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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


I'm the same. Much prefer to just watch it and talk to other people about it. Have no time for 'INSIDER KNOWLEDGE' telling me what is going to happen, what could have happened and what should have happened. Just have the impression that those who do live by the word of Meltzer style illiteracy tend to be the ones that dislike the current state of wrestling the most (as if mirroring what they're reading).

I had some guy that would lend me the print version after he would be done with it. Man I just couldn't stand it. Shit is unreadable. It basically wants to convert me into a miserable viewer. No thanks.


All I know is that Awesome Kong should return for the Bella's final show and KAYFABE KILL THEM for making fun of her when she left for her pregnancy. Damn, that was in poor taste, esp. considering how the pregnancy ended.

If you're going to run a dead baby storyline you might as well bring back Lita and Snitsky.


I'm reading through a chronological list of CZW fuck-ups from another board, shit's pretty amazing - here's just some of the highlights from this truly prestigious promotion's storied history;

And you guys thought that TNA was the company that refused to die.


So not worth it
If you're going to run a dead baby storyline you might as well bring back Lita and Snitsky.

Mae Young was there last night, and Mark Henry hasn't had anything solid to do other then be a plotdevice for Y2J/Punk... I see options here.


After this trailer was posted advertising Vince Russo's Youshoot Live iPPV on June 1st insinuating that Jim Cornette would be involved, Cornette had this to say:

"It has come to my attention that I was referred to in a "trailer" for Vince Russo's latest attempt to rape the wrestling business, a "You Shoot" video and IPPV with Kayfabe Commentaries to take place in June. I was alluded to in such a way as to make prospective viewers/buyers believe I would be submitting questions or even appearing via video or in person.

Let me state this clearly. I have worked with KFC in the past, and have been treated well and enjoyed my experiences with them. However, this trailer was shot without my knowledge. I was contacted by KFC to participate in this project, and my response was, in no uncertain terms, that there has not been enough money printed yet for me to add an ounce of credibility or an iota of entertainment value to this blithering cretin's continued attempts to sh** on our profession. I further think that any promoter who books him, wrestling fans who spend money on anything he has something to do with or anyone else who enables him to continue to haunt our sport should be ashamed of themselves if they truly love wrestling.

So let me clarify this--if you are buying a ticket to see this, or the DVD or IPPV of this horsesh** expecting to see, hear or hear FROM me in any way, shape, or form, you will be disappointed and your money is being taken under false pretenses. I will have no involvement in this whatsoever. I am offended that my participation is being alluded to with the goal of putting even one more penny in this flaming a**hole's pocket, and I beg everyone who loves the sport of wrestling to boycott this and any future "appearance" of Vince Russo in connection with pro wrestling, so as not to encourage him to continue to offend all of us who would just like to see him crawl back under his rock so that the industry can try and heal itself from the wounds of his unfortunate involvement in it."

Jim Cornette

I wish I wasn't working that night so I could watch this live.
Shit, I just realised that today is the first anniversary of Larry Sweeney's death :(


12 Large, brother - still missed, still one of the absolute best guys on the mic I've ever seen. It's criminal he never made it to the big leagues, could've been the next Heenan.
I was watching WM22 the other day, and the main event was HHH versus Cena. JR talked about how it was old school versus new school, and it pretty much was. All the people who normally hated and derided HHH for his influence over mcmahon were on his side because as much as they hated him, he at least represented how they thought wrestling should be. Cena really got laid into by the fans (there were "f-you cena" and "you can't wrestle" chants).

Six years later, Cena's pretty much the same guy with the same schtick except his promo's have gotten worse, and brock's come in to do what HHH was doing then.
That's how I feel. I liked it more when it was comical bad. Now it's just there :(
I actually loved Impact in the beginning of the Hogan era. With mr. Anderson/Angle fued, Ric Flair and AJ, Pope getting a push and awesome tag team wrestling.

