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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


So not worth it
So with the Bella's leaving at the end of this month....

Does that mean we'll end up with even more of Alicia Fox on TV starting May?


Wow people are saying the Attitude Era is on TNA levels and defending the current product?

Welp, I'm out.

Well yeah Attitude era was kinda shit. I dunno I would rather have a three minute match with an ending than a 30 minute match with run in finisher every single week. Yep that sounds like TNA to me.


So not worth it
JoMo apparently won't high five Trish Stratus, but has no problem doing the job to Jessica Alba.


I wonder how Melina feels about this.

So are you excited or not excited about that possibility?

I figure this is a rhetorical question.


He reminds me more Rick Martel than JBL. Only the car thing is similar to Bradshaw. The arrogance and Ricardo's charm bring out the character more. The destiny stuff should be washed away. Vince and Co already ruined that.

Watching the week in FCW, JR/Regal on commentary, plus Cesaro and Steamboat working 20 minutes. Pretty good, I say.

It's sad. Jim and William call the moves, talk history on the moves themselves, and the wrestlers. But then you listen to 3 minutes of a RAW and you get a bunch of Twitter news, weekly reminders how WWE gets more viewers or Facebook fans than x company, etc. Such garbage.


So not worth it
He reminds me more Rick Martel than JBL. Only the car thing is similar to Bradshaw. The arrogance and Ricardo's charm bring out the character more. The destiny stuff should be washed away. Vince and Co already ruined that.

Watching the week in FCW, JR/Regal on commentary, plus Cesaro and Steamboat working 20 minutes. Pretty good, I say.

It's sad. Jim and William call the moves, talk history on the moves themselves, and the wrestlers. But then you listen to 3 minutes of a RAW and you get a bunch of Twitter news, weekly reminders how WWE gets more viewers or Facebook fans than x company, etc. Such garbage.

Everyone knows Facebook likes == ratings.


I give this week SD:


1 out of 3 Vinces.

+Some said the show was about Sheamus, I think the main focus is still Bryan, and the AJ/Bryan story is far from over, as many people were spurting out last week. They're not building a face here, people, they're building up a heel.
+Kane being a sucker for family reunions was the other highlight of the night.

-Disappointed about Ambrose not debuting last night.
-Everything else, just the usual shtick by Vince.

Wondering about next week's SD, since it's from London, Vince might still have his hand on it, so not waiting for an improvement until 2 weeks time.


NFL NETWORK-There aren't many differences between Cena and Tebow

-this is actually pretty good / humorous

Most prized individual title: Cena:9 time WWE CHAMPION, Tebow: Heisman Trophy winner. "Advantage-Cena. One's a fake, made-up title nobody takes seriously. The other is the WWE title."

"Refuses to turn heel: Cena: Yes Tebow: Yes "Both handle their haters the same way, with a smile -- which makes them more hated"

there is also a shoutout to your man.. Daniel Bryan!


more from Foley ..

"I believe I do have one more big bump left in me - delivered on my terms, with a @WWE Superstar who respects what I've done"

"My final bump came to me as a vision. I know exactly what I want to do, where I want to do it, and who I want to do it with."
Having just came through 1994-2000 over the last year or so of rewatching wrestling, I think the only major change is the amount of face time the 'supporting' characters received has decreased.

No-one gets that 30 seconds of screen time to get their character over anymore. I don't think it helps that the 3 shows are no longer linked together and are seemingly seperate entities. Back in the 'Attitude Era' (if you like) all the WWF shows (Raw, Shotgun, Heat/Raw, Heat/Raw, Smackdown, Heat) linked into each other somewhat, and recapped briefly so right there you had 10 hours or so a week to get a host of characters across on the screen.

Now you have each show as its own thing, with a few select wrestlers appearing on Raw and Smackdown (and seemingly no-one from Superstars or NXT appearing anywhere near Raw or Smackdown). People had a natural progression and decline about their time on the programs, no one was 'THE MAIN GUY' for 6-12 months straight.

