Surrealism. Beautiful.
Surrealism. Beautiful.
Did I ever tell wrassleGAF I paid for a Pete Rose autograph at that place (I believe it's at Mandalay Bay) just so I could ask him "are you planning to get your revenge on Kane this year?"$40 seems like a steal. Hogan was appearing at a Vegas memorabilia shop a few years ago (the one Pete Rose frequents) and they wanted like $250 for a picture and autograph. I ended up just staring at him through the window like a mark.
Did I ever tell wrassleGAF I paid for a Pete Rose autograph at that place (I believe it's at Mandalay Bay) just so I could ask him "are you planning to get your revenge on Kane this year?"
You're living up to your name.Did I ever tell wrassleGAF I paid for a Pete Rose autograph at that place (I believe it's at Mandalay Bay) just so I could ask him "are you planning to get your revenge on Kane this year?"
You're living up to your name.
Also Mahal says he's natural so I believe him
Will Okada do the job?Pretty pumped for Sakura Genesis.
Sabre vs Goto should be fun
He was a total trooper about it, too. He said it was taking so long because he couldn't find a San Diego Chicken outfit anywhere, which popped me big time.
It was a clear signifier that he's going to be a star, the context was Cena is leaving and here's Nak to take his place.
With Nakamura gone from NXT, who is likely to take the mantle as the "best male performer" on their roster? Ohno? Black? McIntyre? Almas? Itami? I am most interested in seeing how NXT builds Black up.
Also, who is typically viewed as the top "get" for NXT nowadays? Ricochet? Ospreay? Omega? Would Pentagon ever be a considerable hire for WWE?
Lol I like that he still remembers the specifics.He was a total trooper about it, too. He said it was taking so long because he couldn't find a San Diego Chicken outfit anywhere, which popped me big time.
[b said:Biggest-Geek-Ever[/b];233479210]Did I ever tell wrassleGAF I paid for a Pete Rose autograph at that place (I believe it's at Mandalay Bay) just so I could ask him "are you planning to get your revenge on Kane this year?"
wow this is terrible
I want something to come of this, but I don't expect it. People should keep talking about it, though.
Black/End is going to be the next big NXT guy, no way around it
Whie WWE fans would lose their shit at a Ricochet, Ospreay, Omega and Pentagon signing all of those guys would suffer in WWE. No way around it.
Guys like Regal and Dreamer are well known for looking out for guys that are being singled out or aren't getting a fair shake.I don't remember anyone saying anything bad about Regal, as for Dreamer, that was a good bit.
They to find a new music guy cause this is shit.
It actually hits a perfect spot in my heart with how cheesy it is. I was in the hardcore scene growing up so it's especially funny for me. Wrestling is dumb. Dumb themes like Aleister Black's theme fit in perfectly.They to find a new music guy cause this is shit.
The reality is that WrestleMania really does at some point, probably soon, need to become a two-day affair. If you look two or three years down the line, the company will have far more talent than it does now. There are choices, marathon shows that get mixed reviews and cause casual fans to tap out so you only serve the hardcore audience, or rush matches, which get the talent and hardcore fans mad or you cut down on the number of matches and bench talented performers or just do larger Battle Royals which marginalized more of the talent and make them come across as not special. Let's face it, the Smackdown tag champs and top challengers were the perfect example of guys whose star power took a hit by being nobodies in a Battle Royal. And there are more guys of that level on the way to the main roster by 2020.
Or you can do two three-and-a-half hour shows on successive days. The audience is there that would pack stadiums two straight nights. You'd probably have to cut the individual ticket prices down, but the combined ticket prices of the two nights can be higher than the current single night price. Granted that means the Hall of Fame or NXT has to run on Thursday, but it also brings fans in one day earlier so it becomes more valuable to the local market as far tourism dollars and the overall event itself.
They to find a new music guy cause this is shit.
It actually hits a perfect spot in my heart with how cheesy it is. I was in the hardcore scene growing up so it's especially funny for me. Wrestling is dumb. Dumb themes like Aleister Black's theme fit in perfectly.
If you believe they would suffer, who do you think could benefit? Someone like Adam Cole, Jay Lethal, Kenny King, Tama Tonga? Or older wrestlers that have done as much as they could in other promotions such as Frankie Kazarian, Bobby Fish, etc?
It actually hits a perfect spot in my heart with how cheesy it is. I was in the hardcore scene growing up so it's especially funny for me. Wrestling is dumb. Dumb themes like Aleister Black's theme fit in perfectly.
Which makes it beautifully dumb.but its not even good bad hardcore. it just sounds like a bad lionheart ripoff while trying to ape an old christopher daniels theme at the same time.
I don't know why there has to be this WHO SHOULD THEY GET thing. There is so much damn talent on that roster (especially combined with NXT). It's so deep and there is so much potential there.
Yep. My immediate thought on hearing this was "Hardcore and wrestling has finally converged". That said Incendiary is not from the corny mold, at least for me, as there are way cornier hardcore bands now with generic as A-B-A-B-C-B sequences of moshing.
Jonathan Gresham has accomplished more before the age of 30 than most achieve in their career. The Atlanta, GA native first appeared on Ring of Honor Wrestling in the 2011 Top Prospect Tournament and since then has wrestled in 12 countries in four continents, proving to be one of the premier technical wrestlers in the world.
It is with great excitement that Ring of Honor Wrestling announces that Jonathan Gresham has officially signed a full-time contract and will be in action in Baltimore this Saturday, April 8!
Gresham has competed in ROH on a freelance basis, picking up wins in singles and tag team competition in between his extensive international travel schedule. With a repitoire of hundreds of submission moves, including his patented Octopus Stretch, Gresham has the ability to defeat opponents of any size or experience level.
At age 29 with a decade of experience under his belt, Gresham is already one of the planet's best grapplers with even greater potential. Gresham has impressed ROH fans so much in his appearances that he has been one of the most in-demand stars for fans of the Best Wrestling on the Planet.
Will Okada do the job?
The bits with him talking about his family and growing up with the Usos were cool. When it came time to talk about the business and such, yeah. Huge dick.listening to clips from that Jericho Reigns podcast...
you know how everyone hated Cena but then we realized "hey he's actually a really cool guy outside the ring"?
Reigns is like the exact opposite, he sounds like the biggest piece of shit douchebag in the world
Song is fine for the first 2 minutes but then it just loops and goes absolutely nowhere.
Like the vast majority of CFO$ songs but I'm pretty sure they are designed to be that way
So you want Baron Corbin.I came back to post this since I saw "The Alley Cat" (main roster nickname because Vince is out of his mind) Aliester Black Twittered it, I was late.
I wish this dude had a deeper voice though and maybe was more black metal than hardcore, this is another WWE song with a dude who people will think is Zack de la Rocha singing.
Generico was shot over in Tijuana.You're overestimating Sami.
Not going into the WWE as El Generico was the best thing to happen to him even if some people disagree with that.
Jinder's reaching Steiner levels of juice, jesus.Guess who
I don't even listen to metal like that but this rules.
Fuck this company and fuuuuuuuuuuuuck JBL.
Song is fine for the first 2 minutes but then it just loops and goes absolutely nowhere.
Like the vast majority of CFO$ songs but I'm pretty sure they are designed to be that way