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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


Well, this isn't WrestleMania, but my experience going from Miami to Orlando for the RR this year was...

Rental car - $60 bucks. A Toyota something of 2014 or 2015.
Tolls - going back and forth was 30 bucks.
Gas - going from Miami to Orlando and back - 30 bucks
Hotel with a buddy - 90 bucks
RR tickets for each of us - about $110. Pretty good seats. I imagine WM next year in ORL will be probably double that to get the same seats (relatively) or maybe a tad bit better. I say this because WWE treats WM as its 'premium' event.

Whatever you do though, don't buy off of StubHub for WM. Though that is IMO. When I got tickets for the WM that was in Dolphin Stadium, I bought it through Stub Hub, and I ended up facing the palm trees the entire night and had to watch through the big screen the stadium has. The sting still hurts to this day because I felt the WM was pretty 'blah', even with Cena/Rock once in a lifetime, etc etc etc.
isn't that a WWE problem with their setup?


As soon as Mania Orlando goes on sale myself (in Tampa Bay) and some friends in Deland will be buying in for our first.
Can not f'ing wait.
Going to take the week before and after off just to hit everything. NXT, Axxess, Mania all of it.
They asked JR about the match on what is it? Mlw?

And he was brutally honest, he said that THEY NEED to turn him tonight. He said they can't keep insulting the fans and what they want. He even dropped the 'f' bomb which is something I've never heard from him.

I'm honestly worried about tonight. But JR is right about turning Roman.


The complaints about the medical staff stuff in Finn vs Joe is pretty overblown. It was an annoyance but it barely hurt the match. Blood can add so much to a feud and Joe looked like the fucking avatar of rage that whole match. I don't know how anyone can't be a fan of his after that match or the past few weeks really. He's probably the first NXT guy in my fave five in years.

Agreed about the medical staff stuff. I thought Joe/Balor did a great job jumping right back into the intensity of the match after the stoppages. Commentary did a good job emphasizing the risk of match being stopped if Joe didn't comply, Joe did a good job of showing his displeasure of being held back, and the staff moved relatively quickly. If anything hurt that match it was having Balor retain the belt. Joe was the true demon and he totally should have gone over.


Ok, so I signed up for the WWE Network a few nights ago in preparation of watching my first live Wrestlemania since IX. With the girl out of the house, I had originally set out to watch a "classic" Wrestlemania while cooking/eating dinner, but when I filtered down the search results I seen Hogan in the caption for XXX and curiosity got the best of me. I ended up watching it in its entirety in two sittings and holy shit... it's fucking hype!

-Crowd was nuts from the start and they added a ton to the show, and holy shit at this production! Everything is just so grandiose and it feels like I'm watching a movie. Intro with Hogan messing up and Austin/Rock breaking his balls was super entertaining. The bit with Piper later on was awesome too. That guy was a brilliant entertainer. (RIP)

-I've heard of Daniel Bryan before but I've never seen any of his matches. (it popped up in my Team Stream that he recently retired due to injury which is a shame after watching this) It was awesome seeing a crowd so unanimously behind someone. The "overcoming all odds" storyline is a simple one but it was clearly effective because even I wanted to see him win in both his matches... but damn if I wasn't just a bit distracted by Steph's legs.

-Cesaro is a megastar. Let me back that up, I rolled my eyes the second I heard the words "battle royal." From my time watching wrestling as a kid they always sucked. No actual moves ever happened until the end and it's a whole bunch of teasing with a handful of guys almost getting eliminated over and over. Royal Rumble was different because the ring was rarely overflowing with dudes just flailing aimlessly. But overall, this one was actually pretty good. I was honestly entertained by some of the spots they had. (ex. when the dude saved himself from elimination by keeping his feet on the steps) But from the get go, Cesaro stuck out to me as just a really unique looking dude. Then sure enough he had cool offense. Uppercut spots were cool and that giant swing had me cracking up. And then when he picked up Big Show and body slammed him over the top... holy shit! He looked like a strong dude but that was beastly. It was the only time in the show that I actually rewound it to watch it again. Unique looking dude who's strong as fuck with cool offense... I don't know how he is on the mic, but if he sucks get him a manger and push him to the fucking moon. Dude is hype and should be in championship matches. Looked him up immediately after watching and was disappointed to see that he was injured and wouldn't be at the show tonight.

