Great show the whole way through, except for Usos vs Social Outcasts, and the crowd delivered as well.
Owens is awesome. He can be funny, he can be threatening and he is great in ring. Cesaro might lack a character, but, man, his charisma during the matches he is in is absurd.
Huge pop for Bray, boos for LoN and nuclear heat towards Roman. Seeing the League of Nations becoming babyfaces everytime Roman tried to do something was very entertaining. Bray is great and I hope WWE throws a bone to the Wyatts and that it lasts at least long enough for Luke to be able to enjoy it as well.
They did right by keeping Sami away from the WWE title picture for now. Quite a few boos, surprisingly. He is great, he's got charisma but if we learned anything from Reigns is that they need to take their time.
Final thoughts:
Who the fuck is Dr. Phil?