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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45

So like.... there's going to be a Zack Ryder dvd.

You know, someone who deserves it.

Well that's awful, but still not the weirdest DVD set they've chose to make.

That title is still held by:



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Does anyone even watch Zack Ryder's youtube show anymore? I stopped watching months ago when they injected large chunks of RAW into it and were trying to push Cena through it.
Wasnt it like Two months ago, Ted Jr. was getting love from higher ups* when he searching out his fanbase and what have you.

Now we got Zack and Bryan getting shitted on.

Its backwards and doesnt make any sense.

* Allegedly
Yeah, Cole was just mediocre back in the early to mid 2000's before they tried to build him up as the new King, and then turned King as a face announcer, which was a wrong move for both guys. King always had that great, whiny, high-pitched, annoying voice that was perfect for pandering to the bad guys or Vince.

Not sure who's idea it was to turn King face, but it was stupid.

Probably the same person who thought it was a good idea to give Cole two feuds with fellow announcers, one of which culminated in a match at Wrestlemania XXVII. Cole can now proudly state that he's had more wrestling experience at Wrestlemania that most of the roster on either brand.
well that sucks

what sucked the most was not getting contacted before they shut it off, being stood in McDonalds trying to pay for a $6 lunch knowing you have hundreds of dollars in the bank... and the card doesn't work... for no reason at all.

that Deuce and Domino (WITH CHERRY!) DVD cannot be real. it cannot. i cannot find it anywhere, for one.

it's sad to think that the tag division was in a better state in the days of Deuce and Domino than now. really fucking sad.


Wasnt it like Two months ago, Ted Jr. was getting love from higher ups* when he searching out his fanbase and what have you.

Now we got Zack and Bryan getting shitted on.
Its backwards and doesnt make any sense.
It makes PERFECT sense if you understand that Vince is insane and changes his mind as often as his underwear.

Cole can now proudly state that he's had more wrestling experience at Wrestlemania that most of the roster on either brand.
Cole vs. Lawler got more time in one Wrestlemania PPV than Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus did in TWO. <cackles maniacally>
(And it was oh so productive given that Cole & Lawler are best of friends once again courtesy of ye olde reset button.)

Good possiblity since last monday was fairly good. Wonder how they'll mess it up this week.
Makes perfect sense to cater to the potential new UFC audience that would tune in this week to check out Brock Lesnar by plastering The Three Stooges all over the show doing unfunny skits (that Michael Cole will still chuckle through like they're hysterical).
It makes PERFECT sense if you understand that Vince is insane and changes his mind as often as his underwear.

Cole vs. Lawler got more time in one Wrestlemania PPV than Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus did in TWO. <cackles maniacally>
(And it was oh so productive given that Cole & Lawler are best of friends once again courtesy of ye olde reset button.)

him (albeit it a little reluctantly) shaking hands with JR was even more jarring after the storyline reason for Ross leaving and how much Cole was shitting on him with 'who weighs less' challenges and the like.


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Probably the same person who thought it was a good idea to give Cole two feuds with fellow announcers, one of which culminated in a match at Wrestlemania XXVII. Cole can now proudly state that he's had more wrestling experience at Wrestlemania that most of the roster on either brand.
Cole has more wins at wrestlemania than Daniel Bryan.
Makes perfect sense to cater to the potential new UFC audience that would tune in this week to check out Brock Lesnar by plastering The Three Stooges all over the show doing unfunny skits (that Michael Cole will still chuckle through like they're hysterical).

how awesome would it be if Brock just beat the stooge Stooges to death?

in a way, obviously 'not very' because it would be really bad for wrestling... but i'd watch it over and over.


I'm going to FYE.

I am going to look for that Brock Lesnar DVD (I could've sworn I'd seen it...)

I never saw Dusty Rhodes wrestle.

How is that Story of Wrestlemania?


how awesome would it be if Brock just beat the stooge Stooges to death?

in a way, obviously 'not very' because it would be really bad for wrestling... but i'd watch it over and over.
It wouldn't be as "bad for wrestling" as what we're likely to wind up with.
I'm expecting some kind of backstage pie fight sequence which leads to some combination of Vickie/Swagger/Ziggles getting pied. Won't that be entertaining boys and girls?
Shame I'm watching baseball tonight (aka the most boring sport in the world after golf) and will have to miss out.


