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April Wrasslin' |OT| 2017 Season Premiere

Hilarious people still think Roman needs to "heel turn". He's already a natural heel despite the booking.

Per Meltzer: Booing and chanting at him is only proving to Vince that he deserves to be out there.


And about Roman, I remember how in the past they said that WWE only found out that Bryan was over during his cage match against the Wyatts on Raw

Maybe with 15 min of the crowd booing Roman and chanting "Fuck You" for the first time since ECW (I guess?) maybe they saw that Roman will not be over as a face in the near future
...Or I'm just foolin' myself


More I think about it. The more I think they will trade Roman to SD, get him to win the belt and defend it for a few months. Then have champ vs champ at Mania and have Roman beat Brock. So Roman becomes the ultimate champ.

On the one hand I see this happening because that's Vince logic in its purest. On the other hand wouldn't that effectively result in them merging the WWE and Universal titles together? Otherwise that storyline would heavily devalue one of the belts

Hilarious people still think Roman needs to "heel turn". He's already a natural heel despite the booking.

Per Meltzer: Booing and chanting at him is only proving to Vince that he deserves to be out there.

Why do people seriously buy this logic? It's literally just Vince finding a reason to keep Roman out there. If half the arena left instead of booing Roman, Vince would just say "well they aren't booing him that means they dont hate him". Vince will shift the narrative any way he wants. This is the same guy who said years ago that he'd rather have a half empty stadium cheering for his guy instead of a full stadium cheering for who they want


That's why I want him in the Cruiser-Weight. He doesn't have character and is not credible against anyone due to that, going to the Cruiser-Weight division might help him on that, kinda like it did to Neville who was also 100% lost before.

Yeah, I just kinda hate the cruiserweights being totally ringfenced. That Keith Lee match at Joey Janelas Spring Break showed how much I miss those little man/big man matches.

a change in commentary and storylines around a character that's already an asshole can help things but we're long past that.

Hell, JR made Roman sound more legit than he has in ages on commentary.


On the one hand I see this happening because that's Vince logic in its purest. On the other hand wouldn't that effectively result in them merging the WWE and Universal titles together? Otherwise that storyline would heavily devalue one of the belts

Vince will just have him on both shows. Loads more Roman for the fans.


I know the Broken gimmick is red hot but don't forget the Hardys just as a nostalgia run can still do plenty of business, they were big stars for WWE, especially Jeff who was nearly their top star at one point if his substance abuse problems hadn't held him back.
Vince will just have him on both shows. Loads more Roman for the fans.

Of course! When it was Taker's yard, he showed up wherever he pleased. Now Roman has been to the land registry and had the yard signed over to him, the same benefit applies...
Only thing that makes me think they will leave Nak to the mini draft is how big a draw he is.

What's the difference?

Either he shows up tonight unannounced

Or he is acquired in the shakeup and shows up the same night.

Neither scenarios call upon his drawing power to get viewers to tune in. Not like they are announcing here are the NXT guys coming up find out where they go on Roster Shakeup week.


I didn't watch all of Raw last night, but I did catch the segment with Angle & Enzo/Cass and thought it was hilarious. Kurt was perfect there, reminded me how much I missed him on TV.
Storyline wise it would make more sense for Smackdown to try to get Seth Rollins than Roman Reigns in a trade.

Both shows should make an agreement to merge the womens and tag divisions back together

Tag yes, women no.

A unified women's division would never have given women like Bliss and Naomi room to grow like they have. It'd literally just be the four horsewomen fighting each other forever.



What's the difference?

Either he shows up tonight unannounced

Or he is acquired in the shakeup and shows up the same night.

Neither scenarios call upon his drawing power to get viewers to tune in. Not like they are announcing here are the NXT guys coming up find out where they go on Roster Shakeup week.

The difference is it keeps people guessing where he will end up, it will keep some people watching.
What Meltzer said doesn't even matter. It's not realistic to expect the crowd to sit on their hands when a character they don't like comes out.

Who cares what Vince's screwed nonsense logic is, he will find whatever reason he can to justify pushing Roman the way he currently is.


Tag yes, women no.

A unified women's division would never have given people like Bliss and Naomi room to grow like they have

They still could with a unified division, the issue with women was always booking not necessarily that they had to keep the rosters split. A unified women's division would be better for both shows because it would open the door for way more potential feuds and storylines. This would admittedly help Raw's women division more than Smackdown's since Raw's division is like 5 people
What Meltzer said doesn't even matter. It's not realistic to expect the crowd to sit on their hands when a character they don't like comes out.

Who cares what Vince's screwed nonsense logic is, he will find whatever reason he can to justify pushing Roman the way he currently is.

