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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


I thought the Flair heart attack angle was in poor taste a few weeks ago. Leave it to the WWF to top it with an abortion angle, though. Jeeesus.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Maybe it's just me rewatching it, but I highly enjoy the Flair/Russo feud. Like it's probably Flair's best feud since Perfect at that point. And people want to be like it demeans Flair or whatever but Flair is fucking 50 years old and in terrible shape. And Russo still bumps like a boss for him and Reid.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Random thoughts on wrestling:

Ultimo Dragon is the coolest dude ever.
Sleeper holds are cool, Dragon Sleepers are even better. Every dude with really jacked arms should do one.
Most truly awful ppvs are also fun to watch like KOTR 1995, December to Dismember, Halloween Havoc 1995. The real worst PPVs are just boring ones that almost no one remembers like half of the WCW ppvs in 1995 and 1999/2000 and stuff like IYH4.
If asked to pick between Ric Flair and Terry Funk as the best all around guy in the 70's/80's, I take the Funker each and every time.
Ric Flair was both the best wrestler ever in WCW and an albatross at the same time. No one could get over on him. He couldn't remain heel in the eyes of the fans up and down the mid atlantic south to Georgia.
Sting should have won if not clean then decisively at Starrcade 1997.
Shane Douglas is the wrestler most screwed over by a non drug related problem, though he caused a lot of it himself. He's also one of the few bright spots of super early 1990's WCW.
The problem with short guys in the WWF/WWE isn't them matching up with the likes of Big Show or Nash, it's when they match up with the 6'5'' guys who look like average joes compared to the rest of the 6'5'' guys. Luckily this problem seems to be correcting itself.
The average quality of televised wrestling matches has gone up each year in the WWE since the Benoit disaster, but because of poor writing and overexposure of the same feuds over and over no one notices. This is why squash matches and only having stars meet at big shows in NXT looks like a revelation when its just a return to the pre-Nitro days.
Nitro changed free tv wrestling forever and that genie can't be put into the bottle except on loss-leaders like NXT.
One hour is the perfect amount of wrestling. One Hour Nitros>Two Hour Nitros. Same with RAW. TNA was also apparently at its best when it was one hour on Fox Sports.
Hilariously enough the average quality of early THREE hour Nitros is better than the early and late two hour ones. It's an anomaly.
WCW Thunder is the worst primetime show any of the major promotions put on, including ECWWE.
Crisscrosses are sorely missed.
Contested backslides are the best possible spot in a match.
Escaping finishers>>>>>finisher spams. C'mon this isn't rocket science but the X7 Main Event doomed wrestling forever much like Nitro did.
WCW was always doomed to fail.
Goldberg bought them another year.
Bret Hart in WCW is one misstep after another. He got the money of a main eventer but had a position no better than anyone else who wasn't Nash or Hogan.
They probably should have built Thunder around Bret and done a brand split that way.
WCW at its height employed 230+ male wrestlers.
They've always kept tons of people on the books for no good reason.
Crucifix Pin and Victory Roll aren't used enough.
Owen versus Bret is still the best Wrestlemania opening match, though Bryan and HHH is damn close.
It's better than the ladder match too, and always was.
The fact that both of those happen on a WWF PPV in 1994 is outstanding. 1994 would be the worst year in NA pro wrestling if not for 1995.
1996 and 1997 are the best years in NA wrestling and some of the best in Japan too.
By the end of 1997 the WWF is in horrific shape. Wrestlemania got out bought by a C-Tier WCW PPV. The roster is the thinnest it will ever be, and they are relying on someone who probably shouldn't be wrestling to carry the company.
Which he does to its biggest boom period ever.
Every single PPV in 1996/1997 is worth watching. Even the ECW ones. Even the bad shows like Souled Out 1997 and Uncensored 1996 are memorable and very hate watchable.
Scotty 2 Hotty is secretly one of he best talents of the Attitude era, but he literally does not get to show off until right at the end of it.
My gap in pro wrestling knowledge is deepest between 2002-2007/8 or so. Sometime around then I started watching random RAWs again until it became a weird weekly habit.
