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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production

Yeah the good ol' boy "fight through the pain and long hours". This shit ra through my head listening to roman and dean during that road trip show too.

There is no fucking reason this circus needs to be traveling this much in a span of 24 hours.

They really should be better at booking these tours so these insane schedules don't hit wrestlers. Simply should've pulled Bray from the overseas tour if he gets shuffled into Raw/Smackdown. Or hell, organise so taping is done over there. Allow the talent time to get ready.


Ah ok. So the WWE foots the bill for international flights then. Hopefully they get them decent seats. I shudder to think of what someone like Braun Strowman goes through on a 12+ hour flight let alone the people who have to sit next to him.

So you're telling me that wwe doesn't make them swim to the other countries ?

My life is a lie.

I meant WWE pays for ALL flights.

At least, that's what Da Meltz says.


Ah ok. So the WWE foots the bill for international flights then. Hopefully they get them decent seats. I shudder to think of what someone like Braun Strowman goes through on a 12+ hour flight let alone the people who have to sit next to him.
I was on a plane with Mark Henry before and he was in economy class with the rest of us. This was like 6 years ago though.
Agreed ^

Hey, did Nakamura perform on NXT tonight?
Yes, against Tye Dillinger. Match wasn't anything special but it was pretty fun.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You guys do realize that wrestlers can actually negotiate their contracts right? They don't sign form contracts, they have them negotiated by agents. If they aren't getting paid flights they should get a better agent.
It was only a matter of time before LU fell victim to becoming full of bad decisions. From the new Observer:

There have been complaints among talent that the creative team and management don’t understand the physical punishment involved in the style. While most are thrilled to be working there, because the Mexicans can’t make that money anywhere else and the Americans love being featured as most wouldn’t elsewhere and the ones who could go to WWE in most cases wouldn’t get the breaks there they get here, there is the feeling they are asked to do too much for one day or weekend. There are times when wrestlers have had to do two ridiculously physically hard matches on the same show, often stip matches that involve weapons or long high flying matches less than two hours apart. The feeling is those in creative don’t understand in-ring wrestling or respect the physical demands of matches of this type

The situation regarding Trevor Mann (Ricochet) and the Prince Puma character is said to be
not dead. Reports are that the promotion has made Mann a major offer for a new deal to stay. If the numbers going around are accurate, between Lucha Underground, New Japan and indies, he’d earn more than just about anyone in NXT (I’d think Nakamura and perhaps Balor or Joe would be the exceptions) although it would still be significantly less than a major star on the WWE main roster would earn. He’s said nothing past that he’s working the New Japan Super Juniors tournament which is in May and June, and then talking time off and not taking bookings

The contract situation is such that the belief is Mann (Ricochet) is done with the promotion, but they believe it won’t be until 2017 that he can go to WWE because of the stips in his deal regarding the non-compete. I don’t know how serious this is, but we were told by someone internally that there is talk of resurrecting the character for season four, if there is a season four, and if Mann isn’t available, putting someone else in the character because it’s one of the key characters on the show




Terry Funk got kicked in the arm by a fucking horse and no-sold it


It was only a matter of time before LU fell victim to becoming full of bad decisions. From the new Observer:
Man what a fuck up.
Everyone just assumed Puma was getting killed off since it looked clear that Ricochet was leaving. I think LU really overestimated their ability to hold onto him.
Man what a fuck up.
Everyone just assume Puma was getting killed off since it looked clear that Ricochet was leaving. I think LU really overestimated their ability to hold onto him.

Goddamn, they're taking a lot of Ls this month. This is like the 4th unjustifiable thing in a row.

Yeah the last thing is maybe the most unthinkable. It would be unbelievably dumb to think that they could
just put someone new under the mask and it still be over.
LU was the chosen one. WHAT HAPPENED!?
I know it's all in the execution, but there's only so much you can do.
Bigger news is no season 4 confined yet

Even if it ever happens, nobody expects it to be announced right now. We didn't even get season 2 confirmed until just about December, and new LU episodes are guaranteed until the end of season 3 (next summer), so they've got plenty of time to work something out. Hopefully if they work out anything, it's far less stupid than this last month of activity.
LU was the chosen one. WHAT HAPPENED!?
I know it's all in the execution, but there's only so much you can do.

What happened is they fell too in love with the idea of being the promotion that does things differently. Sure, there are things that can be done differently and be cool as hell, but some things are the way they are because alternative methods just flat out suck.


Bizarre that they are still promoting Gallows and Anderson as the Bulletclub even after Monday. Did Vince make a deal with New Japan, they have been dropping their name left and right the past few months.
Have they been officially named Bulletclub? I've only ever heard them refer to Bulletclub in direct relation to their time in NJPW. As far as I know it's just "Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows" for their official WWE naming at the moment.
Bizarre that they are still promoting Gallows and Anderson as the Bulletclub even after Monday. Did Vince make a deal with New Japan, they have been dropping their name left and right the past few months.

At lest Joey Styles web team is
Joey Styles does whatever the hell he wants on the website. What he says is completely different from what is actually being booked on TV.
Have they been officially named Bulletclub? I've only ever heard them refer to Bulletclub in direct relation to their time in NJPW. As far as I know it's just "Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows" for their official WWE naming at the moment.

Yeah, people are just confused because it was mentioned a single time in reference to them (like all prior history does) and the hashtag is being used

Nobody's getting sued over a hashtag
Have they been officially named Bulletclub? I've only ever heard them refer to Bulletclub in direct relation to their time in NJPW. As far as I know it's just "Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows" for their official WWE naming at the moment.

