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April Wrasslin' |OT 2| I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!


I'm getting single, sometimes double digit views when I stream, but I'm also not trying to rock any sort of boat or beg for donations. Hopefully my personality and reactions can help me make it to triple digits one day. I figured Resident Evil 4 would get me views from the game alone, but looks like (much like WWE) workrate alone isn't enough.

BTW people are right, RE4 is very very FnP. I'm still not a fan of the controls, but the game is slow enough that I can tolerate them (unlike Godhand, for example). I love how Leon keeps working Salazar into a shoot.

Good luck brah. Catching on as a streamer seems real hard. I gave it a shot with my GTA5 speedrunning but I just didn't have the endurance to sit and play kideo games for 6 hours straight (minimum) while also trying to engage with chat and have personality.

Youtube was a lot easier and I made more money in my first month than I would have made with twitch donations + subs in god knows how long.

RE4 is definitely GOAT tier, though. It's definitely designed masterfully with those controls in mind.
Leave Shane out of this, friend.


Wrestlemania 14

It kind of has the spectacle of some of the Wrestlemanias that will come later, but it's mostly due to Mike Tyson's involvement. It's still a small arena Mania but there is a big fight feel to this event. It's a step up from last year's card in that there are 3 matches you really want to see here. The New Age Outlaws vs Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie is a good one that gives Terry Funk his Wrestlemania moment. I also quite enjoyed the first Undertaker vs Kane match-up. It lived up to the expectations while making you want to see more. Then we have the main event. I feel like it delivered as best as it could with HBK being injured at the time. We got some good stuff with Tyson and Triple H was even there too. Oh hey, we get some use out of that band stage. I think they did more with it in the match than the band did all night. It's almost a shame this is the last time you see HBK wrestle for 4 years. However, I look forward to the new Austin era. Oh hell yeah.


RE4 is great but it simultaneously ruined the franchise for a while since the people who made RE5 and RE6 seemingly forgot what made RE4 great.

SHOOT: RE4's controls have aged like ass in a post-Dead Space world though


RE4's controls are still great. Only old grandpas have trouble with them.

Old grandpas are the only people who can tolerate RE4's controls since they grew up in an age with games like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill where game protagonists weren't intelligent enough to shoot a gun and move at the same time
Shoot: RE4 controls are still amazing because unlike 5 and 6, the entire game is designed around. You never feel like the controls are making the combat unfairly difficult or frustrating


Shoot: RE4 controls are still amazing because unlike 5 and 6, the entire game is designed around. You never feel like the controls are making the combat unfairly difficult or frustrating

This is a good point, actually. I think RE4's controls kind of suck these days but the game is designed in good ways that mask how shitty the controls are.

They're in the 30s. I believe his numbers will hit rock bottom by the end of the year.

Yeah but the orange shithead is trying to start a war at any cost in order to get that wartime push. First he botches bombing Syria, then he starts threatening Bad Korea, then he drops a bomb that would level Manhattan in Afghanistan. Fucker is trying to distract from the Russia shit so badly.


RE4 is great but it simultaneously ruined the franchise for a while since the people who made RE5 and RE6 seemingly forgot what made RE4 great.

SHOOT: RE4's controls have aged like ass in a post-Dead Space world though


1 - Resident Evil 5 is a good game, not on 4 level, but still good and with a ridiculous amount of content, good content mind you.

2 - Resident Evil 4 controls didn't age bad as the game design works well with it and is very serviceable.


Old grandpas are the only people who can tolerate RE4's controls since they grew up in an age with games like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill where game protagonists weren't intelligent enough to shoot a gun and move at the same time

You missed the wackiest (and best!) controls: ...Metal Gear?!


You missed the wackiest (and best!) controls: ...Metal Gear?!

Going back to play MGS1 was definitely a jarring experience for me. For the criticisms that exist with MGS4 and 5, they play so well.
Metal Gear Rising is still the best Metal Gear game since MGS3 though.

Dead Space 1 and 2 were both really great.

It's too bad the publisher got their fingers too deep into Dead Space 3. The first two games were really fantastic experiences. They're also the closest I think we'll ever get to an Event Horizon video game.
When did this happen? I'm also curious about the context considering how much Bret respects Taker
Him, Bret, and Nash were discussing the finish for In Your House, and Bret refused to take Nash's finisher or some bullshit, claiming that it would make him look weak. Undertaker stood up in frustration and yelled at Bret "motherfucker, not everything is about you!"
This is a good point, actually. I think RE4's controls kind of suck these days but the game is designed in good ways that mask how shitty the controls are.

Agreed. It's not like Godhand where everything is fast-paced but you have idiotic tank controls to work with. Everyone moves slow in RE4 (with a few exceptions) so the tank controls don't work against you most of the time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Taker traded in his wife of 7 years for a newer, prettier model
Also one of JBL's closest friends in the WWE for years. To the point that JBL either learned from him or that Undertaker never told him to cut that shit out
and he's also the king of unprotected chair shots


I recently finished RE6 just because 1) I bought when it came out, 2) because I played most of the others.

I'd be having fun one minute and be irate the next. Wesker's chapter was probably the best. By that point I wasn't even shooting things anymore. I'd just punch everything.


Taker traded in his wife of 7 years for a newer, prettier model
Also one of JBL's closest friends in the WWE for years. To the point that JBL either learned from him or that Undertaker never told him to cut that shit out
and he's also the king of unprotected chair shots

Taker is the company man through and through, it says all you need to know.


i played some re7 in vr yesterday

got motion sickness walking around outside for 10 minutes

game devs: "great, now enter this mansion. time to get claustrophobic on top of that. "


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Now I know I'm hanging with some jokers when someone seriously posits the idea that RE4 is worse than any game in its genre. RE 4 is one of the best games ever.

Dead Space is a pretty good game! 2 is a bit worse. Extraction is actually a great lightgun game. 3 is TRASH.

None of that sniffs at the perfection of RE 4.


Did the Strowman / Roman beat down from last week come close to the near hour long Undertaker / Lesnar series of segments from a while back?

I remember watching that and thinking the Taker / Lesnar stuff where they had their interviews, had a big pull apart brawl and everything for like the first hour or so related to that match was some of the best work WWE had done in a while.


Taker traded in his wife of 7 years for a newer, prettier model
Also one of JBL's closest friends in the WWE for years. To the point that JBL either learned from him or that Undertaker never told him to cut that shit out
and he's also the king of unprotected chair shots

Not sure if Taker will be able to upgrade Wife again. Who knows.


Did the Strowman / Roman beat down from last week come close to the near hour long Undertaker / Lesnar series of segments from a while back?

I remember watching that and thinking the Taker / Lesnar stuff where they had their interviews, had a big pull apart brawl and everything for like the first hour or so related to that match was some of the best work WWE had done in a while.

I liked Braun's rampage better, but I'm a Braun mark and I love how cartoonish it was.
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