every motherfucker running a Super HHH Cup tournament smh

lol, that's fuckin awesome
That discus elbow from Aries at the end looked awesome. Dawkins is excellent at selling. His character though, which is just different famous celebrations from sports athletes, is go away heat for me.Despite getting a Corpus Christi response from the crowd on NXT last night, Angelo Dawkins sold Aries' attacks like a mofo.
Yes.Am i the only one here who thinks styles wins?
lol, that's fuckin awesome
Dude put up a lot of shots. So he went out in the most Kobe of Kobe fashions.Man, did you guys see Kobe to into business for himself and not put over a single one of those Utah Jazz jobbers on the way out of the promotion?
Reigns beats Styles.
Celebration to boos.
*static**guitar riff*
Could you imagine the fucking pop?!?!
Let my dreams live, nerds.
If CM Punk ever returned, bring back This Fire Burns.
luchablog ‏@luchablog 15h15 hours ago
Since Rey de Reyes, La Parka has been booked main event twice, semimain once. Pentagon has been 4th, not booked, and 2nd. Who won the match?
That discus elbow from Aries at the end looked awesome. Dawkins is excellent at selling. His character though, which is just different famous celebrations from sports athletes, is go away heat for me.
Nah Cena was most over when he came out to John Cena's song and he held a gun.Cult of Personality is the song more people associate with Punk though because it was his theme song for most of the time when he was massively over.
Oh, stop.C- for the GOAT survivor series?
I am in for this if it means the orange hair goes away
I figured that after he defeated Cena, he would say this belt is trash and debut the European title since it suited him better.Rusev should bring back the European title. It doesn't have to be an official championship. It could just be like his Million Dollar Championship.
Rusev should bring back the European title. It doesn't have to be an official championship. It could just be like his Million Dollar Championship.
Yes forever.Since they changed the women's title once again, how 'bout getting rid of those ugly ass tag belts?
No forever.I don't get why they don't make the titles bigger. The WWE championship should be huge and cover most of the abdominal area.
I don't get why they don't make the titles bigger. The WWE championship should be huge and cover most of the abdominal area.
Rusev should bring back the European title. It doesn't have to be an official championship. It could just be like his Million Dollar Championship.
Since they changed the women's title once again, how 'bout getting rid of those ugly ass tag belts?
When Roman finally loses the vest, or Corbin get that main event push, you know the belt will get bigger.
When Roman finally loses the vest, or Corbin get that main event push, you know the belt will get bigger.
Edit: mouserat - people said that Warrior would never come back after burning his bridges, and he did... same with Macho Man. The nearest comparison to Punk you could make is J E Double F J A Double R E Double T - just depends on how much of a bad mood Vince is in.
I think we've found Repo Mans son.I hope they wear it 24/7, including during the matches. There should be a new rule that says if the championship is not with the champion, it can be stolen, and the person who gets it becomes the new champion.
I hope they wear it 24/7, including during the matches. There should be a new rule that says if the championship is not with the champion, it can be stolen, and the person who gets it becomes the new champion.
Hernandez is on LU? Cool, what happened to the other guy that was with LAW? I forget his name but he was their main guy around 2006-2009 maybe. He was the shorter skinnier guy. I remember him being in a lot of x division matches.
Sami stares into the mirror and slowly puts the mask onOnce they start jobbing Sami, they should do a backstage segment similar to Spivey and Orndoff, where Spivey makes Sami see that he's El Generico then he starts wearing the mask again.
Yeah, Punk's a stubborn son of a bitch. The only way I'd ever see him come back to WWE is if HHH publically apologized to him.Am I the only person who thinks CM Punk won't ever, and can't ever return? The only circumstance I can envision that happening in, would be if Punk built a solid win/loss ratio in UFC, then retired on top, which will never happen for so many reasons.
If he likes UFC and does well, he stays until he's unable to compete due to age/health, and how is 40 y/o former MMA punching bag Phil Brooks passing the WWE medical? 'Hi Dr Chris, I'm a physical wreck and I know I said some pretty bad stuff about you but how about just giving me the old pass? Triple H will put in a good word...'
If he fails at UFC there's no way his pride lets him come crawling back, and he'd get eviscerated by the fans. AFAIC he's gone for good.
He lost it back to KO at the Royal Rumble in a last man standing match.Seeing that picture on last page with Dean holding belt, a question popped to my head
Didnt he win the intercontinental belt off KO not too long ago? How did he lose it? Lol at forgetting that brief run
We need to send this to them asap. You grab a horse and I'll construct the letter. We must get this to Titan headquarters now!Sami stares into the mirror and slowly puts the mask on
"I am...num-ero un-o. El Generico is...muy bien."
Vince begged Punk to come back after everything went down. Punk's hate for HHH has to run pretty deep. I'm curious when they'll finally patch things up. Might be a long time down the road.Yeah, Punk's a stubborn son of a bitch. The only way I'd ever see him come back to WWE is if HHH publically apologized to him.
Yeah, Punk's a stubborn son of a bitch. The only way I'd ever see him come back to WWE is if HHH publically apologized to him.
Since they changed the women's title once again, how 'bout getting rid of those ugly ass tag belts?
He lost it back to KO at the Royal Rumble in a last man standing match.