Yeah it was much more entertaining then. Russo was putting on some creative stuff. Hogan and Bischoff have continued to make the product worse and worse over the last 2 years since coming in. Now it's all the bad finishes and frequent heel/face turns without the exciting storylines. Hopefully things get better after Lockdown, but I doubt it. The only wrestlers I care about now on the roster are Austin Aries, MCMG, and Samoa Joe.

Also in regards to Sheamus, why is it when you become a top face they they try to make him the funny cool smirking face like John Cena? He was fine being himself before. They did the same shit to CM Punk. It's horrible. They are doing everything in their power to try and get people to cheer him. Being supported by legends, hitting the ref to appear cool, knocking people out in seconds. He's flopping as champion.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I like Joe Hennig. I really do. He needs to embrace his lineage. Repackage him as the "Son of Perfection" or something like that. He'll need to add a few more pounds of muscle and drop the love handles ..

Dolph Ziggler is the new Mr. Perfect.
This separate brand thing.

If I don't like Smackdown I'm not going to watch it. There's no reason to watch it. Nothing from Raw carries over onto it. Very rarely anything that happens on Smackdown crosses over onto Raw. If it does I get a recap anyway.

Do they still do that WWE Vault Classic match that takes up about 15 minutes of screen time on Smackdown?

No one recaps Superstars or NXT. They may as well not exist as shows.

Oh yeah, there was a funny one before WM this year where it advertised the match as Undertaker vs Chavo Guerrero but it was in fact HHH vs CM Punk.

When they first started doing those a few years back we at least got ppv matches, now they just show random SD matches from the past 3 years.
Aww man. :(

He was awesome in CHIKARA and had just started to break into ROH before I stopped watching wrestling for a while.

Chikara held a half-year long tournament in his honour last year to crown their first Grand Champion. The whole thing is out on DVD and it's totes worth picking up.


Also in regards to Sheamus, why is it when you become a top face they they try to make him the funny cool smirking face like John Cena? He was fine being himself before. They did the same shit to CM Punk. It's horrible. They are doing everything in their power to try and get people to cheer him. Being supported by legends, hitting the ref to appear cool, knocking people out in seconds. He's flopping as champion.
They've always had hooks in place to get faces over with the fans. It just seems more blatant now that the booking itself has become so one-dimensional.

You have main event faces who cut Cena promos, jobber/tag team/high flyer faces who don't cut promos at all or are made out to be easily duped foils, monster heels who get fed jobbers/midcarders (and also don't cut promos) and cowardly heels who always lose, always run away, always cheat and hide behind valets, announcers and girlfriends. There are little if any variations to these archetypes so it all comes across as very transparent.

Unfortunately, the technique they employ for main event faces works on Jimmies and merchandise pushers but doesn't work on hardcore fans who read between the lines and feel their intelligence being insulted. It also doesn't help that these guys seldom lose and have artificially limited movesets.

Which is why last night's blatant "love Sheamus, damn it" pandering rubbed most people here the wrong way.

He is now Fluttersheamus and we're the woodland creatures who want nothing to do with him. (Oh yes, I went there.)
Chikara held a half-year long tournament in his honour last year to crown their first Grand Champion. The whole thing is out on DVD and it's totes worth picking up.

Oh crap, now you mention that I think I remember it being mentioned during High Noon. It went completely over my head. :\


Even brought mustache back with him

It's too bad NXT ruined debuts. With NXT, you have certain fans (umm smarks) that knew Skip Sheffield before the repackage. You knew Levi as Husky Harris. All it takes is about 25-30 smarks chanting Husky Harris .. clap clap clap clap .. Husky Harris ...

I like that the E does not deny past history with A-Train/Prince Albert.
I was watching WM22 the other day, and the main event was HHH versus Cena. JR talked about how it was old school versus new school, and it pretty much was. All the people who normally hated and derided HHH for his influence over mcmahon were on his side because as much as they hated him, he at least represented how they thought wrestling should be. Cena really got laid into by the fans (there were "f-you cena" and "you can't wrestle" chants).