-Bray Wyatt is a megastar. His weird cult leader horror movie-ish character is fucking awesome and it was amazing seeing the crowd buying into it so hard and cheering when he was clearly supposed to be heel. Dude has charisma for days and it feels like the gimmick would be a total failure if it weren't for him making it work. But then there's John Cena... lol. Even I'm familiar with him, but don't think I've actually seen him wrestle since that ECW reunion show where he lost to RVD. Straight up: dude looked so out of place. Next to such a cool character, he looks like a clown and a lot of the stuff he did just looked clumsy. I laughed out loud at the whole character shift between smiling babyface and snarling badass. When he had the chair and the ref was shouting "don't do it, John! That isn't you!"... holy shit I was dead. What a disparity between the infectiously awesome character and the unintentionally hilarious lameass character, but hell if I didn't find it entertaining so well done all around.

-Of course I already knew that Brock Lesnar killed the streak. I remember people who didn't even identify themselves as wrestling fans talking about it the next day. Still, I hadn't really seen Brock outside of MMA until now so I was definitely interested in watching it. Brock looked like a monster and Undertaker looked like he was just an old man hanging on for dear life much of the time. It was cool seeing one of my childhood heroes again, but I couldn't help but question if him participating in the match was seriously going to fuck him up despite it being a fake fight. (I fully acknowledge that these guys put their bodies through hell) It was honestly a bit tough to watch and I didn't enjoy it much, but it was totally worth getting through for the ending. That crowd reaction of genuine disbelief... even if this wasn't for me that really spoke to how these guys captivated their audience. And then came the boos because it wasn't the finish they expected/wanted and that then transitioned to applause/appreciation for the performers. It was amazing to watch a crowd collectively sort through their emotions like that and it was brilliant to hold off on the theme music to put the spotlight squarely on that reaction. But fuck that guy who shouted "you suck" at Undertaker when he was trying to stand up.

-Err... that women's match sure was something.

-Back to the main event, holy shit when Daniel Bryan got put through the table and Randy Orton's (of "RKO out of nowhere!" fame) lower back landed right on one of those monitors. I know that shit was a mistake and I seriously thought he was injured. I was horrified when I seen how dented in it was and the replay showed how he started writhing in pain the second he landed. That was really scary... what a tough SOB for continuing. I can't lie... I kind of wanted to see him win after that. Batista also had a "I fucked up" look on his face. I didn't rewind it because I'm not watching that shit again, but I'm pretty sure I remember him throwing one of the monitors behind the table instead of away from it. Fuck that dude and his carny ass Jordans.

Really good show overall and I found myself way more invested than I thought I would be. I was so entertained in fact that I decided to check out the latest event on the WWE Network: the NXT Takeover. The girl had her Syracuse basketball game (fun sport to play but I hate watching it) so I put it on the Surface with some headphones. Again... holy shit it was hype!

-Everyone on the show was treated like a damn hero by the crowd. I haven't seen anything like it since PRIDE. The wrestlers seemed to feed off it too because much of the card felt like I was watching it in fast forward. Just really well paced and exciting. The crowd helped me buy into it early because the two tag teams that kicked off the show didn't have a look that drew me into their characters, but they worked really well together and I gained an appreciation for them. They made wrestling look more like an art form than any match I'd seen on the Wrestlemania card and I ended up having a lot of fun watching it.

-Whoa... that Sami Zayn and Nakamura match. (I admittedly, and shamefully, had to look up their names to get them right) Those dudes seemed like they were legitimately hitting each other. There were several points in the match where I questioned what was planned and what was them letting their adrenaline get the best of them. Super entertaining and totally unexpected. As a fight fan, the lack of the usual choreography helped draw me in. Still, I did appreciate how Nakamura kept adding his charismatic little touches to help anchor the bout in entertainment throughout. They talk about wrestling once in a while on the Friendcast and I remember Matt gushing about "the King of Strong Style" and now I know why. Really unique character, but I quite liked both these guys.

