The hell were you watching? A repeat of NXT Season 2 finale?NoRéN;36834708 said:Good end to the show.
The Mick Foley/Dean Ambrose twitter storyline is good atleast
@TheDeanAmbrose wrote:
Fuming in atl airport over a jack n coke. Hey #wwe was it something i said? #smackdown
@realMickFoley wrote:
I had a slight problem at Smackdown, so I took care of it. I didn't ask WWE to send him home, but I'm glad they did. Sayanora scumbag
The whole Dean Ambrose / Foley thing seems a bit smarky for WWE TV dont you think?
Screw you Foley, Ambrose should have debuted.
NWA Fans the Tuesday Night Totality show has begun
Once again congratulations to our NEW NWA Champion,....VINCE RUSSO
Word is he has a bearskin rug he wants to show the big man.
what is this damn bearskin rug i keep hearing about? Was there actual bearskin rug antics at some point? because Ive heard this brought up in a lot of shoot interviews.
It's a great storyline and easy for an average fan to understand if done right. It's not really smarky. Mick Foley did insane stuff causing other wrestlers to cut their careers short trying to live up to what he did, including some of Ambrose's friends.
....did anyone see that weightwatchers commercial?
What the flying fuck is this Charles Barkley commercial
It's a great storyline and easy for an average fan to understand if done right. It's not really smarky. Mick Foley did insane stuff causing other wrestlers to cut their careers short trying to live up to what he did, including some of Ambrose's friends. He hates Foley because of that. It could work as a Legend Killer gimmick like Orton had if he starts taking out Attitude era stars.
Raw is taped so you'll know it's shitty before it airs atleast. Brock won't appear. He won't fly over to Europe. Smackdown should have been titled Blast From Vince McMahon's Ass Edition.
@TheDeanAmbrose said:ok,so I get sent home from tvs? cuz MICK feels uncomfortable? like I did something wrong? like I'M a criminal? #hardcorelegend=softcorebitch
You could just laugh at
with me, Net_Wrecker.
Is it just me or has it been an unusually long time since a broken down drug addicted conman died from being a broken down drug addicted conman?
I wonder if Cena would do that trademark smirk that Wrecker loves so much if he had to take a mug shot?
Hi Lunchbox, call me crazy but I now think #18 could happen and I must change my avatar accordingly soon.
Is Raven on or off the wagon right now?
What would you rate tonight's Smackdown on 10?
What would you rate tonight's Smackdown on 10?
Guys, instead of watching Smackdown, you should be watching Steiner's twitter blowing up over the last hour.!/scottsteiner
I say hot damn. Steiner is writing a book on twitter.....and talk about salty.
GQ had an article about Ring Cock King? Was it GQ India?
Dirt sheets can call me small, skinny, beat up, road-tired, fat, ugly, no friends etc...everyone else calls me champ. Everyone.
What smarky dirt sheet is he reading? WrassleGAF? HHH Texts?
He's drunk.
What smarky dirt sheet is he reading? WrassleGAF? HHH Texts?
NoRéN;36834708 said:Good end to the show. Stupid yes chants were minimal. Hopefully that's dying already.