Six years later, Cena's pretty much the same guy with the same schtick except his promo's have gotten worse, and brock's come in to do what HHH was doing then.

That's what has made me so sick to my stomach with that bastard!

The weird thing is I don't even find him amusing, or entertaining. He is the most vomit inducing wrestler who is considered top tier I have ever witnessed. I could take a 15 year Hogan face run before I could take a 12 months of Cena. I wish the WWE had a bounty system =)


Unconfirmed Member
It's too bad NXT ruined debuts. With NXT, you have certain fans (umm smarks) that knew Skip Sheffield before the repackage. You knew Levi as Husky Harris. All it takes is about 25-30 smarks chanting Husky Harris .. clap clap clap clap .. Husky Harris ...
Certain fans? Skip Sheffield had a match at Summerslam a year and a half ago!


Skip Sheffield is about as forgettable as Curtis Hawkins. He was a small cog in a large storyline disaster which was Nexus. How many average fans cared about Nexus?

I thought Nexus was pretty over. I would see lots of Nexus shirts. Then again everyone that bought them was probably a Cena hater. So not the average fan.
They've always had hooks in place to get faces over with the fans. It just seems more blatant now that the booking itself has become so one-dimensional.

You have main event faces who cut Cena promos, jobber/tag team/high flyer faces who don't cut promos at all or are made out to be easily duped foils, monster heels who get fed jobbers/midcarders (and also don't cut promos) and cowardly heels who always lose, always run away, always cheat and hide behind valets, announcers and girlfriends. There are little if any variations to these archetypes so it all comes across as very transparent.

Unfortunately, the technique they employ for main event faces works on Jimmies and merchandise pushers but doesn't work on hardcore fans who read between the lines and feel their intelligence being insulted. It also doesn't help that these guys seldom lose and have artificially limited movesets.

Which is why last night's blatant "love Sheamus, damn it" pandering rubbed most people here the wrong way.

He is now Fluttersheamus and we're the woodland creatures who want nothing to do with him. (Oh yes, I went there.)
It's pretty sad that the small list cast of character types there are pretty much correct, lets add that if certain character types become successful they get demoted, a great heel that reaches the main event and manages to get over with the crowd becomes a cookie cutter face, a monster heel that actually reaches the top slowly loses their dominating abilities, possibly with shades of cowardly heel.
And Sheamus shouldn't be compared to such
characters. Making Sheamus a nice guy just feels so wrong, he can't even pull off the jolly giant routine like Show, Henry and even Khali have done in the past, it just doesn't click, especially after years of being told about those MEAN STREETS of Ireland in which he toughed it out.

That's what has made me so sick to my stomach with that bastard!

The weird thing is I don't even find him amusing, or entertaining. He is the most vomit inducing wrestler who is considered top tier I have ever witnessed. I could take a 15 year Hogan face run before I could take a 12 months of Cena. I wish the WWE had a bounty system =)
HHH was ahead of the game, well he is THE game.


I thought Nexus was pretty over. I would see lots of Nexus shirts. Then again everyone that bought them was probably a Cena hater. So not the average fan.

They were certainly over but died over time. Too many members to care for all of them. The stalwart and main draw of Nexus was Barrett. Unfortunate for Skip that he broke his ankle when they were hot. Well, maybe fortunate for Skip because I think his repackage as Ryback might get him somewhere.
Cerebral Assassin bitches!
"looks to me like the game just got a whole lot more interesting"
*smug laughter*

Can't watch the vid, is that his awesome harley race homage?
It certainly is, in which case I guess Race was even further ahead of the game.

Del Rio should steal this idea next, he has vast wealth (in kayfabe), put a bounty on Sheamus and lets see them Irish bar room brawl skills put to good use, and the jobbers, they can be backstage fodder.
How do you think Lagana is doing? Haven't watched TNA at all this year ..