-It's hilarious to me seeing Scott Hall and X-Pac together since I recall 123 Kid unexpectedly pinning Razor Ramon on Raw to launch his career. It was supposed to be just another jobber vs star match, but then some pimple faced kid caught Razor with a moonsault and pinned him. Was a cool moment, but enough of the walk down memory lane. Steph dropping her heel persona just to be part of the crowd... lol how weird. She's smoking hot, though.

-The women's match was a lot better than the one that was on the Wrestlemania card. Crowd is super hot for it too. I was laughing my ass off at the crowd singing in unison. Again, it was cool to see some of the offense grounded in reality. (even if they obviously weren't cranking the submissions) I was apprehensive going in, but much respect to these women. They had a really entertaining match.

-Are doctor stoppages a part of wrestling now because them checking on Joe's cut seemed weird. The video package sold the dude as a badass and I thought it was great when they were trying to wipe the blood but he was just shoving them away. Really added to his character and the drama, but then when he finally agreed to stand there and let them tend to the cut it just seemed.... wrong. But damn, that dude can move for being such a big dude. Also, it seems like Baylor has a cool character but I couldn't quite figure it out. Does he have a sort of duality about him? Like, is he a normal ass wrestler who unleashes the "demon" when pushed by his opponent? Because it seemed like that's where they were going with his character but it never completely got there during the match. Good look though... just seemed like they needed to refine/better define him, though. Was interesting seeing such a highly gimmicked guy vs a no-nonsense badass.

General note: there's a whole lot of MMA in wrestling and it's kind of awesome. Between seeing a Gracie jiu jitsu logo on Batista and Asuka (had to look up this name too... shame) hitting the pads with Seth Petruzelli I was marking out. I was genuinely surprised to see things like triangles, arm bars, and chokes too and it was really cool seeing the slick pro wrestling style transitions into them. I wouldn't think they would play in wrestling, but the performers really made some of the stuff believable and oddly exciting. Some of the strikes some wrestlers were throwing out were really cool to watch too -- much more interesting than the punch-stomp that I was used to. I really liked how the women's match was stopped the second someone was unconscious instead of doing the ref dropping the arm three times bit too. This kind of stuff has me genuinely curious to watch more...

...and if Wrestlemania tonight is as hype as these cards were then I definitely will. Super entertaining stuff! I doubt that they can get me back to the point that I'm watching weekly, but I'm super on board with giving it a look more often. Very unique entertainment.

Sorry for the long post, but I figured the neophyte perspective may be entertaining for someone. Ya'll are good people, WrassleGAF!


They asked JR about the match on what is it? Mlw?

And he was brutally honest, he said that THEY NEED to turn him tonight. He said they can't keep insulting the fans and what they want. He even dropped the 'f' bomb which is something I've never heard from him.

Here is the question though Blue wakadoo ... how can they? Him beathing on HHH no matter how bad he does it won't turn him, hell it will only make him get boo'd more.
They can't have him attack Stephanie.
Randomly attack Ambrose in a backstage segment?
IF Shane v Taker goes on last, I can see Reigns getting involved being bitter that his match did not main event and they stole his moment but which side?
Screw Shane and condemn us all to more Authority garbage again? Or Screw Taker.
Shane would be the only option that could be seen as a heel turn but I do not even want to think about the SOS on Raw tomorrow.
I can't.
WWE's website and Youtube are covering Sasha like crazy. She's gonna lose its too obvious. After yesterday Becky deserves to win anyways.


WM30 really is a good introduction to WWE wrasslin. I've had multiple friends get pulled into WWE just because of that event.