Bret Hart was for a little while.
HBK was for a little while.
Undertaker was for a little while.
Then HBK again.
Then Austin.
Then Vince McMahon & The Undertaker.
Then Austin again.
Then the Rock.
Then Mankind.
Then the Rock again.

It kept people interested and engaged. I suppose it helps that they were all fighting for 1 title (even then the title was a by-story to the main story). Even when a new guy came into the main title picture, he had a bit of history as he had been feuding in the IC scene previously (Rock v Austin for IC title a year or 2 before their feud for the HW Title. HHH v Mankind likewise)
On top of that you had a bit of variety to your programs.
Tag team matches.
Single matches.
30 second 1 person promos.
Huge dramas.
Hardcore matches.

Even then I'm not sure there was much more wrestling back then as there currently is now.

I wouldn't say the storylines were better, or the wrestling was even better. The crowds were better though. They made everything seem important and amazing. Drunken students will want to enjoy and have a good time. I guess it also helped that they actually built up stories leading into the PPVs.


more money than God
The WWE just has too much to promote nowadays. The vast majority of RAW is now just a giant commercial for movies, merchandise, plugs from sponsors, guest hosts. They also always seem to waste the last 30 minutes before the main event with recaps and videos. Mick Foley once said during one of those Legend roundtables that when they were competing with WCW, Vince was obsessed with always having action going on. You couldn't go more than 30 seconds without something engaging, because they were afraid people would switch to WCW.

He said that he noticed that the WWE has no real problem wasting time anymore. It's a byproduct of lack of competition. Truthfully, however, they have more competition than ever, but refuse to acknowledge it.
Yeah, I'd agree with that. The 30 seconds for someone to get their character over has been replaced with 'Guest Host' spots and trying to sell me a Rey Mysterio Supersoak that doesn't come with a Rey Mysterio.


The wrestlers were better, so more often the characters, stories, and matches were better. At least in the 1997-2001 time. Vince had some wacky guys in the 1994-1995 time. Even so, in that time your top guys were generally Shawn, Bret, Razor, Taker, Diesel, Bulldog, and a decent tag division (Owen was the most popular guy from that).
The wrestlers were better, so more often the characters, stories, and matches were better. At least in the 1997-2001 time. Vince had some wacky guys in the 1994-1995 time. Even so, in that time your top guys were generally Shawn, Bret, Razor, Taker, Diesel, Bulldog, and a decent tag division (Owen was the most popular guy from that).

We have good wrestlers now, but they're not allowed to do anything, which I guess is another issue. Everyone has the same move set, and in some cases the same finisher. Put that alongside everyone being the same toned down midddle of the road characters. Its rather boring and nobody really stands out.

Which is why Lesnar's return actually surprised me as he came back and had so much energy and conviction in his attacks. Really was a holy shit he means business moment. I bought into the whole thing. That's all I want. I want to be tricked and fooled and allowed to suspend me belief while I watch these guys fight. I know its not real. Just help me switch off and enjoy it - don't remind me its a TV show and these guys are just actors/characters.
The WWE just has too much to promote nowadays. The vast majority of RAW is now just a giant commercial for movies, merchandise, plugs from sponsors, guest hosts. They also always seem to waste the last 30 minutes before the main event with recaps and videos. Mick Foley once said during one of those Legend roundtables that when they were competing with WCW, Vince was obsessed with always having action going on. You couldn't go more than 30 seconds without something engaging, because they were afraid people would switch to WCW.

He said that he noticed that the WWE has no real problem wasting time anymore. It's a byproduct of lack of competition. Truthfully, however, they have more competition than ever, but refuse to acknowledge it.

and apparently Smackdown is mostly used to recap what happened on Raw, which was already recapped on Raw immediately after whatever happened, later in the hour, and again a couple of more times in the 2nd hour. Then Big Show comes out and recaps what he did the week before recapping the week before that.


So not worth it
and apparently Smackdown is mostly used to recap what happened on Raw, which was already recapped on Raw immediately after whatever happened, later in the hour, and again a couple of more times in the 2nd hour. Then Big Show comes out and recaps what he did the week before recapping the week before that.

