Ninja Scooter
Feel like watching some Clash of Champions tonight. Those were so cool. Wrestling on a school night! And they had that big fight feel.
Was the second gif also to bury Cena before his rise to shine?
This page is giving me diarrhea. Stop it guys. Stop it.
Feel like watching some Clash of Champions tonight. Those were so cool. Wrestling on a school night! And they had that big fight feel.
Fuck Hogan
Heck yeah, dude. Which one you watching?Feel like watching some Clash of Champions tonight. Those were so cool. Wrestling on a school night! And they had that big fight feel.
Oh man, DX could totally shove the Young Bucks into a box and ship it to ROH
NeoGAF Poster Jimmy King, this was a great idea! Thanks for bringing up DX, friend.
Heck yeah, dude. Which one you watching?
That would be great for the build to Mania, which ends in Triple H and HBK getting shipped back to... Titan Towers? A retirement home? Idk
Real ass stone cold on livewire is great
Let me know because I want to peruse the card.I don't know. I need to fire up the app and surf through them.
It didn't work. Ziggler still around.It was the glorious Spirit Squad.
Feel like watching some Clash of Champions tonight. Those were so cool. Wrestling on a school night! And they had that big fight feel.
You and BladeoftheImmortal would make a great tag-team.No, because they would win.
Because the Young Bucks fucking suck.
And DX NEEDS to go over them.
I am not being sarcastic.
No, because they would win.
Because the Young Bucks fucking suck.
And DX NEEDS to go over them.
I am not being sarcastic.
Don't worry we got Roman Reigns and Deano nowNow I'm just watching real ass stone cold videos
How are DX gonna go over when they're knocked out from superkicks?
Heh... I actually don't remember this. May have missed it. Good stuff, though.
Skip to 1:12
Macho Man's reaction when he hears his voice during the nWo theme song is so great
Unsubscribe.They'll pop up at 2, hit a SCM and Pedigree, 123 and everyone goes home happy.
Come out here you big ass gorilla before I shove some bananas up your ass lol. Austin had some good shit to say about MonsoonYou sit there and call yourself the gorallla, yet you ye-haw out here like a jackass
One day they'll figure out a way to unstick his eye.
Almost every single promo he did post KOTR 96 through WM14 was amazing. Whole new appreciation for Real Ass Stone Cold after my 96-97 rewatch. Even the little things like his interactions with people on the way to the ring when the WWE was doing those really great boxing walk out shots.
97 was peak lawlor as well
97 had the best Summer Slam Championship Match <3
I love that Triple H uses the boxing walkout shot on NXT takeovers. He actually borrows quiet a bit from that 96-97 era
when the bucks superkick his face in the main event of mania
Which Austin year was better, 1998 or 1999?
Cena/Bryan was fucking electric. Honestly would say that was the start of Indie Cena
I applaud your dedication to wanting DX to main event Wrestlemania, friend