Joey Styles does whatever the hell he wants on the website. What he says is completely different from what is actually being booked on TV.

Los Ingobernables de America

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lmao I hadn't read that bit about how Vince trolled HBK for WrestleMania by telling him he had to be in shape for his appearance and that Stone Cold was going to come out in his ring gear.
I fully expect the whole Bullet Club thing to just be a social media thing, then Gallows and Anderson will cut a promo where they say "We aren't the Bullet Club, we are (insert team name here)." Pretty much like they did with KENTA and Kana when they came into NXT. Allow them to rechristen themselves so it seems like less of a "WWE rebranding".


Lmao I hadn't read that bit about how Vince trolled HBK for WrestleMania by telling him he had to be in shape for his appearance and that Stone Cold was going to come out in his ring gear.
Yep. Hilarious.
I full expect the whole Bullet Club thing to just be a social media thing, then Gallows and Anderson will cut a promo where they say "We aren't the Bullet Club, we are (insert team name here)." Pretty much like they did with KENTA and Kana when they came into NXT. Allow them to rechristen themselves so it seems like less of a "WWE rebranding".
This is exactly what is happening.
LOL, this is the most Terry Funk thing ever.
It kicked him for lying all those years about his horse dying to avoid having to work shows.


Have they been officially named Bulletclub? I've only ever heard them refer to Bulletclub in direct relation to their time in NJPW. As far as I know it's just "Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows" for their official WWE naming at the moment

Dave Meltzer has already flat out said that wont be their name, and it can't be their name. NJPW owns it he said, and isn't going to allow WWE to use it.

So how badly was Bray Wyatt hurt?

As if they needed another injury, ugh. Right when it looked like he had the potential for a great face run too!


Who remembers the CM Punk Pocket Universe?

For some reason that period of booking just strikes me as odd. Punk had his own little storylines that didn't seem affected by or to have any effect on the rest of the WWE stories when they should have been.

Has there been any kind of isolation booking like that since?
They readily ignored a potential conflict between the Authority and Shane when he returned. The supposed boss duo has no issue or opinion on someone else running the show from here on out - someone from that same family no less.
Meltz has the best bios i n the biz

Robert Deroy Windham played the character and later became the patriarch of one of the most significant modern wrestling families. He went from being a John Wayne-like figure as one of the most memorable characters in the heyday of Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, to a wrestler known for no-shows and walking out on promotions, and later spent two years in prison for counterfeiting.

circumstance, most believe that even though Valentine was the superior in-ring wrestler, that Flair’s run as the top heel kicked off stronger and drew more with Mulligan than it ever would have had the angle been done with Valentine, as was the original plan.

Part of the reason it clicked was because everyone knew Flair and Mulligan were friends. They were together in the clubs after the matches in every city. Flair being the pretty boy type in those days, with the wild personality, who was always around women, could be a heat magnet outside the ring as well as in. Mulligan was always there if there was any trouble, because he was so physically intimidating. There was a chemistry with Mulligan that there wouldn’t have been with Johnny Valentine, nor would there have been the promos. If they had done it with Greg Valentine, while there was the chemistry as Flair & Valentine were one of the best heel teams of the last 50 years, Greg Valentine didn’t have Mulligan’s charisma or promo ability.

The two lived next door and bought a Cadillac van together from the beach rock group, The Tams, who were huge in the Carolinas in the area. The party van became legendary.

Once, when Mulligan’s wife wanted to use the van, Mulligan rushed to clean it out from a night of partying and when he cleaned out the blond wig and the panty hose and God knows what else. It was the impetus down the line for one of the most memorable angles in Carolinas history.
Reigns beats Styles.
Celebration to boos.
*static**guitar riff*
Could you imagine the fucking pop?!?!
Let my dreams live, nerds.

There were legendary bar fight stories with him and non-wrestlers. Once, he got into it with Harley Race, who himself was a legendary tough guy. Mulligan ended up on top of Race in a hotel room as they were on the floor between twin beds and Race couldn’t get Mulligan off him. Flair, Race, McDaniel and Mulligan were traveling partners that night, and Flair noted that he was scared to death Race would try and get retribution later, but it never happened. Mulligan knocked out Ole Anderson, who himself was a noted tough guy, at least twice, although Anderson claimed they were sucker punches. He pounded Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie, who was a world-class amateur wrestler.

On December 29, 1987, the Observer reported that “Probably the best match on recent independent cards took place in the dressing room at Miami Marine Stadium. Blackjack Mulligan saw Bob Roop (who represented the U.S. in Greco-Roman Wrestling in the 1968 Olympics) in the dressing room and pummeled on Roop so badly that Roop needed medical help. Apparently there were some problems going back to when Roop booked Florida.”

But his most famous fight, or fights, were incidences with Andre the Giant. In one, Andre threw him into a wall in a hotel or motel so hard that Mulligan went through the wall and into the next room which was occupied by people.

I'd be more scared of Andre


They readily ignored a potential conflict between the Authority and Shane when he returned. The supposed boss duo has no issue or opinion on someone else running the show from here on out - someone from that same family no less.

Yeah, that was really weird. It should've been Shane vs HHH which would make total sense, as Trips would be defending his own spot and not the fucking Undertaker (who never explained why he was fighting for Vince anyway). And have Taker win the rumble and drop the title to Reigns at Mania, would've given the deadman his last hoorah against the next face of the company.
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