This separate brand thing.

If I don't like Smackdown I'm not going to watch it. There's no reason to watch it. Nothing from Raw carries over onto it. Very rarely anything that happens on Smackdown crosses over onto Raw. If it does I get a recap anyway.

Do they still do that WWE Vault Classic match that takes up about 15 minutes of screen time on Smackdown?

No one recaps Superstars or NXT. They may as well not exist as shows.


You rather watch John Cena, Triple H, and Randy Orton? Even so, the rest of them clearly overshadow the current product.

Agree with you Chris. Yeah, there's really talent everywhere. The better ones are the guys getting 18-second, or the 3 minute matches, not the ones who put people to sleep like headlock Orton.


NFL NETWORK-There aren't many differences between Cena and Tebow

-this is actually pretty good / humorous

Most prized individual title: Cena:9 time WWE CHAMPION, Tebow: Heisman Trophy winner. "Advantage-Cena. One's a fake, made-up title nobody takes seriously. The other is the WWE title."

Heh, that was pretty good. I lol'd at the Heisman Trophy jab.

JoMo apparently won't high five Trish Stratus, but has no problem doing the job to Jessica Alba.


I wonder how Melina feels about this.

When did this happen?


You rather watch John Cena, Triple H, and Randy Orton? Even so, the rest of them clearly overshadow the current product.

Agree with you Chris. Yeah, there's really talent everywhere. The better ones are the guys getting 18-second, or the 3 minute matches, not the ones who put people to sleep like headlock Orton.

Over fucking Diesel?.. YES..I mean really?

Oh wait you included Triple H in there, well that shouldn't even be a question.

HHH>This Business


So not worth it
When did this happen?

Apparently they're taping some kind of commercial.

- Actress Jessica Alba stepped into the wrestling ring Monday to film a YouTube commercial in Los Angeles, California. Her opponent was former WWE Superstar John Morrison. The official website of Us Weekly has published a photo of Alba applying a headlock on Morrison.


Over fucking Diesel?.. YES..I mean really?

Oh wait you included Triple H in there, well that shouldn't even be a question.

HHH>This Business
I can accept that, you rather watch them. Me personally, I rather watch paint dry, or watch some pigs breeding. It would be more entertaining.


So not worth it
Say what you will about Trips' backstage politics, the guy was an amazing heel and he still knows how to make a match flow.

Same goes for Orton, might be a dick backstage and sucks as a babyface, but the important matches he's in are always enjoyable. I mean, just look at last years run with Christian, those PPV matches frigging rocked.


Well lets see. Trips is still around putting on decent matches. Randy is still young could get even better (hopefully). Cena has been at it a decade without any problems. You can count on him.

Nash is fucking worthless. Scott Hall is due for an early grave. Davey Boy is already in it unfortunately.

Undertaker/Shawn ..hey they are still around in some capacity. We never really lost them and both carry a lot of respect.

Bret? Well his comeback sucked. It's too bad really. I still need to finish his book, but man did Shawn definitively come out on top on that one.
What a shame.


Dude is 65 and had a stroke, can't really expect him to be the same guy as he was in the early 90's.

I'm not trying to discredit him. There is stuff that happened out of his control. But I don't think it's right to just out right crap on the current roster. History will tell, but a lot of them seem to be doing just fine.

Plus just to add people were here were fucking laughing their asses off when Bret fell down and tripped on that box in his recent return (or something like that..maybe the box fell on him)
I actually felt bad for the guy.


So not worth it

The only problem with the current roster is the booking. Simple as that. The mid-card is underutilized and the best of them never get their final push to the main event. New wrestlers get debuted without purpose and end up in the midcard or off the show alltogether. Whenever the crowd gets behind a guy that person gets buried quickly to not take focus of the current main guys (Hello Ryder) and lets not even begin to speak of how the women wrestlers are handled. Beth doesn't get featured at all and she's the champion. AJ wrestled two matches since last November and those were plot devices for Bryan's character, Natalya got a farting gimmick (that luckily went away quickly) and fucking Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox get more on-screen wrestling time then any of the women that actually know how to wrestle.