Makes perfect sense to cater to the potential new UFC audience that would tune in this week to check out Brock Lesnar by plastering The Three Stooges all over the show doing unfunny skits (that Michael Cole will still chuckle through like they're hysterical).

Based on a certain thread I don't think they'll be tuning in no matter what. I think the majority of that audience is too serious about it, but I could be wrong.

I wonder what percentage of the audience jumped over(pro wrestling to mma). You know there used to be percentage of the audience that watched it as a sport before it became entertainment. I figure by now they might be too old to care about this stuff but if they did they would probably watch MMA. WWE is really more of nerd crowd (duh). You know we are all geeks here, and it's fun... I'm not ashamed of anything. We do have a lot of cross over fans, but I wonder how many actually jump from wwe to mma, and not vice versa. I see the WWE as the more open minded crowd. How could they not be. Other way around is a tall order.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.. who cares.
It wouldn't be as "bad for wrestling" as what we're likely to wind up with.
I'm expecting some kind of backstage pie fight sequence which leads to some combination of Vickie/Swagger/Ziggles getting pied. Won't that be entertaining boys and girls?
Shame I'm watching baseball tonight (aka the most boring sport in the world after golf) and will have to miss out.

i meant actually beat them to death though. three dead celebrities on live TV would not be better for wrestling than tonights nonsense is going to be.

i wonder if Vickie and Ziggles will have to pretend the Three Stooges are real as they did the muppets? i love the muppets but when they do stuff like that (and ROBOCOP) they're pushing kayfaybe wellllll past the suspension of my disbelief.
I never saw Dusty Rhodes wrestle.
you mean live and in person right? you don't mean you've NEVER seen the American Dream, right? if so, good on you for fixing that. Dusty was really really good. cut a great promo too and 'Common man boogie' is the best walkout theme of all.

How is that Story of Wrestlemania?
gets strong recommendation from my yet to be worth anything tastes.


i wonder if Vickie and Ziggles will have to pretend the Three Stooges are real as they did the muppets? i love the muppets but when they do stuff like that (and ROBOCOP) they're pushing kayfaybe wellllll past the suspension of my disbelief.
I think the tip off is that they're advertising the Stooges to host tonight and not Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Hayes and Will Sasso.
That means they'll be "in character" tonight and not celebrities shilling a movie.

So yeah, the wrestling "characters" will be interacting with the Stooge characters as if they're real.

I'm sure we'll also get a cameo appearance of Vince's Attitude Era "Stooges"... aka Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson.
Daniel Bryan walks into backstage hearing the 3 stooges making fun of his match with Sheamus and how he lost so fast. Bryan gets pissed off and tries to poke one of them in the eyes. The block it by holding their hand sideways in front of their eyes and then they poke Daniel Bryan in the eyes with him screaming in pain and the Stooges laughing to end segment. Vince laughs hysterically backstage while rubbing body oil on Ryback.



May 12th on iPPV!!!!!

Also, apparently they are not using Go Fight Live for this show according to Kevin Kelly. It would be awesome if they went to WWNLive.com


No One Remembers
Daniel Bryan walks into backstage hearing the 3 stooges making fun of his match with Sheamus and how he lost so fast. Bryan gets pissed off and tries to poke one of them in the eyes. The block it by holding their hand sideways in front of their eyes and then they poke Daniel Bryan in the eyes with him screaming in pain and the Stooges laughing to end segment. Vince laughs hysterically backstage while rubbing body oil on Ryback.

Reads like a crankyvince tweet
So my question was answered by Dave on the Observer Radio show last night! I asked if the WWE would have to file for bankruptcy if the network fails. He said not likely, but it will hurt them a lot. He did say, however, that if Vince did do a second season of the XFL, it could have sank the company.

I might try sending in more questions considering that my first one get answered!


Who the fuck is Ryback?

You mean Steven Seagal's Chef character from Under Siege?

Man...where's Mason Ryan when you need him?

I am ashamed I've never seen Dusty wrestle, he was before my time I guess.
G-Fex man, if you've got a spare 15 minutes, watch Arn Anderson vs Dusty Rhodes for the NWA TV Title, it's a classic;


It would be awesome if they went to WWNLive.com

I would definitely feel more comfortable if they used WWNLive, but there's surely no chance in hell of that happening. Hopefully ROH can follow their lead and make their iPPV production in-house.