It sounds like people making excuses for shitty booking.

I wonder if people don't same for bad tv characters


Vince starts every thought process with the conclusion of "Roman is the rightful top star" and then works backwards to find justifications, even if he has to make some up. Funnily enough a number of Roman fans have absorbed this way of thinking.
They ain't unifying no women's division any time soon. It should've been brand exclusive but Vince wouldn't go for having almost all the women on one show which would then lead to too many being lost in the shuffle and even less to do unless they finally resurrected the women's tag titles (ignoring that Vince apparently doesn't like tag teams either) which I was hoping for before the split.

Man, that Roman heat was incredible, he must be the most hated wrestler ever in wwf/e?

In happier news, crazy, violent Emma is the best.
That was probably the most legit hostile a WWE crowd has been since the days of Rocky Maivia 20 years ago.
hardcore vocal fans crapped all over it

But still showed respectful applause/cheers towards him after Raw last night.


What Meltzer said doesn't even matter. It's not realistic to expect the crowd to sit on their hands when a character they don't like comes out.

Who cares what Vince's screwed nonsense logic is, he will find whatever reason he can to justify pushing Roman the way he currently is.


Vince will push whatever narrative to validate his vision.


Of course! When it was Taker's yard, he showed up wherever he pleased. Now Roman has been to the land registry and had the yard signed over to him, the same benefit applies...

That's what I think they will do. Have Roman be the new Undertaker like guy and turn up when ever where ever he wants.
The difference is it keeps people guessing where he will end up, it will keep some people watching.

I mean that's what this week was... We wondered if he'd show up on Raw and he didn't.

It also sounds like roster shakeup might entirely take place on Raw.

Nak's music just hitting is so much better than Nak being announced somewhere and then showing up.


I'm back from Wrestlemania. Was back yesterday but I took the day to rest after a full day and watching the longest fucking televised wrestling show in US history in a stadium seat without a back to it. The view from the cheap seats ruled for both Takeover and Mania. Had a bit of an issue with the post, but it didn't bother me much.

Some pictures:








The only picture I really took during Mania was of Bray Wyatt's entrance:


Bonus Wrestlemania Selfie. I'm on the left.


Overall, great weekend. Takeover was a good show. Authors of Pain really stepped up and became the monster tag team they were meant to be. Ember Moon showed more than I've seen as well, I hope we get a rematch. Loved the main event, good old school pace, nothing flashy but great wrestling.

Wrestlemania though, damn that was a long show. Zach, I apologize for giving you shit on saying 3 hours is pushing it. For me, 7 hours plus is a bit much and we were feeling it by Lesnar/Goldberg. The show was amazing though. They treated most matches as if they were main events. Shane wrestled the best match of his career. I think my favorite overall match though was Triple H vs Seth Rollins. It was much better than I expected, and they didn't overdo the selling of Rollins knee. I loved the pedigree reversals spot too. Favorite moment had to be the Hardys return, that was the loudest pop of the night. I don't know how I feel about Undertaker retiring. It should have happened a few years ago....but damn, I wasn't ready for that. As a side note, Roman Reigns has surpassed X-Pac heat and now has Poochie heat. Simpsons fans would get that. I don't think his character will ever get over retiring the Undertaker. It was his "you screwed Brett" moment but not in a way that will turn into anything good years from now.


Vince is going to ride the Roman bandwagon as long as he wants. There's absolutely no external pressure on the company what so ever since there's no competition and the TV contracts aren't expiring for a while. And Vince doesn't seem overly concerned about the fact that the TV ratings and attendance numbers have been dropping at a ridiculously bad rate.
Hilarious people still think Roman needs to "heel turn". He's already a natural heel despite the booking.

Per Meltzer: Booing and chanting at him is only proving to Vince that he deserves to be out there.

If Roman turned he would still run through everyonea favorites and he would still have go away heat. The show would still be based arpund him and what he does.

I kind of feel people dont know they want because they wont build him up as a heel to put over someone they like. They would just turn him heel until people non-ironically cheer him which they probably wont.

After Mania any hope of salvaging him is probably done anyway. He retired one of the most beloved icons in history in an embarrassingly awful match.


I mean that's what this week was... We wondered if he'd show up on Raw and he didn't.

It also sounds like roster shakeup might entirely take place on Raw.

Nak's music just hitting is so much better than Nak being announced somewhere and then showing up.

