LolIn this photo you see where Samoa Joe thought its time to take the title tonight:
"This motherfucker..."
LolIn this photo you see where Samoa Joe thought its time to take the title tonight:
In this photo you see where Samoa Joe thought its time to take the title tonight:
Pollock owns!
Meltzer, well you see the thing about Meltzer, is that um, well, he isn't very good, but um, (cough) you know things can change.
I have reconsidered. I have sold some stock, but still maintain an investment.
HeenanI'll probably gonna just catch up on some wrasslin this weekend so I'll be checking out best mic work. So who's your best 5 on the mic
Meltz forgets more scoops than Pollock has written about in his LIFE!
Very very light NXT spoilers
He gets a new finisher, don't worry
So fuck the majority of fans during The Attitude Era, because those mother fuckers were popping entire arenas everywhere they went.
And yeah it was very of the time. It's all pretty fucking stupid. Only good part now is watching Scotty wrestle.
EDIT: actually yeah, definitely fuck Attitude Era fans. They were pretty terrible people.
You call Too Cool trash, but hype the Ascension? You've lost your mind, friend
Modern top 5 talkers (wrestlers only)
Agreed. They need to break him out as a singles worker already.Bully is being wasted
So much South Park. South Park signs everywhere. That one fat dude in The Oddities even wore a Cartman shirt.AE fans are a rough crowd of young adults that worship south park, and terrible people.
They're completely different. If you're not an aristocratic illuminati vampire, why bother?
Is it the Overdrive?
So much South Park. South Park signs everywhere. That one fat dude in The Oddities even wore a Cartman shirt.
Fuck me, that's John Tenta? Damn. Vince WTF is wrong with you.The Canadian Earthquake. John Tenta. Also a Shark and an Avalanche. He lost so much weight to become a legitimate sumo wrestler that Vince thought he didn't look large enough to go out there as Earthquake so he stuck that bag over his head.
They did a training montage for the Bayley vs Sasha Ironman match. It was amazing.I need another Iron Man match for the hype package.
HBK Upside Down Pushups will pop a rating.
Fuck me, that's John Tenta? Damn. Vince WTF is wrong with you.
They did a training montage for the Bayley vs Sasha Ironman match. It was amazing.
Lol Van Hammer still in WCW in 1997, in Raven's Flock.
Fave Five on the mic? How you doin?
2. And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so.
3. Bang bang!!!!
4. Stone Cold is shaking hands with Satan himself!
5. Yoooooooooour Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired
Trying to remember the exact point that The New Day made the switch to heels and got themselves over. Anyone have an idea?
4. Good pick.
5. Your?!
As proven by the R&D department at The Institute of Fake Sports Excercise.And what did Sasha do? HBK Pushups.
That's how you gain that stamina. It's science.
Tenta is great. I love when he flexes his fat arms.I thought Earthquake was a big, fat, unimpressive, unbelievable slob as a kid.
I liked him on my re-watch.
I thought Earthquake was a big, fat, unimpressive, unbelievable slob as a kid.
I liked him on my re-watch.
As proven by the R&D department at The Institute of Fake Sports Excercise.
Scott Steiner is a god on the mic
His math promo at TNA is absolutely beautiful. It's great watching Petey Williams trying not to lose it the whole time.Scott Steiner is a god on the mic
EDIT: actually yeah, definitely fuck Attitude Era fans. They were pretty terrible people.
As long as we're talking about Earthquake here and not The Shark / John Tenta. That whole run vs The Boss Man was atrocious.
The majority of those people don't watch wrestling anymore.Isn't this majority of the people complaining about the product right now?
No Finisher Josinisher
Yeah, most def. And speaking of Boss Man, it's somewhat impressive that he rebounded so well in the WWF after his terrible WCW run. I mean, I'm still not a fan, but he's definitely being handled much better.
Holy shit, him announcing wrestlers to the ring was the BEST. Seriously underrated piece of wrestling comedy.Best TNA Steiner is when he's ring announcing and announces the dudley's as hailing from dunking donuts in the great state of obesity.
Don't remind me.The Guardian Angel was a low point
Isn't this majority of the people complaining about the product right now?
Holy shit, him announcing wrestlers to the ring was the BEST. Seriously underrated piece of wrestling comedy.