Still, whatever service it's on, I'm definitely buying for Steen/Richards - the thing is, that's mostly based on the hope that Steen will beat Davey.

I don't know what it is, but ROH has had such a problem with face champions for years now - Nigel was a face when he won the belt, but everyone wanted to see him beat Danielson for the title, not Morishima, and that coupled with his injuries and his increasingly lariat-based offence, led to the fans turning on him. Black was a face when he won the belt, but the fans turned on him because ROH took a ridiculously long time to pull the trigger. Homicide was a great face victory, but couldn't put on the expected quality of main events. No one wanted Jerry Lynn as champion, especially after that awfully forced 'The Wrestler'-like storyline.

Eddie Edwards winning got a great reaction and his title reign didn't really last long enough for the fans to turn on him, for whatever reason, but even though Davey got a face reaction when he won the belt and the fans had been behind him for months and months, it still seemed like ROH pulled the trigger too late as some crowds were already starting to get on his back. That has only been compounded by main event matches that do nothing to silence his detractors, going too long and doing too much just because it's the main event. Already a large portion of the crowd are booing Davey and cheering Steen, and if Davey beats Steen and they drag this out until Final Battle, I can see the fans turning on Davey completely.
New DDT show, featuring Kenny Omega defending the AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title against Shigehiro Irie and Danshoku Dino defending the KO-D Openweight Title against Sanshiro Takagi. Plus, an Right to Challenge Battle Royale, with a number of contracts up for grabs - the right to co-promote a DDT show, the right to 'be' the 'next Ken Ohka', the right to challenge for the KO-D Tag Titles and two contracts for the right to challenge for the KO-D Openweight title.

DDT "APRIL FOOL 2012", 01.04.2012
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,277 Fans - No Vacancy



01. Takashi Dai & Tetsuya Endo vs Hiroshi Fukuda & Akito

02. Antonio Honda vs Nico Valentine

03. Hikaru Sato & Michael Nakazawa vs Genba Hirayanagi & Takao Soma


04. Kenny Omega (c) vs Shigehiro Irie


05. Masa Takanashi vs Yuji Hino vs DJ Nira vs Keita Yano vs Makoto Oishi vs Tomomitsu Matsunaga


06. Danshoku Dino (c) vs Sanshiro Takagi


So my question was answered by Dave on the Observer Radio show last night! I asked if the WWE would have to file for bankruptcy if the network fails. He said not likely, but it will hurt them a lot. He did say, however, that if Vince did do a second season of the XFL, it could have sank the company.

I might try sending in more questions considering that my first one get answered!

Yeh if you send in questions there is actually a pretty decent chance of it getting answered. I've had a few answered on it. Also had Dave email me about stuff I've asked too.


So my question was answered by Dave on the Observer Radio show last night! I asked if the WWE would have to file for bankruptcy if the network fails. He said not likely, but it will hurt them a lot. He did say, however, that if Vince did do a second season of the XFL, it could have sank the company.

I might try sending in more questions considering that my first one get answered!

That's awesome. Maybe I should send one in to Dave to see if he'll answer it.


The future for Florida Championship Wrestling is looking increasingly uncertain, despite Triple H's assurances that FCW was not closing down two weeks ago, shortly after reports prematurely leaked that WWE was indeed going to be doing exactly that.

According to Dave Meltzer on his latest radio show, Bright House Sports, which airs FCW's television show in the Tampa market and was originally told that the television tapings on March 15th would be the promotion's last ones ever before closure, have been contacted by WWE again to be told that they've changed their minds on that decision.
Not very surprising news, as just a couple of days ago FCW taped three new episodes of their TV show, which had to air somewhere, but it must be very embarrassing for the WWE personnel involved who had to implement such a cack-handed backtrack. So everyone at FCW can now sleep safe in their beds at night, knowing that no more nasty surprises will be around the corner, right?

