Been a long time wrasslegaf lurker. Think it is about time I join in on the regular now that The Rock has beat Cena clean. I cannot stand Super Cena. So predictable(overcoming the odds out of nowhere in the last 30 secs of match) shtick. Cannot stand his grinning and smiling at everything. Really interested in seeing where they take his character now because at the end of the match on the ramp for once he wasn't smirking like a dork.
Gotta say, I love Bryan. Can't get enough of YES YES YES. I figured Sheamus was going to win which I was content with, however winning like that at Wrestlemania after the signs and chants Bryan was getting by all those in the front row? Turned me off till the Taker/HHH match came on. Still bitter about it. I know Shemeaus had nothing to do with the booking probably, however now I'm hating him on a Cena level.
I was pleasantly delighted that Kane beat Mr.Boreton though