I retained a lot of wrestling from 1992-1996 though I almost never watched RAW then, all from Wrestling Challenge/Superstars.
1997 I knew nothing about besides what I've gleaned from general chatter until last year.
I watched every show from WM 14 until whenever Ric Flair showed up on RAW.
That wasn't a breaking point, just life got in the way.
I love heel Stone Cold. Especially Sensitive Steve.
The Invasion was fucked up though a ton of it was not being able to secure a night to air WCWWE. TNN wouldn't let them turn RAW into Nitro. Couldn't get Saturday night on MTV either.
They probably should have done the brand split early and brought in Hogan/Nash/Hall/Flair/Goldberg like they did anyways, though Vince was right in that it would mess up the payscale.
Even though I haven't watched it, looking at the rosters in 2002/2004 it really does look like god mode in some sort of fantasy booking game set to random. It's literally the entire NA wrestling scene minus Jeff Jarrett.
Vince is a great commentator without knowing a single move. Gorilla is even better. JR is still the best.
Wee-L-C is the best preshow match ever, beating out the Bikini Beach Blast Off (which is more of an angle anyways)
Wrestlemania X-7 will never be topped.
No crowd will ever beat In Your House Canadian Stampede.
Ratings on modern RAW do not matter. They're more than USA expects as all they care about is being #1 overall on cable.
WWE cares more about Youtube than anything else save possibly for the network. Most of the best weekly content WWE produces is on the network.
Wrestling will never get away from racism.
In some ways the attitude era was more progressive than the PG era. Men mixing it up with women, and women standing up for themselves.
Chyna probably should have been WWF champion at some point. The era was too loaded is a decent excuse until you remember the short reign of Vince Mcmahon.
The loss of the Asshole chant is the biggest sacrifice of the PG era.
USA was behind both RAW move to two hours and its eventual move to three hours. Both times the WWF/E thought that filling the content would be hard.
Mankind is the best underdog story ever told.
All of Austin's breaks in the WWF were lucky ones. Won KOTR because HHH was being punished. Fought Bret at WM 13 because Shawn was on the sidelines. He made the most of them.
Well, I guess having his neck broken wasn't that lucky.
Reversed piledrivers/sit down tombstones are probably the most damaging move of all time.
Most people are happy with mid card spots unless they were demoted there.
There isn't room at the top of the card for everyone but fans will always insist that there ten indie darlings belong there.
No Mercy>WM 2000>Revenge=World Tour>DoR2>DoR1>Def Jam1>Warzone>Attitude>>>>Any Smackdown game>>>>>>>RAW on XBOX.
People can't cheat their way out of Submissions in Revenge.
John Cena is a living saint for putting up with the shit he does.
Zach Ryder is a bro.
I actually prefer almost all of the NXT developmental guys compared to the indie stars. Asuka/Nakamura are the one exception. She's a great signing.
I'd love a Demon Balor/Daemon Kane Comedy tag team fighting over who was the true demon.
Bayley might be the next Hulk Hogan Vince has been looking for for 30 years.
Dana Brooke is female Lex Luger, only better.
Niki Bella is the most improved wrestler ever.
The Attitude era might be receiving too much backlash these days. It's still fun despite the wrestling being shit and some of it being heinous.
Fight Forever is the only good chant NXT has ever produced.
ECW is the most influential chant of all time, beating out What and Asshole, my personal favorite.
All three members of The New Day grasped the brass ring. Big E was doing okay beforehand and is now positioned as a new top guy in waiting. Kofi Kingston looked one foot out the door and now is one of the better wrestlers in the company and Xavier Woods who was no good at anything besides talking is now even better at that AND a great in ring hand.
They are the black, non racist Freebirds talent wise so it makes sense that they inducted them, though it's still funny as the Freebirds were big racists.
Bret is the best there is/was/ever will be, though Austin/Flair/Hogan/Rock were more important.
John Cena deserves to win the belt like ten more times.
HHH/Reigns put on a stinker in the main event of WM Star, which probably doomed Reigns forever.
Owen deserves to be in Meltzer's HOF despite not meeting the normal criteria.