...and then 2 years later they are all jaded about the product.
Here is the question though Blue wakadoo ... how can they? Him beathing on HHH no matter how bad he does it won't turn him, hell it will only make him get boo'd more.
They can't have him attack Stephanie.
Randomly attack Ambrose in a backstage segment?
IF Shane v Taker goes on last, I can see Reigns getting involved being bitter that his match did not main event and they stole his moment but which side?
Screw Shane and condemn us all to more Authority garbage again? Or Screw Taker.
Shane would be the only option that could be seen as a heel turn but I do not even want to think about the SOS on Raw tomorrow.
I can't.
If he wins and attacks the rock for hogging his space then thats the turn brother.

If he loses and someone maybe The Rock, Dean, or Usos come out and he attacks him, that's the tutn brother.

I think it'll have something to do with family.


Ok, so I signed up for the WWE Network a few nights ago in preparation of watching my first live Wrestlemania since IX. With the girl out of the house, I had originally set out to watch a "classic" Wrestlemania while cooking/eating dinner, but when I filtered down the search results I seen Hogan in the caption for XXX and curiosity got the best of me. I ended up watching it in its entirety in two sittings and holy shit... it's fucking hype!

-Crowd was nuts from the start and they added a ton to the show, and holy shit at this production! Everything is just so grandiose and it feels like I'm watching a movie. Intro with Hogan messing up and Austin/Rock breaking his balls was super entertaining. The bit with Piper later on was awesome too. That guy was a brilliant entertainer. (RIP)

-I've heard of Daniel Bryan before but I've never seen any of his matches. (it popped up in my Team Stream that he recently retired due to injury which is a shame after watching this) It was awesome seeing a crowd so unanimously behind someone. The "overcoming all odds" storyline is a simple one but it was clearly effective because even I wanted to see him win in both his matches... but damn if I wasn't just a bit distracted by Steph's legs.

-Cesaro is a megastar. Let me back that up, I rolled my eyes the second I heard the words "battle royal." From my time watching wrestling as a kid they always sucked. No actual moves ever happened until the end and it's a whole bunch of teasing with a handful of guys almost getting eliminated over and over. Royal Rumble was different because the ring was rarely overflowing with dudes just flailing aimlessly. But overall, this one was actually pretty good. I was honestly entertained by some of the spots they had. (ex. when the dude saved himself from elimination by keeping his feet on the steps) But from the get go, Cesaro stuck out to me as just a really unique looking dude. Then sure enough he had cool offense. Uppercut spots were cool and that giant swing had me cracking up. And then when he picked up Big Show and body slammed him over the top... holy shit! He looked like a strong dude but that was beastly. It was the only time in the show that I actually rewound it to watch it again. Unique looking dude who's strong as fuck with cool offense... I don't know how he is on the mic, but if he sucks get him a manger and push him to the fucking moon. Dude is hype and should be in championship matches. Looked him up immediately after watching and was disappointed to see that he was injured and wouldn't be at the show tonight.

-Bray Wyatt is a megastar. His weird cult leader horror movie-ish character is fucking awesome and it was amazing seeing the crowd buying into it so hard and cheering when he was clearly supposed to be heel. Dude has charisma for days and it feels like the gimmick would be a total failure if it weren't for him making it work. But then there's John Cena... lol. Even I'm familiar with him, but don't think I've actually seen him wrestle since that ECW reunion show where he lost to RVD. Straight up: dude looked so out of place. Next to such a cool character, he looks like a clown and a lot of the stuff he did just looked clumsy. I laughed out loud at the whole character shift between smiling babyface and snarling badass. When he had the chair and the ref was shouting "don't do it, John! That isn't you!"... holy shit I was dead. What a disparity between the infectiously awesome character and the unintentionally hilarious lameass character, but hell if I didn't find it entertaining so well done all around.

-Of course I already knew that Brock Lesnar killed the streak. I remember people who didn't even identify themselves as wrestling fans talking about it the next day. Still, I hadn't really seen Brock outside of MMA until now so I was definitely interested in watching it. Brock looked like a monster and Undertaker looked like he was just an old man hanging on for dear life much of the time. It was cool seeing one of my childhood heroes again, but I couldn't help but question if him participating in the match was seriously going to fuck him up despite it being a fake fight. (I fully acknowledge that these guys put their bodies through hell) It was honestly a bit tough to watch and I didn't enjoy it much, but it was totally worth getting through for the ending. That crowd reaction of genuine disbelief... even if this wasn't for me that really spoke to how these guys captivated their audience. And then came the boos because it wasn't the finish they expected/wanted and that then transitioned to applause/appreciation for the performers. It was amazing to watch a crowd collectively sort through their emotions like that and it was brilliant to hold off on the theme music to put the spotlight squarely on that reaction. But fuck that guy who shouted "you suck" at Undertaker when he was trying to stand up.