I agree with you, but WWE always like to make out the drafts/trades are big things. When they really aren't.
Based on RAW I assume that New Day and Charlotte are moving to SD. Just felt like they were being written off to they can get traded next week.
Since they are not making this an official Draft I'm guessing they're only going to be moving a few people from each brand and not doing a total overhaul.
Charlotte can go fuck off to somewhere.
They still could with a unified division, the issue with women was always booking not necessarily that they had to keep the rosters split. A unified women's division would be better for both shows because it would open the door for way more potential feuds and storylines. This would admittedly help Raw's women division more than Smackdown's since Raw's division is like 5 people

Smackdown's is 7.

And really 6 again cause Nikki is leaving.

The difference is Smackdown gives a lot of time to their women.

If the divisions were integrated you'd have more likely two Bayley spots a week, possibly two Charlotte, with Sasha and Becky always in another segment.

The depth women would see their time cut. Change up the women's roster every 6 months but I don't think a unified division is a good idea.


Vince is going to ride the Roman bandwagon as long as he wants. There's absolutely no external pressure on the company what so ever since there's no competition and the TV contracts aren't expiring for a while. And Vince doesn't seem overly concerned about the fact that the TV ratings and attendance numbers have been dropping at a ridiculously bad rate.

After last night, I think the heat for Roman is nuclear, and not just for a Raw After Mania crowd. A character people hate retired a character many of those same people see as a wrestling god. You can't come back from that.
I love the SD womens division, I like the fact that Alexa and Naomi was able to develop as the 'main feud' naturally. Becky was top pick and 'most important' initially (and still is a top star) but she took a backseat for awhile and let other people rise too so now we have many of the girls who can be considered title contenders.

You know if it was Raw booking the SD division would have gone like this:

Everyone else
I'm back from Wrestlemania. Was back yesterday but I took the day to rest after a full day and watching the longest fucking televised wrestling show in US history in a stadium seat without a back to it. The view from the cheap seats ruled for both Takeover and Mania. Had a bit of an issue with the post, but it didn't bother me much.

Some pictures:



Overall, great weekend. Takeover was a good show. Authors of Pain really stepped up and became the monster tag team they were meant to be. Ember Moon showed more than I've seen as well, I hope we get a rematch. Loved the main event, good old school pace, nothing flashy but great wrestling.

Wrestlemania though, damn that was a long show. Zach, I apologize for giving you shit on saying 3 hours is pushing it. For me, 7 hours plus is a bit much and we were feeling it by Lesnar/Goldberg. The show was amazing though. They treated most matches as if they were main events. Shane wrestled the best match of his career. I think my favorite overall match though was Triple H vs Seth Rollins. It was much better than I expected, and they didn't overdo the selling of Rollins knee. I loved the pedigree reversals spot too. Favorite moment had to be the Hardys return, that was the loudest pop of the night. I don't know how I feel about Undertaker retiring. It should have happened a few years ago....but damn, I wasn't ready for that. As a side note, Roman Reigns has surpassed X-Pac heat and now has Poochie heat. Simpsons fans would get that. I don't think his character will ever get over retiring the Undertaker. It was his "you screwed Brett" moment but not in a way that will turn into anything good years from now.

Happy to hear you had a great weekend!

Sucks about no back to the seat though, damn, friend.


The day Roman turns heel people will cheer for him, so Vince should actually consider it

It's hilarious that Vince has completely forgotten that Rock and Austin both had their careers made as heels and that Hogan's career was revived with a heel run.

After last night, I think the heat for Roman is nuclear, and not just for a Raw After Mania crowd. A character people hate retired a character many of those same people see as a wrestling god. You can't come back from that.

Vince probably still believes the people booing Roman are in the minority even though he's booed out of arenas 50 out of 52 weeks a year.
I think the Women's division split into two was more a positive than a negative. However the Tag division is a different story. I hope this "Shakeup" have some tag teams switching more to Smackdown like The Club and Enzo & Cass for one of Smackdown's teams. I think the former mentioned teams would benefit a lot on being in the Smackdown brand than where they are at.
It's time to split the New Day up.

Seems Smackdown's top heels will revolve around Corbin,
, and Bray I guess.

Harper will probably go to Raw.


To be fair, Roman at one point in his career actually was cheered by people. Shaemus wasn't.

I remember Sheamus getting cheered when he first turned face years ago, facing Mark Henry. Then he fizzled out doing nothing, and then 18 seconds happened and he was done.


If Roman turned he would still run through everyonea favorites and he would still have go away heat. The show would still be based arpund him and what he does.

I kind of feel people dont know they want because they wont build him up as a heel to put over someone they like. They would just turn him heel until people non-ironically cheer him which they probably wont.

After Mania any hope of salvaging him is probably done anyway. He retired one of the most beloved icons in history in an embarrassingly awful match.

They'd turn him into HHH. Where he just bores the shit out of all the fans and buries everyone.
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