It's really not the wrestlers fault. It's all creative and Talent Relations that's a fault here.

Bring back J.R. as Talent Relations guy. Fire the soap-opera rejects and get some real old-school bookers in the mix.

Oh, and while we're at it, bring back Fink. Fire Cole and replace King with Regal/J.R.
Thing is. Most people on the internet love to complain about the state of wrestling. Its their own form of entertainment. It'd be interesting to see how many of them read Meltzer style updates and blogs.
I'm reading through a chronological list of CZW fuck-ups from another board, shit's pretty amazing - here's just some of the highlights from this truly prestigious promotion's storied history;

December 15, 2001 - Cage of Death 3

-Doors are still closed HOURS after bell time, leaving a thousand plus fans outside in the freezing cold. People are angry and the gate is nearly broken down. No one comes outside to try to calm down the crowd.
-The Dub proceeds to put on 11 matches with 34 workers, refusing to cut the unnecessary parts of the show and causing all the fans to be there until 2 a.m.
-After the show John Zandig, angered at a highly intoxicated Sandman, gets into a verbal argument with Tod Gordon who, in the weeks leading up to the show, assured Zandig that Sandman would be straight. He was not.
-Justice Pain, upset by the Sandman ruining his big moment, nearly destroys the CZW Heavyweight Title after throwing it across the locker room.

January 12, 2002 - Answering the Challenge

-Bruno Sammartino was advertised to appear as a special guest at ringside and periodic in ring updates were made, unfortunately the final update announced that he had gotten lost on his way to the arena.
-To this day Bruno never managed to find his way to the arena.

June 14, 2003 - Truth or Consequences

-A near riot occurred when IWA-MS wrestlers, Ian Rotten, Corporal Robinson and JC Bailey entered the ring. This resulted initially in trash bring thrown, which quickly progressed into steel chairs being used as projectiles. Luckily, one managed to hit Frank Talent in the head. Unluckily, he was not injured in the accident.
-After the riot, one of the police officers that took part in the riot angle got on the mic to announce that the police were looking for a fan who had a warrant for failing to make child support payments.

March 6, 2004 - Overdrive

-Zandig suffers concussion at the hands of Messiah after smashing his head on the ground when Messiah missed the table during a Sunset Flip-bomb from the apron to the outside. Teddy Hart (who had wrestled a spotfest with Petey Williams and Jack Evans earlier in the night) confronted Zandig post-match and proceeded to get the shit kicked out of him by a very loopy Zandig - the worst being giant gashes in the back of his head from a very awkward powerbomb through a board of nail strips.
-Zandig was later yelled at by Teddy Hart's mother for slamming him onto the board of carpet strips.

July 10, 2004 - Best of the Best 4

-During the show, a fan would venture outside to urinate in the CZW Arena parking lot, exposing his penis to a young girl who was attending a nearby block party. He would go on to tell her that his penis "tastes like candy". This would lead to lots of confusion later on as several people thought a wrestler competing on the event was the one who had exposed himself to the little girl. Some reports indicate that several people thought Zandig was the one who showed his penis when it turned out to be a big, creepy slob who was a fan that was a regular at shows. After Sonjay Dutt won the tournament, a commotion could be briefly seen on the DVD release where the fan in question was being arrested. Jack Evans and Wifebeater were also involved in an altercation with several people as a result of the confusion caused by people who thought Zandig flashed his penis to the little girl.
-The opening round match (and biggest draws of the show) of Homicide vs Teddy Hart vs Trent Acid never took place. The week prior, Teddy Hart was, for some reason, wearing his wrestling attire out at a local bar. Upon seeing him in his "flashy attire", several woman approached Hart and started up a conversation, buying Teddy drinks. Unbeknownst to Hart, these women's boyfriends were nearby, witnessing the whole situation go down, and proceeded to take Teddy out back, and beat the hell out of him, ripping his gear in the process. This is all true, according to Teddy himself, (or at least that's what he told several people) and sent Jack Evans in his place.
-Trent Acid also no-showed the tournament, for no apparent reason at all. Upon Zandig making the annoucement that "Trent's not here, we tried calling him , went to his house, we tried calling his girlfriend he's not here" (and replacing him with Chris Cash) many fans in attendence began chanting " HE O.D.'d HE O.D.'d HE O.D.'d"

December 11, 2004 - Cage of Death 6

-Mid-match a brawl between Sonjay Dutt and M-Dogg 20 spills over into the public restroom. M-Dogg throws Sonjay into a stall occupied by a fan, who shouts "HEY, you hit my fucking nuts."

