We're supposed to hate Ryback right?
Legit question btw, I'm unclear what WWE's aim is with this angle.

We're supposed to hate Ryback right?
Legit question btw, I'm unclear what WWE's aim is with this angle.
Cameramen capture wrestlers rampaging backstage, attacking other wrestlers, staff, or anyone that happens to be around.
Except the Cameraman.
Remember when R-Truth first turned heel and he did these very funny promo's against Cena.
That was fun.
Two of my favorite moments in 2011.
All of you leaving WrassleGAF are no better than The Rock. You get big in this thread, and then your ego thinks you can venture off and do bigger things.
Yet they always come back and try to hog the spotlight from the members who, day in and day out, work hard to make WrassleGAF the place you see today. And those are the members I respect. The members who, no matter how shitty wrestling gets, will still post here and support one and another.
I love Tara so much. I wish we could be together. I would make her so happy. I would really try to make it work. I wouldn't be a push over, but I would spend my life trying to make her happy.
I have dreamt the undreamable. I have seen what can't be seen. As I close my eyes tonight I will see you in my dreams.
Good night Tara.
This shit makes no sense. They encourage it on one show and then stop it on the next, encourage it on the one after that, then stop it on the next. Like they are trying to fuck with the guy on purpose.
Well that just looks stupid. The audience is obviously going crazy for D.Bry. Why cut to the crowd shots of people chanting YES! if you're just gonna dub it out.
I can't wait until Chicago next Sunday.
*shakes DMczaf's hand*
Liquid if I ever see you talking about my wife Tara again ill mind crush you into Oblivion.
Long live the Card Clique, Roll Call! G-Fex the King of Clubs.
And yes were supposed to hate Ryback? But who loves Alex Riley? My guess is professor Beef.
You must be out of your damn mind, if you think that's true. Bryan will NEVER be the next SCSA.The fact that Vince may have accidentally turned Daniel Bryan into the next Stone Cold is damned hilarious.
You must be out of your damn mind, if you think that's true. Bryan will NEVER be the next SCSA.
You must be out of your damn mind, if you think that's true. Bryan will NEVER be the next SCSA.
DBryan won't even be the next Kane
Like Dream said, they like chanting "Yes!" Nothing more. Austin had mainstream appeal. Bryan doesn't.Will he reach that level in the end? Maybe not. But the crowd insisting on cheering SCSA regardless is exactly how that got started.
Wouldn't it be amazing if on the day Kane retires, he gives Bryan the mask, and all of a sudden, Bryan now has fire powers? I would love it. It may actually convince me to keep watching.DBryan won't even be the next Kane
Remember when R-Truth first turned heel and he did these very funny promo's against Cena.
That was fun.
Actor Sean Hayes who plays Larry in the new Three Stooges movie appeared on Conan this past week. During his appearance on the late night show, he talked about being on WWE RAW a few weeks ago in his Three Stooges character and said he was embarassed to be on RAW. He said he would never attend a WWE event.
Is it really any surprise though? These guys don't give a shit about being on Raw.
Will Sasso is actually a pretty big wrestling fan.
CM Punk on twitter
Holy crap, so the douche who's playing Larry in the stooges movie says he was embarrassed to be on raw? But he's in the stooges movie?!!??"
Took the words out of my mouth. I also find it hard to believe that the guy who, for eight years, played a gay stereotype to such extremes it would make the Queer As Folk cast blush has any dignity left.
I find it funny that people will attack HIM for those comments despite the WWE bringing it upon themselves. How he feels isn't rare, that's the mainstream perception of wrestling as portrayed by the WWE. It's a joke show. I've had enough discussions with people to understand that wrestling is placed in the same group of "garbage TV" as reality shows and Jerry Springer.
So yeah, when someone playing one of the 3 Stooges, in 2012, can say something like that (and absolutely no backlash will come of it), maybe Punk should be directing his feelings up the food the chain to make it better instead of talking about that clown on Twitter.
So are you leaving Wrassle gaf too? Are you embarrassed to be here?
Pfffffffft, no. If I cared what people thought I'd have stopped watching this stuff in like 2004.
I'm just sayin, let's keep some perspective. Wrestling ain't "cool" except for the 1 day of the year when casuals decide it is.