-Err... that women's match sure was something.

-Back to the main event, holy shit when Daniel Bryan got put through the table and Randy Orton's (of "RKO out of nowhere!" fame) lower back landed right on one of those monitors. I know that shit was a mistake and I seriously thought he was injured. I was horrified when I seen how dented in it was and the replay showed how he started writhing in pain the second he landed. That was really scary... what a tough SOB for continuing. I can't lie... I kind of wanted to see him win after that. Batista also had a "I fucked up" look on his face. I didn't rewind it because I'm not watching that shit again, but I'm pretty sure I remember him throwing one of the monitors behind the table instead of away from it. Fuck that dude and his carny ass Jordans.

Really good show overall and I found myself way more invested than I thought I would be. I was so entertained in fact that I decided to check out the latest event on the WWE Network: the NXT Takeover. The girl had her Syracuse basketball game (fun sport to play but I hate watching it) so I put it on the Surface with some headphones. Again... holy shit it was hype!

-Everyone on the show was treated like a damn hero by the crowd. I haven't seen anything like it since PRIDE. The wrestlers seemed to feed off it too because much of the card felt like I was watching it in fast forward. Just really well paced and exciting. The crowd helped me buy into it early because the two tag teams that kicked off the show didn't have a look that drew me into their characters, but they worked really well together and I gained an appreciation for them. They made wrestling look more like an art form than any match I'd seen on the Wrestlemania card and I ended up having a lot of fun watching it.

-Whoa... that Sami Zayn and Nakamura match. (I admittedly, and shamefully, had to look up their names to get them right) Those dudes seemed like they were legitimately hitting each other. There were several points in the match where I questioned what was planned and what was them letting their adrenaline get the best of them. Super entertaining and totally unexpected. As a fight fan, the lack of the usual choreography helped draw me in. Still, I did appreciate how Nakamura kept adding his charismatic little touches to help anchor the bout in entertainment throughout. They talk about wrestling once in a while on the Friendcast and I remember Matt gushing about "the King of Strong Style" and now I know why. Really unique character, but I quite liked both these guys.

-It's hilarious to me seeing Scott Hall and X-Pac together since I recall 123 Kid unexpectedly pinning Razor Ramon on Raw to launch his career. It was supposed to be just another jobber vs star match, but then some pimple faced kid caught Razor with a moonsault and pinned him. Was a cool moment, but enough of the walk down memory lane. Steph dropping her heel persona just to be part of the crowd... lol how weird. She's smoking hot, though.

-The women's match was a lot better than the one that was on the Wrestlemania card. Crowd is super hot for it too. I was laughing my ass off at the crowd singing in unison. Again, it was cool to see some of the offense grounded in reality. (even if they obviously weren't cranking the submissions) I was apprehensive going in, but much respect to these women. They had a really entertaining match.

-Are doctor stoppages a part of wrestling now because them checking on Joe's cut seemed weird. The video package sold the dude as a badass and I thought it was great when they were trying to wipe the blood but he was just shoving them away. Really added to his character and the drama, but then when he finally agreed to stand there and let them tend to the cut it just seemed.... wrong. But damn, that dude can move for being such a big dude. Also, it seems like Baylor has a cool character but I couldn't quite figure it out. Does he have a sort of duality about him? Like, is he a normal ass wrestler who unleashes the "demon" when pushed by his opponent? Because it seemed like that's where they were going with his character but it never completely got there during the match. Good look though... just seemed like they needed to refine/better define him, though. Was interesting seeing such a highly gimmicked guy vs a no-nonsense badass.