June 11, 2005 - CZW/IWA Double Header

-In between IWA-MS' "Something to Prove" and CZW's "Violent By Design," Pennsylvania state athletic commissioner Frank Talent's car was run into outside of the building, to which the line waiting for the doors to open responded to with chants of "OHMAHGAWD" and "You fucked up." After getting more heat than most matches in CZW, the woman driving the car decided to drive off without leaving her information, after numerous, random people in the line said it'd be totally cool.

July 9, 2005 - High Stakes 3

-After a brutally awesome Fans Bring the Weapons match featuring Justice Pain & Nick Gage vs Necro Butcher and Toby Klein, the lights were set to go out setting the return of Nate Hatred. Well, the lights all went off, except for 1, which lit the entire ring fine by itself, while the crowd heard grumblings from the eagles nest "How the fuck do we turn that light off?" 30 seconds go by, the lights come back on, and Nate Hatred's music plays acting as nothing happened prior.

July 30, 2005 - Tournament Of Death 4

-In the tournament finals, Nick Gage suplexed John Zandig onto a bed of flaming glass propped between the guard rail and ring apron. Zandig sandbagged the suplex which caused Gage to slowly descend into the fire instead of smashing through it. Like a real genius, Nick Gage stayed put long enough for the fire to catch his t shirt, and the rest is history. History that smells like burning human flesh.
-As this was the 10 year anniversary of the IWA KOTDM 1995, CZW chose to bring in the referee for the famous 1995 NRBW Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk match, Gypsy Joe, to referee the finals of the tournament. Wearing an intelligently chosen wardrobe of yellow speedos and a ref shirt, Joe would proceed to wander the ring in a confused state for the entire match. Clearly having no comprehension of the finish, Zandig had to repeatedly remind Joe to not count to 3. This failed miserably, and Joe counted to 3 multiple times throughout the contest.
-Post-show, Gypsy Joe would be seen wandering the venue with no pants on and his testicles exposed.

November 12, 2005 - Night of Infamy 4

-The main event Tai Pai match had to be changed to have JC Bailey replace Justice Pain because nobody bothered to ask Pain if he was willing to work a Tai Pai match. To cover this a friend of Pain's was planted in the crowd and "attacked" Pain leading to Justice hitting him and being pulled out of the match.

December 10, 2005 - Cage Of Death 7

-During a ten bell salute to the recently departed Eddie Guerrero, a drunken fan yells out "FUCK THAT" in the middle of the tribute, angering the fans in attendance and wrestlers in the ring. After that, CZW boss John Zandig gets on the mic and has the fan thrown out of the building.
-After the show Messiah had to force Super Dragon to go check on a concussed Ruckus, who had just been nice enough to drop the CZW Heavyweight Title to him.

May 13, 2006 - Best of the Best 6

-This was deemed as a CZW vs. ROH tournament, as the famous war between the 2 promotions was occuring at the time. Both companies had shows booked for the 13th of May, with CZW taking the afternoon slot in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and ROH taking the night cap in Edison New Jersey. CZW assured its skeptical fans for weeks prior that there would be adequete time to travel to ROH in New Jersey and that the show would not run long. CZW then put on one of the worst tournaments in wrestling history, as well as numerous non tournament bouts just to screw over ROH and, unintentionally, the very fans who came to support CZW that day. ---After a while, many fans decided to leave before the show was over, and headed to Ring of Honor. At the Ring of Honor show that night, a CZW staff member was quoted as saying "what does it matter, they'll keep coming back every month".

