Finished Arkham Knight, time for Bloodborne.
What did you think of Arkham Knight? I think the shade that got thrown its way is pretty unwarranted.
Finished Arkham Knight, time for Bloodborne.
...did you forget that Bryan lost the feud with Bray at Royal Rumble less than 2 months before WM30?
What did you think of Arkham Knight? I think the shade that got thrown its way is pretty unwarranted.
I'm with you. Way better than City. Way, way better. and the Batmobile complaints are completely overblown.
What did you think of Arkham Knight? I think the shade that got thrown its way is pretty unwarranted.
It's miles better than Arkham City. City goes full WCW at the end. Run ins, swerves, etc.
Well yeah city sucks.I'm with you. Way better than City. Way, way better. and the Batmobile complaints are completely overblown.
I love OSW Review, but those dudes could not have worse opinions about wrestling;
The Big Show > Andre the Giant. Christian is a main event star. Triple H and Jeff Jarrett are great. and now, Nick Bockwinkel is 'terrible'.
It was tired, though. So tired.
Not as tired as Souls
It was tired, though. So tired.
As a huge batman fan, I loved it and as I was going through it, I kept asking, "why did everyone hate it."What did you think of Arkham Knight? I think the shade that got thrown its way is pretty unwarranted.
I really need to set calender reminders. I'm the worst.First rumored date (June 24th) went on sale at 10am this morning and is sold out.
Kevin Sullivan has such a weird body
also this one dude in his posse keeps spitting and drooling and it's fucking digusting
As a huge batman fan, I loved it and as I was going through it, I kept asking, "why did everyone hate it."
My biggest complaint were the motherfucking tank battles. If I wanted to fucking shoot tanks, I'd play the fucking tank game from PS1. It was an overkill.
I loved the swerve on who the Arkham Knight was as I couldn't figure out who it was and I hadn't read anything on it.
Another complaintbull fucking shot, there's no way that he reveals himself. He would've had a plan to figure this shit out. Before it even got far as it did.
I loved the turns and swervesthinking Oracle was dead when she really wasn't. The moments with Joker in his head were an overkill imo. At times they were funny like the show in the theatre but him randomly saying the same thing over and over got on my nerves. Especially since I'm watching wrestling, reading, listening ro music or a podcasr, at the same time. Too much going on in my head.
I'd give it a 9.5.
I haven't gotten all of the riddles and I kinda refuse to as the system is too rigorous compared to Arkham Asylum. It has great lasting appeal as I was able to make it last from Sunday night all the way to now.
i am in no rush to play bloodborne or ds3 as i am afraid i'll grow to hate the series. thats way too many games in a space of 2 years.
with that said, damn if they dont look cool.
Current Kideo Top 5 in 2016
5. Hitman (amazing return to form)
4. PvZ Garden Warfare 2 (god, it does everything right)
3. Enter the Gungeon (nearly perfect. Spelunky tier of replayability so far)
2. Fire Emblem Fates (both)
1. Stardew Valley (if you don't know, then you DON'T KNOW)
Keep your Dark Souls baby stuff down to a minimum, grown folks are managing farms. It's been a great year.
My ONLY copmplaint about Knight is I thought we were going to get swerved on the Knight's identit. (I thought it was going to be. I did not want the obvious (as a comic book reader)barbara
i am in no rush to play bloodborne or ds3 as i am afraid i'll grow to hate the series. thats way too many games in a space of 2 years.
with that said, damn if they dont look cool.
He's got nothing on the best punch in the biz right now
OH MAN.Takashi Sugiura
the modern day Arn Anderson
I think Austin had no problem putting over Brock but he felt it should have been bigger than a KOTR qualifier, and he was right.
Having a punch for finisher is one of the dumbest things ever. Unless his gimmick is that they are indeed, The One Punch Man, it's just dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.
I think I found Connor McGregor's gimmick, friends.
Even if it's all over, I feel like they could easily come back and do another one. I have many ideas in which it could be done but I'm not going to go into that lol.being a stuck in Bruce's head basically made him the most entertaining Navi companion since The Watcher in Darksiders 1Joker. Also I do agree with you about the ending, but I think Rocksteady was doing everything in their power to make a hard as fuck ending so they could move on to do other things.(conveniently also voiced by Hamill)
While I think the franchise needs a break, if they keep putting out really good games at the pace they're going I think I'll survive. Bloodborne and DS3 are probably the two best games in the franchise though, check them out sometime.
Fuck, I really want to play Stardew Valley
The absolute moment they had aflashback that gave it away by a mile though.Jason Todd
Punch as a finish is also silly since closed fists are (or I guess I should say were since that hasn't been the case for ages in WWE) supposed to be illegal. They should go back to being so and primarily being a heel thing until the babyface either comes back or they're feuding.
I don't like closed fists being used so frequently, exposedabidness, ect, ect..
We need William Regal power of the punch gifs from 2002. Who has 'em?
I don't understand why people think the Drifter has Go-Away Heat. He's a competent enough wrestler and he's deliberately supposed to be annoying and bad at singing.
Cos his offence consists of Performance Center special headlocks, stomps and punches. Mainly LOTS of headlocks. Oh and the fucking Honky Tonk Man's finisher. Come the fuck on in two thousand and sixteen.
...did you forget that Bryan lost the feud with Bray at Royal Rumble less than 2 months before WM30?
I used to get so heated from that shit as a kid
What did you think of Arkham Knight? I think the shade that got thrown its way is pretty unwarranted.
I'm with you. Way better than City. Way, way better. and the Batmobile complaints are completely overblown.
Dude, the match he had against Jericho at WM17 should've been a show stealer but it came up way short. Regal was the man and it too them too long to realize it. Then my man fucked himself failing the drug test.I find it crazy that Regal never had a stellar longer match on a PPV. He had entertaining matches sure but never a match you could point to and say, watch that! (Except of course the match vs Benoit at the Pillman memorial show).
I remember as a child that all I ever wanted was for my favourites to win and a great time was had if they did.
I love OSW Review, but those dudes could not have worse opinions about wrestling;
The Big Show > Andre the Giant. Christian is a main event star. Triple H and Jeff Jarrett are great. and now, Nick Bockwinkel is 'terrible'.
Not as tired as Souls
Bloodborne triggered the "I think I'm gettin done with this series" fatigue for me. DS3 was nice but I'm glad we're done. Let the children beg for BB2, no fucks given. Maybe they'll get BB2 on mobile. Its what they deserve.
I find it crazy that Regal never had a stellar longer match on a PPV. He had entertaining matches sure but never a match you could point to and say, watch that! (Except of course the match vs Benoit at the Pillman memorial show).
I find it crazy that Regal never had a stellar longer match on a PPV. He had entertaining matches sure but never a match you could point to and say, watch that! (Except of course the match vs Benoit at the Pillman memorial show).
I remember as a child that all I ever wanted was for my favourites to win and a great time was had if they did.
Still haven't really played a Souls game. I tried Demon's Souls for a minute and didn't love it. Should I play Bloodborne one day?