Recently on Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast, The New Day talked about a number of topics such as Big E's extremely loose hips, whether Vince McMahon has ever had to tell the trio to rein in their antics, and how the Booty-O's cereal box came to be.
According to Big E, he did not know his hips were so flexible until he started gyrating as part of his professional wrestling theatrics. Moreover, McMahon seems to be fine with Big E's dancing, as he has not told the big man to stop.
"I'll be honest. I didn't know I had that in me. I don't dance. Like, I don't dance at all. I don't do any of that. And then, I don't know when it started, but it just felt right. I was like, 'oh, I'm going to try this' and it felt so right. And now it's getting out of hand!" Big E added, "I can't remember the first thing that was said, but the cool thing is Vince loves the nonsense. We always get reports that, like, we'll have a writer or someone in Gorilla and they'll tell us that Vince is doubled over laughing. He loves the nonsense and that's really cool."
While McMahon has not put an end to Big E's dance moves, the former powerlifter claimed that McMahon has only talked to the WWE Tag Team Champions about quashing Xavier Woods' overselling.
"I love being subversive and I really like seeing where the line is, but, no, we haven't gotten in trouble at all. I think the only time Vince has ever pulled us aside and said, 'hey, pull it back a little bit' is when Woods went through a table, the Dudleyz put him through a table, and he did the old school D-Von sell and I didn't realize how bad it was until I watched it back and Vince had every right to pull [Woods] aside because it was ridiculous!"
On the subject of Booty-O's, Woods said that the idea had been in the works since November of last year.
"I think it was, like, last November. We were just in the car. We always try to push and see, like, what we can do. And so, we came up with the idea, like, 'oh, maybe like a cereal. It's like, Booty-O's. We can make a cereal called Booty-O's.' And so, I contacted a guy on Twitter who's a very good artist and commissioned him to draw up what it would look like if we had a cereal box. And then, the next day on [WWE Monday Night] RAW, we just said, 'Booty-O's! They make sure you ain't booty.' Just said it. And then, we got two things of fan art, whatever, on Twitter. And then, that Friday, we released the picture that the guy drew, that we had the guy draw. Then, we said it again the next Monday. Then, that next week, tons of fan art. Then, they came to us, like, 'eh, what's this Booty-O's thing? We need to do something.' And it's like, we literally willed it into existence and it feels real good."