Are you on drugs?San Andreas is better than all those games. San Andreas is the greatest video game ever made. I will never love a game more than that. It's like if WCW was a video game.
San Andreas is better than all those games. San Andreas is the greatest video game ever made. I will never love a game more than that. It's like if WCW was a video game.
Now I get your AV. It's pretty good by the way.
Anything Suda51 related = Filth.
Both Wilder and confirm the injury and timetable... out for 8 weeks
Are you on drugs?
That's not terrible.
I think I'll choose Yakuza 0 next to dive into over Persona 5.
My school didn't have the anti-drug thing. We had dippy duck, who taught us to not swim in canals and gave out dope highlighters.
Fuck outta here with that nonsense. Dude made Ric Flair a murderer in a wrestling game he wrote for.
Jesus Christ, God of War and Splinter Cell 3 were in 2005 as well?
We have 2017Yeah, I think it's going to be tough to ever again see a gaming year that competes with how great 2005 was
Fuck youFuck Suda51
Fuck Grasshopper Manufacture
Fuck Swery
Fuck Deadly Premonition
Fuck D4
My school didn't have the anti-drug thing. We had dippy duck, who taught us to not swim in canals and gave out dope highlighters.
Indigo Prophecy lmfao
Jesus Christ, God of War and Splinter Cell 3 were in 2005 as well?
I'm literally picturing Taker saying that. Bret with a you MF'er,ok I'll do it faceHim, Bret, and Nash were discussing the finish for In Your House, and Bret refused to take Nash's finisher or some bullshit, claiming that it would make him look weak. Undertaker stood up in frustration and yelled at Bret "motherfucker, not everything is about you!"
Yeah, I think it's going to be tough to ever again see a gaming year that competes with how great 2005 was
Fuck you
Deadly Premonition is probably the greatest game of all time.
We have 201
^Donkey Kong Country is probably the greatest game of all time.
I enjoyed more games last year than on that 2005 list.
I'd say 2004 or 2001 are more challenging to top for me.
Anything Suda51 related = Filth.
resuing my gif from the last time people were shit talking suda
The PS2 era was a magical time.
I enjoyed more games last year than on that 2005 list.
I'd say 2004 or 2001 are more challenging to top for me.
I've probably beat it like 4 times. I love showing people that mess.I've played Heavy Rain so many times I'm honestly ashamed of myself.
I just had to keep playing as FBI Agent Normah Jaydahn guys.
Killer 7 turned me into a Grasshopper mark. Still need to find time to get round to Shadows Of The Damned as I promised to in this thread last year.
Fuck Suda51
Fuck Grasshopper Manufacture
Fuck Swery
Fuck Deadly Premonition
Fuck D4
I've probably beat it like 4 times. I love showing people that mess.