Not so quick buster, WWE told Bright House that they only wanted back on their television station temporarily, but didn't tell them how long for. That probably depends on the length of time they feel it is necessary to keep the ruse going and have FCW continue on as a zombie promotion, so that Triple H and the rest of WWE management don't look like liars for denying the original claims that they planned to kill off the promotion. Indeed, former TNA Head of Talent Relations Terry Taylor is believed to have been hired by WWE to head up a developmental system in Stamford, Connecticut, until a new, bigger and better, permanent replacement for FCW can be established. It just may now take longer for this plan to come to fruition and move everyone from the pleasant Florida sun to the WWE's corporate home.

So we still have plenty of developmental chaos and uncertainty, but forestalling FCW's demise for at least a few months will likely turn out to be not a bad thing, but a good thing. At least when they pull the trigger the second time on the move, everything should be ready in Stamford so a smooth transition can be made from the end of one developmental chapter to the start of a new, hopefully much improved, one.
Yeh if you send in questions there is actually a pretty decent chance of it getting answered. I've had a few answered on it. Also had Dave email me about stuff I've asked too.

Nice! Since I'm an avid listener, I'll start asking more questions now.

That's awesome. Maybe I should send one in to Dave to see if he'll answer it.

You definitely should. Considering mine got answered 3-4 hours before the show was recorded, it doesn't hurt to send one in every week.

I got a couple of other questions I've been meaning to ask, so I hope they answer them. I'll let you know if they do. And y'all get your questions answered, please share it with us, too!


Nice! Since I'm an avid listener, I'll start asking more questions now.

I got a couple of other questions I've been meaning to ask, so I hope they answer them. I'll let you know if they do. And y'all get your questions answered, please share it with us, too!

Mailbag is always fun to see just how much obscure Wrestling shit Dave knows off the top of his head.

The question he emailed me to answer was asking why Bret didn't sue Vince after Montreal for breach of contract since Bret had creative control.

For anyone interested his answer was this:
Yes, but Vince could have sued Bret for punching him in the face, and for
breaking his cameras. Bret didn't want to start that fight because he
had more to lose. Vince didn't start that fight either, for fear a jury
would rule by him violating the contract first they may have sympathy for
Bret. Kind of a stalemate of nonaction.


As I wrote last week in the Elite section of PWInsider.com, the new TNA-SpikeTV deal locks in TNA Impact Wrestling on the air with the network through October 2014. The current deal was set to expire this October, so they've signed a new two year contract. There are a lot of relieved people working for TNA right now that the deal was signed and signed as early as it was.

One of the points discussed during negotiations was that Ultimate Fighter, which left Spike for F/X as part of the big money UFC-FOX TV deal is only doing around 1.2 million viewers while TNA is bringing close to 1.7 million viewers in for Spike weekly, with much of that audience being the coveted Males 18-34, which is a base any cable network would want. The goal among both sides is to get that audience viewing number to two million a week.

The language in the contract is specifically for Impact Wrestling, not additional programming but should the right project come along, whether it be pro wrestling or something else TNA produces (such as their discusses "Soccer Moms" reality show), Spike would be interested in discussing the project. The last contract allowed Spike the right of first refusal for new TV projects. I have not heard whether that clause remained with the new deal, but it's likely.

There was no talk of live TNA specials for the network that I am aware of during the negotiations, but it's a possibility.

The contract language does not include holding more Impacts "on the road" outside of Orlando as part of the official deal but the plan is to do more of them this year, according to sources.


New DDT show, featuring Kenny Omega defending the AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title against Shigehiro Irie and Danshoku Dino defending the KO-D Openweight Title against Sanshiro Takagi. Plus, an Right to Challenge Battle Royale, with a number of contracts up for grabs - the right to co-promote a DDT show, the right to 'be' the 'next Ken Ohka', the right to challenge for the KO-D Tag Titles and two contracts for the right to challenge for the KO-D Openweight title.

DDT "APRIL FOOL 2012", 01.04.2012
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,277 Fans - No Vacancy



01. Takashi Dai & Tetsuya Endo vs Hiroshi Fukuda & Akito

02. Antonio Honda vs Nico Valentine

03. Hikaru Sato & Michael Nakazawa vs Genba Hirayanagi & Takao Soma


04. Kenny Omega (c) vs Shigehiro Irie


05. Masa Takanashi vs Yuji Hino vs DJ Nira vs Keita Yano vs Makoto Oishi vs Tomomitsu Matsunaga


06. Danshoku Dino (c) vs Sanshiro Takagi

Thank you, Senor.
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