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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production

business casual or tap out

One of the benefits of the Tapout deal for the wrestlers is the company, in promoting the brand, is allowing the wrestlers to wear Tapout clothing in public. The company had a business casual dress code in place for when wrestlers were on tour, but now it’s business casual or Tapout brand athletic apparel since wearing Tapout stuff is promoting a product the company partially owns
Lol Vince worked HBk into. shoot

Michaels appeared as a guest on Vince Russo’s podcast and said that Vince McMahon had called him up six weeks before Mania and told him the plan for him. The idea for Austin, Michaels and Foley to lay out the League of Nations was done a long time ago and never wavered. Michaels told Vince that he was out of shape and would come out in a T-shirt. Vince told him to get in shape because he wanted him to come out in his old ring gear and that Austin and Foley would be in their gear as well. Well, Foley’s gear is what he always wears anyway. Vince told him Austin was going to be in hi gear as well. So he said he told his wife to monitor his diet and he trained twice a day for six weeks. Then when he got to Texas and saw how big Austin was, he knew Vince had fed him a line of shit, but he said by that point he was okay because he’s gotten himself into good shape and wanted to show off his physiq


Alexa Bliss is really fantastic to watch, she made a boring match with Tessa look cool. Her non-tag finisher is terrible though.

Tye Dillinger deserves a push.


I might be in the minority but I don't think they're going to make AJ a heel. I think they're going to tease it or kinda have him in between but when Finn comes up AJ will be the guy he targets.

And yes, it's hard for him to say the first rule of communication is to speak the language that your audience speaks but he's not listening to his audience.

They're afraid to do it and it's killing them.

Everyone can't be a good guy and making the bad guy the good guy makes no sense. It's been like this for 11 years now,why can't you just get with the program?

If Cena and Roman were heel and they won every match like they do, can you imagine the real heat they would draw?

...and by "it's killing them", you mean drawing the biggest gate in wrestling history, turning the WWE Youtube page into one of the 5 biggest channels on the service as people start cutting cords, creating the OTT Network that other organizations like the NFL are looking at copying, and slowly killing off any competition in the indies by slowly signing up every quasi-star and getting the smarks who hate them to pay $9.99/month for the Network, then yeah, they're really dying.


Nakamura shouldn't be selling for fucking Tye Dillinger this much in his second match.

It was the main event. You can argue that it shouldn't have been or Nakamura should have had a more established tougher opponent but Nakamura coming in and squashing him in 5 seconds like Baron Corbin wouldn't have been very satisfying. Besides, he was clearly toying with him doing comedy spots until he decided to unload on him.
Really though by the end of the game he wasn't that inefficient. And they won thanks to him. Perfect ending for him really considering the team he's on.
I didn't think he waa going to throw down. I expected maybe a 24 point game or something,I only joked about 50 for 50 but he Kobe'd and proved me wrong. I didn't want to win but hey I'm glad we won the way we did. And we still have the 2nd worst record in the league lol!


Reigns beats Styles.
Celebration to boos.
*static**guitar riff*
Could you imagine the fucking pop?!?!
Let my dreams live, nerds.
When was the last time there was a genuine holy shit surprise debut/return in WWE? We knew AJ was coming before the Rumble, we didn't just know Anderson & Gallows were debuting we also knew they were coming for the Usos, heck, we knew Zack Ryder was going to drop the belt to Miz with Maryse's assistance before it happened and that's not even something I care about.
Reigns beats Styles.
Celebration to boos.
*static**guitar riff*
Could you imagine the fucking pop?!?!
Let my dreams live, nerds.
Nah they're so fickle and butt hurt that Punk left them that they won't let you dream. Even when you just hypothetically mention it, they try to knock it down. But what do you expect from scorned fucks, eh'?
When was the last time there was a genuine holy shit surprise debut/return in WWE? We knew AJ was coming before the Rumble, we didn't just know Anderson & Gallows were debuting we also knew they were coming for the Usos, heck, we knew Zack Ryder was going to drop the belt to Miz with Maryse's assistance before it happened and that's not even something I care about.

Here comes the moneyyyyy...


Nah they're so fickle and butt hurt that Punk left them that they won't let you dream. Even when you just hypothetically mention it, they try to knock it down. But what do you expect from scorned fucks, eh'?
Punk will only come back if he's 100% guaranteed he gets pushed to the Moon, no bullshit... aaaaaaand WWE
will never agree to that.
PLAYBOY: How do you understand your fan base?

