So WWE has that 'on the road' show they do on the WWE Network. And it got me thinking. Why doesn't WWE use their Network shows as a way to further storyline feuds or even build up feuds while they finish others on the main show? I mean, WWE seems to have this lazy as fuck 'never protect your character if you're not on Raw or a PPV' shit that just really kills pro wrestling for me. I've always known it's fake, but WWE treats it like a switch and are so half assed about it that it's like there's no reason to watch anything other than the main shows. If you're not going to have the Network Exclusive shows tie into the main show storyline, what's even the point of watching them?
Sometimes I think I'm an old man who actually cares about wrestling storylines and wants to see SOMEBODY attempt to make them feel real or at least show that they care about it. Why doesn't Dean Ambrose get beat up at the gas station on a random episode of Ride along?