General note: there's a whole lot of MMA in wrestling and it's kind of awesome. Between seeing a Gracie jiu jitsu logo on Batista and Asuka (had to look up this name too... shame) hitting the pads with Seth Petruzelli I was marking out. I was genuinely surprised to see things like triangles, arm bars, and chokes too and it was really cool seeing the slick pro wrestling style transitions into them. I wouldn't think they would play in wrestling, but the performers really made some of the stuff believable and oddly exciting. Some of the strikes some wrestlers were throwing out were really cool to watch too -- much more interesting than the punch-stomp that I was used to. I really liked how the women's match was stopped the second someone was unconscious instead of doing the ref dropping the arm three times bit too. This kind of stuff has me genuinely curious to watch more...

...and if Wrestlemania tonight is as hype as these cards were then I definitely will. Super entertaining stuff! I doubt that they can get me back to the point that I'm watching weekly, but I'm super on board with giving it a look more often. Very unique entertainment.

Sorry for the long post, but I figured the neophyte perspective may be entertaining for someone. Ya'll are good people, WrassleGAF!

Great post, I enjoyed reading it. There's a lot of great stuff on the Network to look up as well, from a myriad of different promotions (WWE, NXT, WCW, NWA, ECW, etc). The previous NXT Takeover shows are pretty fantastic and worth looking up as well. The very first NXT Takeover show featured Zayn vs. Cesaro and it was great.


----- ------

Cena was at his best on the RAW after Wrestlemania 29




Really sucks so many people are asking if they can cancel the WWE "It's like Netflix but at a better value" Network® right after registering—and keep their $9.99.

I know money is tight for a lot of people but I feel that's not the motivation for a lot of people doing this. It's like you're doing it because... you can.

I think that's kinda shitty, to be honest. I can't believe I'm about to say this... but the value you're getting with that ten bucks is pretty insane. All the archives, all the original stuff, and everything going down in Dallas this weekend. I mean, Shinsuke vs. Zayn is worth that alone.

You should support this stuff. If you like it, pay your ticket. Keep this business whole and show them that you like what they're doing.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, y'know?



Great post, Fitts. Glad you're having fun.

Thanks! I am indeed having a lot of fun rediscovering wrestling... takes me back to when I was a kid watching everything through Bret Hart sunglasses. :)

WM30 really is a good introduction to WWE wrasslin. I've had multiple friends get pulled into WWE just because of that event.

...and then 2 years later they are all jaded about the product.

Yeah, the show pulled me in immediately. Really awesome, well curated stuff! I suppose the initial excitement would diminish over time, but I could see myself getting invested in guys like Cesaro and Wyatt. Would love to see more stuff like that Zayn/Nakamura match too.

Great post, I enjoyed reading it. There's a lot of great stuff on the Network to look up as well, from a myriad of different promotions (WWE, NXT, WCW, NWA, ECW, etc). The previous NXT Takeover shows are pretty fantastic and worth looking up as well. The very first NXT Takeover show featured Zayn vs. Cesaro and it was great.

I quit watching wrestling completely after ECW and WCW went away. The years leading up until that point it was an occasional thing. WCW was off the rails crazy and an oddly enjoyable trainwreck, but I genuinely loved ECW for its atmosphere. I think I've seen all of their PPVs and went to a live show. Really enjoyed that.

...and now that you mention it, I think the NXT card was giving me those ECW feels. I should check out more of that.



Really sucks so many people are asking if they can cancel the WWE "It's like Netflix but at a better value" Network® right after registering—and keep their $9.99.

I know money is tight for a lot of people but I feel that's not the motivation for a lot of people doing this. It's like you're doing it because... you can.

I think that's kinda shitty, to be honest. I can't believe I'm about to say this... but the value you're getting with that ten bucks is pretty insane. All the archives, all the original stuff, and everything going down in Dallas this weekend. I mean, Shinsuke vs. Zayn is worth that alone.

You should support this stuff. If you like it, pay your ticket. Keep this business whole and show them that you like what they're doing.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, y'know?


