and he could shoot.
look at him working the modified neck crank. That's some serious catch-as-catch-can-wrestling there.
Are people even buying TNA stuff now?
Are they really selling shirts, dvds, and other shit?
Danielle Kamela seem like could instantly fit into the Devin Taylor type role of training whilst doing backstage interviews
I am glad, because that did not come across on TV.
I think it was full of taxes Vince forgot to pay. Someone will be visiting him soon.They need to do something with the lockbox thing still. Maybe shane hired repo man to steal the information or something
I got to assume Shane constantly appearing on RAW is probably leading to Shane v Triple H down the road.
I guessed that was part of the reason they never put HHH and Shane in the same ring before mania and let Stephanie do it instead.
Maybe this is how they do that often planned Triple H versus Vince story they have been tossing around every year or two. Shane does the actual wrestling part.
I think it was full of taxes Vince forgot to pay. Someone will be visiting him soon.
Is she any good?
Austin said on his most recent podcast that he had a torn rotator cuff going into Mania. Guess that explains the extra tubbiness.
Fixed. And answer probably wasting and hopefully destroy the Wyatts.So.. Who's Brock wasting his time now on?
This is what i said a couple of hours ago here! Dude would look like a million bucks doing it.Some random finishing move related thoughts. Sami Zayn's finisher should be the Blue Thunder Bomb, it's seriously the prettiest looking move in wrestling right now. Helluva Kick should be a backup finisher or a signature move. Apollo Crews needs to stop it with that knockoff Blue Thunder Bomb he's doing and use the fucking Jackhammer. It's been long enough since Goldberg was relevant, Crews could make that move look good. It would also be better than the two shitty finishers he has now. The spear Roman gave last night to protect Bray's pin was the best one he's delivered in a while.
and he could shoot.
look at him working the modified neck crank. That's some serious catch-as-catch-can-wrestling there.
This is what i said a couple of hours ago here! Dude would look like a million bucks doing it.
Since Nattie won by disqualification, does that mean she and Charlotte still have a feud going on? Would they actually push it to Payback?
So.. Who's Brock feuding now?
GOT-DAMN! Real-ass HBK on Russo's podcast!
Those last 10 minutes were fire.
Which doesn't mean much to me. There's so many times that something has happened to TNA where it seemed they were about to die. Then they find some way to stay alive for a few months before something else happens. It's like a cycle at this point. I'd like to think of TNA as a cockroach.Meltzer says that TNA was evicted from their office. Also their whsrehouse is really small.
They should get Kim Kanner to the shonee's for that event. She still looks great.
Kanner? Is that DDP's ex Kimberley?
Zach, recommendation for 95-97 PPV? I was going to go off your list but if you had 3-5 stand outs I'm all ears
Some random finishing move related thoughts. Sami Zayn's finisher should be the Blue Thunder Bomb, it's seriously the prettiest looking move in wrestling right now. Helluva Kick should be a backup finisher or a signature move.
Apollo Crews needs to stop it with that knockoff Blue Thunder Bomb he's doing and use the fucking Jackhammer. It's been long enough since Goldberg was relevant, Crews could make that move look good. It would also be better than the two shitty finishers he has now.
The spear Roman gave last night to protect Bray's pin was the best one he's delivered in a while.
Fixed. And answer probably wasting and hopefully destroy the Wyatts.
E:: Scott Steiner owns a restaurant? Also Heel, the reporter had to keep it professional right? Not knowing who Scott Steiner is?
One things for sure, Steph destroys Shane on the mic.
Even if her promos are considered good heel promos, she's just boring... and [has] a horrible voice.
This is One pathetic tag divison
But Shane is much, MUCH more enjoyable than her. Even if her promos are considered good heel promos, she's just boring with and have a horrible voice.
I got to assume Shane constantly appearing on RAW is probably leading to Shane v Triple H down the road.
I guessed that was part of the reason they never put HHH and Shane in the same ring before mania and let Stephanie do it instead.
Maybe this is how they do that often planned Triple H versus Vince story they have been tossing around every year or two. Shane does the actual wrestling part.
One things for sure, Steph destroys Shane on the mic.
This is One pathetic tag divison
Oh, thanks for that. I always mix a few things when I write in English.