Things slowed down alot. It's become more of a PG product since Russo left, but the storylines they are working off of are the ones created last year. After Lockdown things are supposed to start fresh since they book storylines 6 months at a time. They are still doing questionable finishes, but the last ppv was much improved over the previous ones. Personally I enjoyed the product much more without Hogan and Bischoff.
It certainly is, in which case I guess Race was even further ahead of the game.

Del Rio should steal this idea next, he has vast wealth (in kayfabe), put a bounty on Sheamus and lets see them Irish bar room brawl skills put to good use, and the jobbers, they can be backstage fodder.

We do need more gauntlet matches
Boiler Room Brawl or chain match, Extreme Rules is coming up, shove Kane/Orton in one of these gimmicks.
Instead we'll get a pipe on a pole match.
Things slowed down alot. It's become more of a PG product since Russo left, but the storylines they are working off of are the ones created last year. After Lockdown things are supposed to start fresh since they book storylines 6 months at a time. They are still doing questionable finishes, but the last ppv was much improved over the previous ones. Personally I enjoyed the product much more without Hogan and Bischoff.

Hogan not being able to wrestle has really hurt. Hes not very engaging. Bischoff really seems like he doesn't enjoy being on TV anymore. Its weird to see Flair and Hogan who could be so engaging on the mic, totally lose their skills. I can't explain it, just doesn't seem like the same people.


Things slowed down alot. It's become more of a PG product since Russo left, but the storylines they are working off of are the ones created last year. After Lockdown things are supposed to start fresh since they book storylines 6 months at a time. They are still doing questionable finishes, but the last ppv was much improved over the previous ones. Personally I enjoyed the product much more without Hogan and Bischoff.

The big problem I have with TNA is Garrett Bischoff. I actually agree with Steiner .. the following are his latest tweets. The only monster they have in Abyss and this is what they do. Steiner laying down some "common sense" ..

Oh,yeah bcuz Garrett is 28 yrs has had less than 10 matches has great sideburns cant throw a clothline

And is the future of wrestling Fuck! But the guy they r burying the worst is abyss.fucking why!

They made him take off his mask cut his hair n walk around sayin he is abyss's brother

Which makes everybody look stupid,like we dont know what abyss looks like,what he never took off his mask

Why...abyss has bn there from the begining n is a nice guy...but they just fuck with everybody bcuz they r assholes
The big problem I have with TNA is Garrett Bischoff. I actually agree with Steiner .. the following are his latest tweets. The only monster they have in Abyss and this is what they do.

Oh,yeah bcuz Garrett is 28 yrs has had less than 10 matches has great sideburns cant throw a clothline

And is the future of wrestling Fuck! But the guy they r burying the worst is abyss.fucking why!

They made him take off his mask cut his hair n walk around sayin he is abyss's brother

Which makes everybody look stupid,like we dont know what abyss looks like,what he never took off his mask

Why...abyss has bn there from the begining n is a nice guy...but they just fuck with everybody bcuz they r assholes

Yeah, Garret Bischoff is garbage, has no talent, and is getting pushed because he is Eric's son. They are using Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan to get the guy over and still noone cares about him.
Yeah, Garret Bischoff is garbage, has no talent, and is getting pushed because he is Eric's son. They are using Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan to get the guy over and still noone cares about him.

No one ever will. A storyline using him as a ref would have been much more interesting.
Yeah, Garret Bischoff is garbage, has no talent, and is getting pushed because he is Eric's son. They are using Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan to get the guy over and still noone cares about him.

Sounds like the thing that King said allowed him to take over the Memphis territory, where the promoter relentlessly shoved his talentless son down peoples throats until it killed the towns.

Does dixy think eric farts rainbows or something? He killed wcw for heavens sake.


So not worth it
To be fair to Bischoff, he is still the reason WCW was as big as it was. WCW was killed by exec, they fired him, took over, inserted Russo, etc. Etc.

Bischoff was never Vince McMahon, but to blame him for WCW's downfall would be unfair.
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