I wonder if so many wrestling fans being so generally bitter and cynical comes from the fact that it's half a sport half a fictional TV show... Sports fans are fickle and love to shit on their own team when they aren't doing well (problem with wrestling becomes that doing well is highly subjective whereas in other sports it's basically statistics) but can't stop/ won't stop watching their team, going to the games etc... Add in the general why the fuck did they write it like that that TV shows get and you get a recipe for Bitter fans.
I think there's also something to be said about people getting defensive about what they perceive as "their childhood". You see it with Nintendo games, you see it with Star Wars, and you see it with wrestling, just to name a few. While many see the new product, realize it's not for them, and move on... others feel the need to stick around, because maybe, just MAYBE, they'll make something great again and make you feel the same way you felt all those years ago as a child, either playing Nintendo games, or watching a Star Wars movie, or watching fake athletics.