If you're Republican in these times you're a piece of shit
I've only seen that interview you posted. It wasn't bad. But I don't follow anything related to US politics, so I might've missed something.
Ultimate Warrior was my hero as a kid. Hulk Hogan was up there as well.
Reality is a bitch.
Trying to decide who is and isn't a good person based on 2nd hand shoot stories or tweets or political leanings is only going to end badly for you guys and the wrestlers you like.
Asuka is one of the best signings for WWE in the history of the company.
Hogan Knows Best ruined it for you?
Hogan Knows Best ruined it for you?
David Arquette is a good guy
Stan Hansen, other than running over the AWA title and working Gordy into a shoot over doing the job for Hogan, he always seemed like a pretty great guy. I mean, unless he was punching you in the face.
Stan Hansen, other than running over the AWA title and working Gordy into a shoot over doing the job for Hogan, he always seemed like a pretty great guy. I mean, unless he was punching you in the face.
True, but I'm not sure how much it applies to youtube honestly. I'm left with a bunch of hateful comments and dislikes, and even though those haters watched that video, I'm not sure they'll be back for the next one, let alone subscribe.
I feel like you need to be in a position of power on youtube to start bringing out the opinions that go against the grain. Everyone gangs up and shits on the little guy. Once you get a fanbase like, say, RLM or Jim Sterling, all the fans stomp out the jackasses who give the content creator shit for having an opinion different from them.
so basically I need to kayfabe it up until I get big, then I can start shooting![]()
Really? I was under the assumption that his views like other Libertarians were moderate.
Theres willful ignorance of fact. These candidates position themselves in a certain way, but if you look at the history, what theyve said before, if you look at Hillary Clintons criminal record, youll realize shes not the innocent civil servant just doing their job
I wish Governor Johnson would talk a little bit more about economic issues and appeal a little more to disenfranchised conservatives.
According to Jacobs, Johnson has embraced the left on many issues and maybe has lost some conservative votes in the process.
In doing so I think hes alienated people on the right who would vote for him, Jacobs said.
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
Ok last one for real. I thought I read Minoru Suzuki doesn't like gaijin but I don't think that's true.
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
called Ricardo Bumblebee because he was fat and Mexican like the Simpsons character
cheated on Chyna while they were engaged and basically ruined her life while hiding evidence of her in the WWE until she died because 'muh kids'
Pushed to fuck over Bret(Which whatever but it did happen)
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
That's why I found it weird.He sure teams up with a lot of them for that to be the case
Agreed. I prefer to just give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're decent people unless there's a significant amount of evidence pointing towards them being a piece of shitHello, JBL.
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
but like outside of wrestling.
triple h doenst have a life outside of wrestling
triple h doenst have a life outside of wrestling
Menome is good people. He's a draw. He can draw flies to a corpse.
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
called Ricardo Bumblebee because he was fat and Mexican like the Simpsons character
cheated on Chyna while they were engaged and basically ruined her life while hiding evidence of her in the WWE until she died because 'muh kids'
Pushed to fuck over Bret(Which whatever but it did happen)
Guys you know, outside of burying people in the business left, right, top and bottom, has HHH ever done anything really wrong?
Really? I was under the assumption that his views like other Libertarians were moderate.
but like outside of wrestling.
What about Undertaker?
Outside of the Wrestlers Court stuff, I don't think I've heard anything, probably because of how private the guy is.What about Undertaker?
The only person involved in wrestling who isn't a total shithead is me.
What about Undertaker?
With wrestling I'd recommend the reverse. Just accept they're all probably horrible and hope they don't overtly let you know.
He bitched out Bret Hart.
He's a-ok in my book.
The only person involved in wrestling who isn't a total shithead is me.
What about Undertaker?
Yeah, I don't recall anything bad about him. Actually, most of the backstage stuff makes him look good, specially the Jericho stuff after his first reign as champ.
Outside of the Wrestlers Court stuff, I don't think I've heard anything, probably because of how private the guy is.