Godspeed good sir.Probably gonna get bounced for a post in the prince thread, but if so, I see you on the other side, brahs
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Probably gonna get bounced for a post in the prince thread, but if so, I see you on the other side, brahs
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Now, if they give you the address then uhhhh don't ask me what to do. I've never gotten that far.
true but we are responsible for our own behavior
bjork, i plead with you t edit. we like having you around.
Sometimes its worth taking a break to get your point across.
Boy do I know itSometimes its worth taking a break to get your point across.
Probably gonna get bounced for a post in the prince thread, but if so, I see you on the other side, brahs
true but we are responsible for our own behavior
bjork, i plead with you t edit. we like having you around.
Cena interview:
* Says he misses the blood and would prefer TV-14 becuase its hard to sound legit when you have to tell someone they're poopy.
* "both good guy and bad guy in one person." I guess he's not THE guy.
* Subtle nod to Hogan: "Although a lot of people in the business don't know when to turn the switch off, I do, and I'm John."
* Cena says he added the sexual-confusion subtext to his character's lines in "Trainwreck." Enjoys acting, says he enjoys wrestling more and the only role he wouldn't take is an action hero since he already does that in WWE.
* Cena really likes to say "fuck."
I cleaned it up, but try not to respond in kind if you can help it. Those guys will get theirs eventually...someone else beat me to banning that guy.
Mod staff can view previous post changes if the forum registered a new edit was made.
Love when old wrestlers and promotions using images from their prime to sell tickets.
I've dreamed of doing this for so, so long. People would tone down their internet asshole "tough guy" if there were real risk of repercussions of someone showing up on your door step ready to slap you with a nine iron.
I've dreamed of doing this for so, so long. People would tone down their internet asshole "tough guy" if there were real risk of repercussions of someone showing up on your door step ready to slap you with a nine iron.
We're...not talking about people who express opinions.
Kobashi has an amazing look
Love when old wrestlers and promotions using images from their prime to sell tickets.
I've dreamed of doing this for so, so long. People would tone down their internet asshole "tough guy" if there were real risk of repercussions of someone showing up on your door step ready to slap you with a nine iron.
gonna have to buy that Timeline WCW 1997 this weekend
I was about to say that I wanted to go in with all the cool people too, then I saw that Liquidsnake was in there.
#Shoot ThursdayInTheUK
Hey Anth0ny. I saw that reply on gaming side.
I just want you to know that while I disagree with you I respect your opinion
My mom and dad both came talk to me about Chyna dying. I really had no idea she was that big.
She deserved to much better than what life gave her.
My mom and dad both came talk to me about Chyna dying. I really had no idea she was that big.
She deserved to much better than what life gave her.
I cleaned it up, but try not to respond in kind if you can help it. Those guys will get theirs eventually...someone else beat me to banning that guy.
Prince, man... :-(
Subbed to Lapsed Fan - any good jumping in episodes?
Well straight away I've got a bunch of Halloween Havocs to keep me going...I would just pick an event you are fond of and/or know well to start with.
Prince, man... :-(
Subbed to Lapsed Fan - any good jumping in episodes?