era, you're probably not a swell guy.
Idk about Batista. Cheating on your wife while she had cancer isn't really a cool move.Batista, Rock about it for past wrestlers right?
Nope, did he screw up?
"You were talking about the people that didn't vote, and unfortunately you're always going to have those folks that any time there is trouble they're going to be attracted to it. I'm more interested in people that are actually genuine in their protesting. For me, it's like 'what are you trying to accomplish? You go out and you show the world that you're extremely angry. Guess what, sunshine? No one cares. If you want to do something constructive, get out of your echo chamber, get off Facebook and social media where everybody is talking about the same thing that you agree with, stop denigrating and screaming at people you don't agree with, and go talk with your neighbor who maybe voted for Donald Trump. What you're going to find is they're not a homophobe, racist, bigot. What they are is generally a common, hard working, decent person who is fed up with a permanent Washington political overclass. They're tired of people in Washington not looking out for their interest but looking out for the interest of the very rich and the very powerful. Sounds a lot like Bernie Sanders, doesn't it? We travel all over the world and what I've found is that people in general want the same thing, they want a decent living for their families. But instead of starting from that point we start with what we disagree on and how to reach that. So I think what's more constructive would be if we did talk about what brings us together and what we all want. You're not going to do that by causing all sorts of property damage."
Kane is as libertarian of a libertarian as you'll ever find. If he's running as a Repub, it's to win.
Idk about Batista. Cheating on your wife while she had cancer isn't really a cool move.
He's just a general condescending jerk about liberals...
But if you watch the video Ziggles comes off as even more of an asshat.
Batista slept with another man's wife and Rock tried to kill Mick Foley.
Idk about Batista. Cheating on your wife while she had cancer isn't really a cool move.
Cheating aint that bad compared to being racist, bull etc. Still shit, but you can learn from it and still be decent.
Asuka is ten fights away from beating Goldberg's fake streak and she's already beaten the legit one.
OMEGA ain't no Trump supporter.Most of your favorite wrestlers are probably Trump supporters.
Batista told an online troll to fuck off for asking if he felt bad growing up with a lesbian mom, and laughed off the idea of endorsing Trump by saying "HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA FUCK NO. FUUUUUUUUCK NO. HELL TO THE NO. HELL TO THE FUCKING FUCK NO." I can't find it in me to not love him. The cheating incident was gross even with him apologizing and trying to make amends after, though
owen hart was pure
He's just a general condescending jerk about liberals...
But if you watch the video Ziggles comes off as even more of an asshat.
So basically 99% of Wrestlers are cunts
This is not THAT bad, compared to some conservatives. A little naive in its view of what spurs protests and riots, but I do think he's correct in the general sense that the whole-hearted embrace of polarization that is possible in the era of the internet needs to be checked.
He was one of the main enforcers in the back and clamped down on a lot of JBL's bullshit reportedlyTommy Dreamer is a good one... I think.
I bet some of his ribs went too far friend.