Judging by the posts here, I think this thread has a bunch of Lapsed Fan listeners. Am I correct on this?
Am I a gimmick poster? Do some of you hate me? Tell me; I don't mind. What can I do to improve?
Finding out that Bluekaveli put me on his Ignore List due to liking WCW has shaken me to the core.
http://www.complex.com/sports/2017/...s-at-dan-le-batard-during-live-espn-interviewFrom there, all hell broke loose for a few moments. DDP started calling Le Batard "monkey" over and over again, and eventually, he started dropping F-bombs as well. Fortunatelyfor ESPN, at leasta producer dumped the curse words and went to commercial as quickly as possible. But in the clip above, you can hear DDPs audio cut out and see the reactions on the faces of Le Batard and his crew as DDP loses his cool
Zach is like the NXT era Sami Zayn of WrassleGAF
Have you, Bluekaveli?
So shit on every week?
So shit on every week?
Have you, Bluekaveli?
Jesus Christ. I guess this is about what you can expect from someone as carney as DDP.In case you missed it DDP getting worked into a shoot.
He starts cursing on ESPN
Have you, Bluekaveli?
I will not stand for vascularity-shaming Muscles Mahal.
Who can step on stage a moment's notice and place top 5 in anaturalBB competition? Juicy Jinder, that's who.
God Sami is so fucking great, they've just completely wasted the poor guy.
I'm sure Jinder doesn't give a damn if some fat fan thinks he's too buff given that most of us never will or could get that buff.
The real comedy is when Rusev comes back, the fans are happy to see him and Lana and he immediately goes into some kind of "fuck america" promo and we realize he's still a heel for no real reason.
Looks like someone needs to sign up for some DDP yoga.In case you missed it DDP getting worked into a shoot.
He starts cursing on ESPN
They most definitely do. I've said it before but WWE are basically giving Sami booking to intentionally be a Daniel Bryan underdog, completely missing the fucking point that people like Daniel, or Zack or on the woman side Becky or Bayley were underdogs because creative just genuinely had nothing for them but they managed to gain support nonetheless.I really wonder if someone in the company thinks Sami should be having Daniel Bryan popularity by now.
I really wonder if someone in the company thinks Sami should be having Daniel Bryan popularity by now.
I really wonder if someone in the company thinks Sami should be having Daniel Bryan popularity by now.
My favorite pic from SDL this past year.
Also also another lapsed OT is garbage ot for garbage people <3
lapsed fan is a garbage podcast for garbage people
.stop trying to make lapsed fan happen, it isn't going to happen
It's Ziggler getting berated. I'll allow it.How can someone be a favorite when it involves Ziggler?!
Ziggler's the butt of the joke though so it worksHow can someone be a favorite when it involves Ziggler?!
My favorite pic from SDL this past year.
Where did you find this?
Did you know in 1984 Vince didn't poach talent, buy TV time, book arenas just to fuck with competition (even if he didn't have the card for a show) but he also filled the airwaves with over 9 HOURS of TV per week. In 1984! You had 3 syndicated shows (3 hours), All American (1 hour), Tuesday Night Titans (1.5 to 2 hours), Prime Time Wrestling (2 hours).
Time is a flat circle.
Clearly this means Roman Reigns is working intended.Raw lost 300,000 viewers compared to the Raw after Mania last year.
Only 3.767 million viewers for last night.
Did you know in 1984 Vince didn't poach talent, buy TV time, book arenas just to fuck with competition (even if he didn't have the card for a show) but he also filled the airwaves with over 9 HOURS of TV per week. In 1984! You had 3 syndicated shows (3 hours), All American (1 hour), Tuesday Night Titans (1.5 to 2 hours), Prime Time Wrestling (2 hours).
Time is a flat circle.
Speaking of the 80's, does anyone know exactly what factors contributed to so much drug abuse back then?
Watching matches of that time, while they clearly still took bumps, they definitely seemed a lot tamer and slower than modern times, but painkiller abuse was as rampant as ever.
So why is it not as bad today? Better medical services? Less wrestling in general? More attention on how to take bumps better?
Rip Matt and maybe Jeff.HAHA I saw what Matt posted on Twitter. Broken gimmick confirmed dead.
Speculation of them slowly bringing it back never made sense to me either, older people are too informed these days.
Speaking of the 80's, does anyone know exactly what factors contributed to so much drug abuse back then?
Watching matches of that time, while they clearly still took bumps, they definitely seemed a lot tamer and slower than modern times, but painkiller abuse was as rampant as ever.
So why is it not as bad today? Better medical services? Less wrestling in general? More attention on how to take bumps better?
Medical advances plus the WWF schedule in the 80s was absolute insanity.
Seeing as Vince wanted to be EVERYWHERE immediately, he didn't just do it in nice, set out tours like they do nowadays. Whenever he saw an open arena booking in a rival territory he would just take it and just make the boys work it be-damned if they had 2 shows the day previous half way across the country.
And of course, mental health stigma/be a man/stiff upper lip leading to people carrying injuries far longer than they should have.
Working non stop and being on the road 300 days. There was no guaranteed money unless you wrestled so guys would put all sorts of shit in their body
Backlash.What is the next SD PPV? From what I can tell they don't have one scheduled until Backlash in mid-May.
HAHA I saw what Matt posted on Twitter. Broken gimmick confirmed dead.
Speculation of them slowly bringing it back never made sense to me either, older people are too informed these days.
I specifically said 4.0, not 4m.
But now I hate myself for talking about ratings. I still like Roman!