Wait what? I thought everyone loved those.
Wait what? I thought everyone loved those.
Well at least Raw can't be much worse than that. Shame about the lack of Lesnar, but the crowd will be hot, and are sure to give Cena a hard time. I'm on the same side as the cameras. Is it worth me taking signs?
It will to me! I'll be posting live notes to accompany your edited version for extra realism.If it's a taped show the hot crowd won't matter, unfortunately.
It will to me! I'll be posting live notes to accompany your edited version for extra realism.
This is so damn sad.You could just laugh at
with me, Net_Wrecker.
Soooo.. i've been a lurker for a long time but i love the wrasslegaf threads. I'd love to start participating in the community since i love following along and all, but this weekend i got bored and drunk and started a random yes chant at a party haha check it out... [u.rl]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urzET0rT3yM&context=C4f896ffADvjVQa1PpcFMIPVDwdqNCunAVgNb51lKW6jYC7Wvqnyg=[/url]
Impact has actually been a decent show. The only problem is they've ruined the roster where I can't care about anything going on. That and Garrett Bischoff. It's always more entertaining than Smackdown atleast.
As I predicted, Smackdown is a realm of nothingness where all actions are completely inconsequential.
This also sums up the progression
I want to see a throwback show to the Attitude era.
Then you remember how terrible it actually was - the Godfather, Bret Hart leaving, Truth Commission, etc. Nostalgia is a cruel mistress.
if it was terrible, it's beyond my comprehension how to describe where we are now
Smackdown should be having guys like Rhodes climbing that ME ladder, too, and look where they jammed him. Then look on RAW, what the hell have they been doing to Dolph Ziggler? They care more about Brodus Clay, Big Show, and Santino. Worse than TNA in many levels.Save us Wade Barrett.
They need to bring up lots of guys, and drop the constant squash matches, joke characters, and actually try to string together a competent mid-card and tag division.Just bring Chris Hero up to the main roster already.
I take back anything positive I ever said about Brodus Clay
Linkified said:TNA is what the attitude era was in modern standards - it was shit we are better off Vince saved us, from false finishers and screwjobs within screwjobs.
Yeah, thanks for saving us, Vince. Now we have;
. Orton vs Henry, goes 5 minutes before being interrupted by a Kane promo on the big-screen.
. Ryback - with his addition, there are now 3 debuting characters doing nothing but squash matches.
. Usos vs Kidd/Slater goes less than 3 minutes, with interference from Mick Foley.
. Mixed tag match goes under a minute long.
. Hunico/Camacho beat up by two 60-year old men.
. Main event, featuring a 70 year old backstage interviewer, goes three and a half minutes.
Not even a quarter-hours worth of wrestling in a two hour show. Whatever the Attitude Era was, it wasn't that.
Smackdown should be having guys like Rhodes climbing that ME ladder, too, and look where they jammed him. Then look on RAW, what the hell have they been doing to Dolph Ziggler? They care more about Brodus Clay, Big Show, and Santino. Worse than TNA in many levels.
I guess the only news coming out of Smackdown is a two out of three falls match with D Bry getting his rematch. He's not going to win but it should be a good match. Hopefully D Bry comes out of it stronger and a threat to Sheamus.
It's not his fault, but the gimmick and his lack of losing is really terrible.I take back anything positive I ever said about Brodus Clay
Speaking of AJ, a few days ago I made the mistake of via via ending up on AJ's twitter feed, trying to avoid Twitter as much as I can but what the hell.
I found out tons of people on Twitter are actually replying to AJ's messages with "advice" on how she should dump/get over Bryan and how she's worth more then that blabla.
Seriously, it amazed me how many people actually act like IT'S STILL REAL TO THEM DAMNIT!
How? Surely with the product the way it is and numerous breaking of the 4th wall over the past years even those last few figured out this shit is staged.
I should just not go on Twitter, nothing good can come of it.
It's not his fault, but the gimmick and his lack of losing is really terrible.
How can I love a man who yields to authority so easily? in the first segment Mr Excitement has Sheamus apologising after he already apologised, we are far removed from the days of Stone Cold who would do the complete opposite in the same position and be loved for it.
Woah, I want to get behind this guy! he APOLOGISES! What a stand up guy, he's like smirking John Cena and his charitable escapades!
Wait what? I thought everyone loved those.(in reference to yes chants)
Lets hope his title shot is never. Aside from the fact that Del Rio's character is just a terrible rehash of two already terribly lazy rich boy/evil non-US person, why does he get a title shot over people that have actually been wrestling over the past few months?
At least spend some time building the guy as a legitimate contender before you make him #1 contendor.
Ah, who am I kidding, this championship which was build up so well after WM28 with only a few but very legitimate champions did change hands in 18 seconds. I think the replica belt is worth more as far as status goes atm.
But at least generic big ginger guy looks good when the kids cheer him (and the rest of the crowd chant for Bryan).
Can you believe not everyone agrees on the same thing? It's true. Like for example can you believe not everyone likes Triple H? Absurd right! Well what can you do.
To be fair, they can disagree but the people who don't like the yes chants are completely and utterly wrong.
To be fair, they can disagree but the people who don't like the yes chants are completely and utterly wrong.