MCMAHON: It's real, broad-based Americana. The teen audience appreciates us, yet we're sophisticated enough that our female audience is growing by leaps and bounds. We're growing across the board, not just among the male-dominated 12-34-year-olds. We own that audience, but I don't say, "Great, we own 12 to 34, so let's focus on them." If you start narrowcasting, you'll make mistakes.
In 2001, that was said. Now let's ask him the same question.
MCMAHON: You can tell if someone has charisma. He has it. So did his dad and his grandfather, who also worked for us. His grandfather was a Samoan chief, about 5'10" and 280 pounds, a rugged, tough son of a bitch, but a sweetheart. And his son, Rocky Johnson--the Rock before the Rock--was an extraordinary performer. A handsome black man. That gene pool is special, and it helps make the Rock a special human being's.
That Donald Sterling response.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Am i the only one here who thinks styles wins?

Like how could you possibly believe they would do that.

As for Punk, he's not coming back, but I consider it more likely that he comes back than he fights anyone in UFC. Honestly, its sort of embarrassing for UFC that they hired him in the first place.
Bray's injury bums me the hell out, especially after this past Monday.

Feels like a kick to the balls. Can't imagine how he feels right about now.

Hopefully it's not too serious.
MCMAHON: Over the course of an hour. See, I love women. A woman's body is so complex and so beautiful, and it's not just her body. It's her mind. To be responsible for a woman becoming absolutely without inhibition, surrendering in that way--that's about the coolest thing in the world. I'm not a guy who just appreciates a woman's physicality, either. My wife is chief executive officer of the company not because her last name is McMahon, but because she's the best one for the job. You would think the WWF is a bastion of male domination, but it's not. I am a women's rights advocate. I'm big on equal pay, all that stuff. It's the right thing to do and it's good business.

MCMAHON: [Grinning] Linda and I have been married for 34 years now, but we're really different. She would always read to the kids at night. I'd make up stories for them, and my stories were full of action. Couldn't help it. They've just had their bath and they smell so good, they're tucked into their little beds and they're so sweet that you just want to eat them. I'd tell them a story, kiss them goodnight, and they would be absolutely wired. Linda would have to calm them down. So Shane was scared one night. He thought Dracula was in the closet. I said, "Oh yeah? Watch this." I went in that closet and started growling and yelling, having a battle. I threw a little furniture. Now Shane's really scared to death, until finally his dad walks out of the closet. I said, "Son, you never have to worry about Dracula again. Dracula's dead."

That explains why Kevin Thorne never got over.
Why does everyone make a big deal about botches when they happen? Like I've seen threads go 2 pages just talking about a botch when it didn't horribly mess up the match. If you think you can do better than why in the hell are you discussing it? You should be in the big leagues for us to see your talents. No match is going to be perfect, everyone makes mistakes.


Why does everyone make a big deal about botches when they happen? Like I've seen threads go 2 pages just talking about a botch when it didn't horribly mess up the match. If you think you can do better than why in the hell are you discussing it? You should be in the big leagues for us to see your talents. No match is going to be perfect, everyone makes mistakes.

It only really bugs me when they then try to redo the spot.


Gallows and Anderson should have a gimmick that they are wrestling twitter eggs and post hateful things at other wrestlers.
Smackdown was good, lot of fun matches.

Really helps that the roster has a whole bunch of new/repackaged talent. Lots of fresh matchups.

That was one of my biggest issues leading up to Mania. I just didn't fucking care about the seeing the same match for the 5th time in a row. Even the Jericho/AJ stuff wore me down.

Jericho looked pretty rundown against Zayn but still did good heel work with Ambrose and a really nice looking lionsault. Ambrose was again entertaining on commentary with KO. Owens is just pure gold right now.


Party Pooper
When was the last time there was a genuine holy shit surprise debut/return in WWE? We knew AJ was coming before the Rumble, we didn't just know Anderson & Gallows were debuting we also knew they were coming for the Usos, heck, we knew Zack Ryder was going to drop the belt to Miz with Maryse's assistance before it happened and that's not even something I care about.

Del Rio?

Really thought there was zero chance he'd be back after calling the company racist from top to bottom.



Not much in great wrasslin', but I enjoyed a lot of the storytelling. I am absolutely loving sympathetic, gullible, exploited Mankind. Can't wait for his big win. :D


Despite getting a Corpus Christi response from the crowd on NXT last night, Angelo Dawkins sold Aries' attacks like a mofo.
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