Network you are not supporting Raw and crap, yes the PPVs are on the network but even those do not really count because they get their revenue from other sources.
The network you are supporting NXT which is the best thing they have and deserves support. You are supporting the library and some decent new content.
Yes you can hate the product, but some of the product deserves support.

Really sucks so many people are asking if they can cancel the WWE "It's like Netflix but at a better value" Network® right after registering—and keep their $9.99.

I know money is tight for a lot of people but I feel that's not the motivation for a lot of people doing this. It's like you're doing it because... you can.

I think that's kinda shitty, to be honest. I can't believe I'm about to say this... but the value you're getting with that ten bucks is pretty insane. All the archives, all the original stuff, and everything going down in Dallas this weekend. I mean, Shinsuke vs. Zayn is worth that alone.

You should support this stuff. If you like it, pay your ticket. Keep this business whole and show them that you like what they're doing.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, y'know?


Wrestlemania used to cost $70 ALONE


Really sucks so many people are asking if they can cancel the WWE "It's like Netflix but at a better value" Network® right after registering—and keep their $9.99.

I know money is tight for a lot of people but I feel that's not the motivation for a lot of people doing this. It's like you're doing it because... you can.

I think that's kinda shitty, to be honest. I can't believe I'm about to say this... but the value you're getting with that ten bucks is pretty insane. All the archives, all the original stuff, and everything going down in Dallas this weekend. I mean, Shinsuke vs. Zayn is worth that alone.

You should support this stuff. If you like it, pay your ticket. Keep this business whole and show them that you like what they're doing.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, y'know?


It's good marketing and they're getting more eyes on their product. I'm sure a lot are going to cancel prior to the charge, but they'll no doubt be able to retain some subs/fans. I mean, look at me. I had no inclination to watch WWE before my friend suggested we watch Wrestlemania a few months ago, I've since checked out a few ten minute blocks here and there on TV that failed to sell me, but upon seeing the free network sub I've given it a more fair chance and it's winning me over pretty damn hard. Whether or not I keep the subscription is up in the air, but that's changed from the initial definite "no." And even if I don't keep the sub, at least now I'm interested enough to at least pay attention every once in a while creating the possibility that they'll get my money for some big cards. (Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Survival Series, King of the Ring.... the stuff that I remember that they always make a huge deal out of) That's much better than the $0 they've gotten from me for a long while now.

EDIT: And is NXT only on the WWE Network? If so, then that may help sell me on a sub as well.
I didn't understand a word of that post, slightinebriate.

4.4 million people bought may wether and pacaquio

UFC had record number of buys on ppv last year and are continuing this year. UFC 200 will be a big show.

Wrestlamnia cost $0.00 or 10$. Seems short sighted to give away the biggest wrestling show of all time for free. We'll find out soon how many free people stay


4.4 million people bought may wether and pacaquio

UFC had record number of buys on ppv last year and are continuing this year. UFC 200 will be a big show.

Wrestlamnia cost $0.00 or 10$. Seems short sighted to give away the biggest wrestling show of all time for free. We'll find out soon how many free people stay
In other news, Vince is apparently a billionaire again...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
4.4 million people bought may wether and pacaquio

UFC had record number of buys on ppv last year and are continuing this year. UFC 200 will be a big show.

Wrestlamnia cost $0.00 or 10$. Seems short sighted to give away the biggest wrestling show of all time for free. We'll find out soon how many free people stay
It's a gamble on the really high retention rates they have now.
According to Alvarez, the Balor Club is set to debut "imminently" and the talk has been that they will be similar to the NWO in that it would only be Gallows and Anderson at first, with Balor coming up later.


According to Alvarez, the Balor Club is set to debut "imminently" and the talk has been that they will be similar to the NWO in that it would only be Gallows and Anderson at first, with Balor coming up later.

Thats exactly what we need, another stable of guys who are mid-card jobbers. I'm starting to realize that the real problem with the WWE isn't that they lack talent or that they don't know how to push people. The problem is there are too many fucking commercials which make matches longer (in addition to too many recaps) which limits the actual amount of wrestling that can be done.
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