October 15, 2006 - Fear

-Held in a field that was hosting a small fair at the same time.
-Sabian loses to a table.


I like Joe Hennig. I really do. He needs to embrace his lineage. Repackage him as the "Son of Perfection" or something like that. He'll need to add a few more pounds of muscle and drop the love handles ..


This separate brand thing.

If I don't like Smackdown I'm not going to watch it. There's no reason to watch it. Nothing from Raw carries over onto it. Very rarely anything that happens on Smackdown crosses over onto Raw. If it does I get a recap anyway.

I don't like the brand division anymore since they stopped separating RAW from SD and now it's just all WWE main stars on mondays and the main tier-B stars on fridays.

However since the brand division was applied, I always preferred SD over Raw, it usually has the better matches (2012 hasn't quite been like that, but up to last year it was), and less shit going around, bar the live Vince-shitfests. Most of the time it has had my favourite stars on it: Edge, Taker, Lesnar, JBL, ******, Batista, Punk, Christian and now Bryan.

Continuity within the shows would be a better thing now that they're lacking talent to keep both shows running on their own, but SD has been by far the best WWE TV show of the last 10 years.

Oh and last but no least, no Cena on my SD (besides recaps).


Thing is. Most people on the internet love to complain about the state of wrestling. Its their own form of entertainment. It'd be interesting to see how many of them read Meltzer style updates and blogs.

Man I don't read any of that shit. I like to form my own opinion. I did however liked that site I Want Wrestling because it interviewed a lot of former creative people and was interested in how the process works. Sure, I like the news too.

But I don't care about people telling me what I should like and shouldn't like. I feel people take that shit for gospel.

There are sometimes I watch the show without being here and the reactions are completely the opposite of mine. I think anyone here should be honest about what they like and don't like, and no one should give them too much shit about.
I don't like the brand division anymore since they stopped separating RAW from SD and now it's just all WWE main stars on mondays and the main tier-B stars on fridays.

However since the brand division was applied, I always preferred SD over Raw, it usually has the better matches (2012 hasn't quite been like that, but up to last year it was), and less shit going around, bar the live Vince-shitfests. Most of the time it has had my favourite stars on it: Edge, Taker, Lesnar, JBL, ******, Batista, Punk, Christian and now Bryan.

Continuity within the shows would be a better thing now that they're lacking talent to keep both shows running on their own, but SD has been by far the best WWE TV show of the last 10 years.

Oh and last but no least, no Cena on my SD (besides recaps).

My opinion is kind of unbalanced as I missed Smackdown at its peak 2003-2007 of the brand split, as I had just stopped watching WWE altogether. Currently I feel like I'm not missing anything by not watching Smackdown. I feel like I might miss something by not watching Raw.

Man I don't read any of that shit. I like to form my own opinion. I did however like that site I Want Wrestling because it interviewed a lot of former creative people and was interested in how the process works. Sure, I like the news too.

But I don't care about people telling me what I should like and shouldn't like. I feel people take that shit for gospel.

I'm the same. Much prefer to just watch it and talk to other people about it. Have no time for 'INSIDER KNOWLEDGE' telling me what is going to happen, what could have happened and what should have happened. Just have the impression that those who do live by the word of Meltzer style illiteracy tend to be the ones that dislike the current state of wrestling the most (as if mirroring what they're reading).
CZW is so god damn stupid.

Also with the Bella's leaving would that mean that 2 other people might have there jobs saved?

I am sure WWE would have kept the twins around longer as long as they kept doing whatever it was they where doing that kept them in a job the last few years.

Maybe JTG will somehow continue working for them now.


Wouldn't even need to have the draft, either, since Smackdown guys are always on Raw. What, send Kofi to Smackdown? No reason, just magically have him appear. The brand split hasn't been what it should be for several years.

funky, we'll probably see Maxine come up.


So not worth it
All I know is that Awesome Kong should return for the Bella's final show and KAYFABE KILL THEM for making fun of her when she left for her pregnancy. Damn, that was in poor taste, esp. considering how the pregnancy ended.
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