Maybe it's just me rewatching it, but I highly enjoy the Flair/Russo feud. Like it's probably Flair's best feud since Perfect at that point. And people want to be like it demeans Flair or whatever but Flair is fucking 50 years old and in terrible shape. And Russo still bumps like a boss for him and Reid.
Didn't expect such a post. Well. We'll see how it goes.
B-ish. Maybe a B+. It was a lot of fun.
I agree with most of that Man God. I could be wrong but I would say the Mania 17 main event was the first instance of kicking out of finishers and trading them? Worked for that match/rivalry. Have yet to see it justified anywhere else.

I would also agree that Mania 32 main event doomed Reigns forever.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Revenge = World Tour?!

Why, MG? Why?

Revenge doesn't have Flair. It's not Fair to him. Hell besides Goldberg and Bret World Tour has the better roster. Also Revenge has the thing where you can kick out of any pinfall which World Tour doesn't. Revenge's other upgrades offset those differences so it is a wash.
I agree with most of that Man God. I could be wrong but I would say the Mania 17 main event was the first instance of kicking out of finishers and trading them? Worked for that match/rivalry. Have yet to see it justified anywhere else.

I would also agree that Mania 32 main event doomed Reigns forever.
Dude, Austin and H were kicking out of each others finishers the PPV right before Mania 17. H even kicked out of the finish of Mania 17.
Eva vs. Asuka was a lot of fun, largely due to how the crowd reacted and to see Asuka wrestle circles around her at all times. The Revival vs. Jamokes #1 and #2 match perfect. It was EXACTLY what the fucking Bullet Club needed and didn't get. Eva vs. Asuka was a lot of fun, largely due to how the crowd reacted and to see Asuka wrestle circles around her at all times. The Revival vs. Jamokes #1 and #2 match perfect. It was EXACTLY what the fucking Bullet Club needed and didn't get. The Nakamura match was a blast, and every single thing he does entertains me since he's so good at the little things. Loved the Revival just kicking ass not only in their match, but after the Hype Bros. one as well.


Screens -


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Dude, Austin and H were kicking out of each others finishers the PPV right before Mania 17. H even kicked out of the finish of Mania 17.

The main event of X7 became such a classic that everyone was doing the finisher kickout/doing the other persons finisher, which was normally reserved just for humiliating submissions before and trading off.

It's just like Nitro giving away the goods for free in that its brilliance also ruined wrestling forever.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I would rate Smackdown HCTP higher than most of the games you listed there, Man God.

The roster is great, easily the best official roster ever but Smackdown has never been fun to play ever. Not even that one. I'd honestly rather play Warzone, like I said.


Revenge doesn't have Flair. It's not Fair to him. Hell besides Goldberg and Bret World Tour has the better roster. Also Revenge has the thing where you can kick out of any pinfall which World Tour doesn't. Revenge's other upgrades offset those differences so it is a wash.
Nah. This explanation doesn't cut it. I'll see you in wrassle court.
Hansen is such a beast in game form. Whether it's in VPW 2, Fire Pro Returns, or even as a CAW in No Mercy. His style is perfect for a game.

Can you do this on your precious No Mercy?

Still love No Mercy tho
Come to think of it... what if WCW didn't lose the Radicalz and fuck up Goldberg and then had Eddie be the one to break the streak, like how he beat Lesnar (ironically).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I actually can't think of many people better than Nash to beat Goldberg. Don't forget that Nash was around main event level but had never main evented in the promotion, save for BatB 1996 and other multiman matches.

Its the finger poke of doom that really screwed them.
WCW would never book Eddie Guerrero to beat Goldberg

I actually can't think of many people better than Nash to beat Goldberg. Don't forget that Nash was around main event level but had never main evented in the promotion, save for BatB 1996 and other multiman matches.

Its the finger poke of doom that really screwed them.

I'm thinking of an alternate universe where WCW gave enough of a shit about Eddie. But in reality? Steiner would be better than Nash. Believe it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nash or Steiner was fine. Booking-wise, Steiner was the best choice though given he was ridiculously popular at the time and was pretty much THE upcoming heel.

Hall could have worked as well had he not been having his issues.
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